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Faraaz Sareshwala edited this page Mar 23, 2016 · 1 revision

This page provides information on how to use QFS with Apache Hadoop.

Obtaining the Hadoop QFS plugin

With QFS 1.0.1, we have simplified the integration of QFS with Apache Hadoop deployment. One only needs to copy the Hadoop QFS plugin jar and set the java library path in order to use QFS as the backing store for Hadoop.

You can obtain the Hadoop QFS plugin jar in one of two ways:

  • If there is a QFS binary tarball for your platform, then the tarball already has the jars and native libraries.

    Obtain the QFS tarball, say, $QFSTAR.tgz $ tar -xvzf $QFSTAR.tgz && cd $QFSTAR $ ls -1 lib/hadoop*.jar lib/hadoop-0.23.4-qfs-1.0.1.jar lib/hadoop-1.0.2-qfs-1.0.1.jar lib/hadoop-1.0.4-qfs-1.0.1.jar lib/hadoop-1.1.0-qfs-1.0.1.jar lib/hadoop-2.0.2-alpha-qfs-1.0.1.jar

  • If there is no pre-built tarball for your platform, you could obtain the QFS source and build the tarball yourself. As long as you have the pre-requisite packages in your system (see Developer Documentation all you need to do is to run make tarball from the QFS source directory, and this will produce the $QFSTAR.tgz in the build directory.

Using the Hadoop QFS plugin with your Hadoop deployment

When the Hadoop QFS jar is in your class path and the QFS native libraries are loadable, accessing QFS from Hadoop is as simple as,

$ bin/hadoop fs -Dfs.qfs.impl=com.quantcast.qfs.hadoop.QuantcastFileSystem \
                -Dfs.qfs.metaServerHost=localhost                          \
                -Dfs.qfs.metaServerPort=20000                              \
                -ls /

In the example above, the sample QFS metaserver (see Getting Started) listens on port 20000 on localhost.

  1. To add Hadoop QFS jar to your classpath, either copy the **hadoop-<xxx>-qfs-<yyy>.jar** to $HADOOP_HOME/lib/ or add the absolute path of the jar file to $HADOOP_HOME/conf/ as export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=</absolute/path/of/the.jar>.

  2. To make the QFS native libraries loadable, you could set JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH or java.library.path to ${QFSTAR}/lib/ (for Hadoop 1.x.x versions you may need to copy ${QFSTAR}/lib/libqfs_* to ${HADOOP_HOME}/lib/native/<your platform>/, and also, edit ${HADOOP_HOME}/conf/ file to add the line export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HADOOP_HOME}/lib/native/<your-platform>).

Once these are set, you could access QFS from Hadoop using qfs:// URIs by setting fs.qfs.impl to com.quantcast.qfs.hadoop.QuantcastFileSystem and (or fs.defaultFS, in newer Hadoop versions) to qfs://<qfs-meta-host>:<qfs-meta-port>, as shown in the example above.

Migrating HDFS Data to QFS

If you have existing data in HDFS that you want to copy to QFS in order to use QFS as your backing store, you could run a distributed copy provided by Apache Hadoop. In the following example, namehost:8020 is the host name and port number of the namenode of an HDFS instance and metahost:20000 is the corresponding location of a QFS metaserver.\

$ bin/hadoop distcp -Dfs.qfs.impl=com.quantcast.qfs.hadoop.QuantcastFileSystem \
                    -Dfs.qfs.metaServerHost=localhost                          \
                    -Dfs.qfs.metaServerPort=20000                              \
                    hdfs://localhost:8020/hdfs_dir/70MFile qfs://localhost:20000/qfs_dir/70Mcopy

Note that this is a map-reduce job, and therefore there should be job trackers and task trackers available to do the distibuted copy.

Submitting Jobs that use QFS

If you want to submit a job to Apache Hadoop that would use QFS, you could follow this example:

$ bin/hadoop jar hadoop-examples-1.0.3.jar randomwriter        \
    -Dfs.qfs.impl=com.quantcast.qfs.hadoop.QuantcastFileSystem \                     \
    -Dfs.qfs.metaServerHost=metahost                           \
    -Dfs.qfs.metaServerPort=20000                              \
