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Repository files navigation


Jampper is a simple and straightforward library for mapping RESTful APIs. As it internally uses jQuery's ajax module for performing the requests, almost evertything you can do with jQuery.ajax you can do with Jampper.



$ npm install jampper


$ bower install jampper

Building from source

Clone the repository and run :

$ npm install
$ npm run build


Regardless of the way you have chosen to install the lib, de dist directory will contain the compiled files.

If you have already loaded the jQuery in your page, you should use the jampper.jquery.js file:

<script src="path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/jampper/dist/jampper.jquery.js"></script>

Otherwise, the jampper.js file should be used :

<script src="path/to/jampper/dist/jampper.js"></script>


To create a Jampper object of a REST API, you will need to provide the API host and the resources object :

var api = new Jampper('', {
  users : null,
  search : {
    repositories : null
  repos : {
    commits : {
      sha : null
    contributors : null

Note: You can also map resources with file extensions (i.e. users.json). jampper will strip the extension and expose the resource method as users.

In order to perform a GET to the users/rafaeldias :

api.users('rafaeldias').read(function(res) {

The snippet above is equivalent to :


CRUD operations

In addition to the read method, there are three more methods that by default all resources will inherit in order to perform CRUD operations, each of these methods are mapped to an HTTP verb :

  • create([options[, callback]]) - POST /resource
  • update([options[, callback]]) - PUT /resource
  • delete([options[, callback]]) - DELETE /resource

You can add or overwrite methods mapped to HTTP verbs by calling the mapMethod method of the Jampper object:

  'update' : 'PATCH',
  'edit'   : 'PUT'

Now the next time we call the overwritten update method on a resouce, the HTTP verb PATCH will be used in the request, and the new edit method will send the PUT HTTP verb to the server.

Request options

Every CRUD method may receive an object of options as its first parameter. These options are the same as stated in the jQuery ajax documentation.


The arguments of the callback passed to any of the CRUD methods may be different depending on the status of the request.

  • In case of successful request, the arguments are:

    • data: The response from the server
    • textStatus: A string categorizing the status of the request (success, notmodified, error, ...)
    • jqXHR: A superset of the browser's native XMLHttpRequest object. For more information see jQuery's jqXHR section
  • In case of failed requests, the arguments are:

    • jqXHR: As described above.
    • textStatus: As described above.
    • errorThrown: An exception object. When an HTTP error occurs, errorThrown receives the textual portion of the HTTP status, such as "Not Found" or "Internal Server Error".

The done, fail and always methods are also exposed by jampper.

Global Setup

Jampper also exposes the .setup method, so it's possible to configure global ajax properties even if user is not using jQuery.


Jampper is released under the MIT license.