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Starter template for setting up a Phoenix project with Nix, multi env support using shdotenv, lint setup, github actions for test, lint, and deployment to

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Phoenix Nix Starter

The idea is to have a ready to go phoenix project setup with Nix, along with some extra bells and whistles (see Features).

The existing phoenix project is generated using mix with Phoenix 1.7.14, but it is easy (execute run delete.phx) to rip out all the phoenix related files and start from scratch with a new mix command as needed.


  • Nix setup (using flakes)
  • Postgres & pgadmin setup (via Docker Compose)
  • Credo and Dialyzer setup
  • Livebook attached to the Phoenix app
  • Multi env support (using shdotenv)
  • run commands for common workflows
  • Github Actions setup for
    • running build & tests in CI (with nix cache & postgres support)
    • running lint (credo) and dialyzer in CI
    • deploying to via gh actions or via terminal (currently setup to deploy on manual trigger)
  • VSCode Tasks for running tests.

Setting Up

  • Installing nix and direnv is required.
  • Clone this repo and cd into it.
  • Execute direnv allow in the terminal.
  • Execute help in the terminal to see the available commands.
  • Execute run deps in the terminal to install dependencies.
  • To customize this for your Phoenix project, you have two options:
    1. Rename and use the existing Phoenix project (Phoenix 1.7.2)
    2. Remove existing Phoenix project, and generate a new one

1. Rename and use the existing Phoenix project

  • Execute rename_phoenix_project MODULE=NewName APP=new_otp which will rename the phoenix project and OTP application to NewName and new_otp respectively.

2. Remove existing Phoenix project, and generate a new one

  • If you want to generate your own phoenix project instead of using the existing one, you can do so by executing run delete.phx in the terminal.
  • This will remove all the phoenix related files and directories, and you can generate your own phoenix project using mix
  • Note that this will also remove credo and dialyxir from deps. To add it back, just add the following in deps of mix.exs:
      # Linting
      {:credo, "~> 1.6", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false},
      {:dialyxir, "~> 1.0", only: [:dev], runtime: false}

List of available commands

Following info can also be found by executing help in the terminal

  • help Show help message with available commands
  • run [command] Run any command with dev env loaded
  • run deps Install dependencies
  • run server Run the server inside an IEx shell
  • run server.iex Run a remote IEx shell connected to the server. useful for debugging in IEX without logs getting in the way.
  • run livebook.setup Setup livebook
  • run livebook Run livebook
  • run compile Compile the project
  • run db Start postgres and pgadmin
  • run db.setup Setup local db
  • run db.migrate Migrate local db
  • run db.rollback Rollback local db
  • run db.create_migration <name> Create new migration script
  • run dev.reset Reset dev database
  • run test.reset Reset test database
  • run test Run tests
  • run Run test in watch mode
  • run test.cover Show test coverage
  • run format Format project files
  • run lint Lint project files
  • run delete.phx Remove all Phoenix framework related files
  • run clean Removes dependencies, build files, and ElixirLS files


  • run commands to be added
    • run deploy which will deploy to
    • document lint setup, and remaining run commands.
  • Setup for spawning an IEX shell on production server
  • Document env setup ( in dev environtment, .env.test in test environment, .local files to override them)

Deploying to fly

Option 1: via terminal

  • flake.nix has flyctl.
  • flyctl auth login
  • fly launch
  • fly secrets set / cat | fly secrets import
  • fly deploy

Option 2: via GH Actions

  • todo: add docs


Starter template for setting up a Phoenix project with Nix, multi env support using shdotenv, lint setup, github actions for test, lint, and deployment to



