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picocli 3.0.0

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@remkop remkop released this 01 May 00:45

Picocli 3.0.0

The picocli community is pleased to announce picocli 3.0.0.

This release offers a programmatic API for creating command line applications, in addition to the annotations API. The programmatic API allows applications to dynamically create command line options on the fly, and also makes it possible to create idiomatic domain-specific languages for processing command line arguments, using picocli, in other JVM languages. The picocli community is proud to announce that Apache Groovy's CliBuilder DSL for command line applications has been rewritten to use the picocli programmatic API, starting from Groovy 2.5.

Another new feature in this release are Mixins. Mixins allow reusing common options, parameters and command attributes in multiple applications without copy-and-paste duplication.

This release aims to reduce boilerplate code in user applications even further with the new mixinStandardHelpOptions command attribute. Picocli adds standard usageHelp and versionHelp options to commands with this attribute. Additionally picocli now offers a HelpCommand that can be installed as a subcommand on any application command to provide usage help for the parent command or sibling subcommands.

From this release, picocli is better at following unix conventions: by default it now prints to stdout when the user requested help, and prints to stderr when the input was invalid or an unexpected error occurred. This release also gives better control over the process exit code.

A new @Unmatched annotation allows applications to easily capture unmatched arguments (arguments that could not be matched with any of the registered options or positional parameters).

Usage help message improvements: the usage help message width is now configurable, and the message layout is improved to reduce horizontal padding. Furthermore, you can now specify for individual options or positional parameters whether their default value should be shown in the description or hidden.

Finally, this release adds several options to configure parser behaviour. Picocli can now be configured to function like Apache Commons CLI, to facilitate migration from Apache Commons CLI to picocli.

This is the twenty-ninth public release.
Picocli follows semantic versioning.

Table of Contents

New and Noteworthy

Programmatic API

This release offers a programmatic API for creating command line applications, in addition to the annotations API. The programmatic API allows applications to dynamically create command line options on the fly, and also makes it possible to create idiomatic domain-specific languages for processing command line arguments, using picocli, in other JVM languages. (Example: Groovy CliBuilder.)

If you have suggestions for improving the programmatic API, please raise a ticket on GitHub!


CommandSpec spec = CommandSpec.create();
spec.mixinStandardHelpOptions(true); // --help and --version options
spec.addOption(OptionSpec.builder("-c", "--count")
        .description("number of times to execute").build());
        .type(List.class).auxiliaryTypes(File.class) // List<File>
        .description("The files to process").build());

CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(spec);
try {
    // see also the CommandLine.parseWithHandler(s) convenience methods
    ParseResult pr = commandLine.parseArgs(args);
    if (CommandLine.printHelpIfRequested(pr)) {
    int count = pr.matchedOptionValue('c', 1);
    List<File> files = pr.matchedPositionalValue(0, Collections.<File>emptyList());
    for (File f : files) {
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            System.out.printf("%d: %s%n", i, f);
} catch (ParseException invalidInput) {


CommandSpec models a command. It is the programmatic variant of the @Command annotation. It has a name and a version, both of which may be empty. It also has a UsageMessageSpec to configure aspects of the usage help message and a ParserSpec that can be used to control the behaviour of the parser.

OptionSpec and PositionalParamSpec

OptionSpec models a named option, and PositionalParamSpec models one or more positional parameters. They are the programmatic variant of the @Option and @Parameters annotations, respectively.

An OptionSpec must have at least one name, which is used during parsing to match command line arguments. Other attributes can be left empty and picocli will give them a reasonable default value. This defaulting is why OptionSpec objects are created with a builder: this allows you to specify only some attributes and let picocli initialise the other attributes. For example, if only the option’s name is specified, picocli assumes the option takes no parameters (arity = 0), and is of type boolean. Another example, if arity is larger than 1, picocli sets the type to List and the auxiliary type to String.

PositionalParamSpec objects don’t have names, but have an index range instead. A single PositionalParamSpec object can capture multiple positional parameters. The default index range is set to 0..* (all indices). A command may have multiple PositionalParamSpec objects to capture positional parameters at different index ranges. This can be useful if positional parameters at different index ranges have different data types.

Similar to OptionSpec objects, Once a PositionalParamSpec is constructed, its configuration becomes immutable, but its value can still be modified. Usually the value is set during command line parsing when a non-option command line argument is encountered at a position in its index range.


A ParseResult class is now available that allows applications to inspect the result of parsing a sequence of command line arguments.

This class provides methods to query whether the command line arguments included certain options or position parameters, and what the value or values of these options and positional parameters was. Both the original command line argument String value as well as a strongly typed value can be obtained.

Mixins for Reuse

Mixins are a convenient alternative to subclassing: picocli annotations from any class can be added to ("mixed in" with) another command. This includes options, positional parameters, subcommands and command attributes. Picocli autoHelp internally uses a mixin.

A mixin is a separate class with options, positional parameters, subcommands and command attributes that can be reused in other commands. Mixins can be installed by calling the CommandLine.addMixin method with an object of this class, or annotating a field in your command with @Mixin. Here is an example mixin class:

public class ReusableOptions {

    @Option(names = { "-v", "--verbose" }, description = {
        "Specify multiple -v options to increase verbosity.", "For example, `-v -v -v` or `-vvv`" })
    protected boolean[] verbosity = new boolean[0];

Adding Mixins Programmatically

The below example shows how a mixin can be added programmatically with the CommandLine.addMixin method.

CommandLine commandLine = new CommandLine(new MyCommand());
commandline.addMixin("myMixin", new ReusableOptions());

@Mixin Annotation

A command can also include mixins by annotating fields with @Mixin. All picocli annotations found in the mixin class are added to the command that has a field annotated with @Mixin. For example:

@Command(name = "zip", description = "Example reuse with @Mixin annotation.")
public class MyCommand {

    // adds the options defined in ReusableOptions to this command
    private ReusableOptions myMixin;

Standard Help Options

This release introduces the mixinStandardHelpOptions command attribute. When this attribute is set to true, picocli adds a mixin to the command that adds usageHelp and versionHelp options to the command. For example:

@Command(mixinStandardHelpOptions = true, version = "auto help demo - picocli 3.0")
class AutoHelpDemo implements Runnable {

    @Option(names = "--option", description = "Some option.")
    String option;

    @Override public void run() { }

Commands with mixinStandardHelpOptions do not need to explicitly declare fields annotated with @Option(usageHelp = true) and @Option(versionHelp = true) any more. The usage help message for the above example looks like this:

Usage: <main class> [-hV] [--option=<option>]
      --option=<option>   Some option.
  -h, --help              Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version           Print version information and exit.

Help Command

From this release, picocli provides a help subcommand (picocli.CommandLine.HelpCommand) that can be installed as a subcommand on any application command to provide usage help for the parent command or sibling subcommands. For example:

@Command(subcommands = HelpCommand.class)
class AutoHelpDemo implements Runnable {

    @Option(names = "--option", description = "Some option.")
    String option;

    @Override public void run() { }
# print help for the `maincommand` command
maincommand help

# print help for the `subcommand` command
maincommand help subcommand

For applications that want to create a custom help command, this release also introduces a new interface picocli.CommandLine.IHelpCommandInitializable that provides custom help commands with the information they need: access to the parent command and sibling commands, whether to use Ansi colors or not, and the streams to print the usage help message to.

@Unmatched Annotation

Unmatched arguments are the command line arguments that could not be assigned to any of the defined options or positional parameters. From this release, fields annotated with @Unmatched will be populated with the unmatched arguments. The field must be of type String[] or List<String>.

If picocli finds a field annotated with @Unmatched, it automatically sets unmatchedArgumentsAllowed to true so no UnmatchedArgumentException is thrown when a command line argument cannot be assigned to an option or positional parameter.

Stdout or Stderr

From picocli v3.0, the run and call convenience methods follow unix conventions: print to stdout when the user requested help, and print to stderr when the input was invalid or an unexpected error occurred.

Custom handlers can extend AbstractHandler to facilitate following this convention. AbstractHandler also provides useOut and useErr methods to allow customizing the target output streams, and useAnsi to customize the Ansi style to use:

@Command class CustomizeTargetStreamsDemo implements Runnable {
    public void run() { ... }

    public static void main(String... args) {
        CommandLine cmd = new CommandLine(new CustomizeTargetStreamsDemo());

        PrintStream myOut = getOutputPrintStream(); // custom stream to send command output to
        PrintStream myErr = getErrorPrintStream();  // custom stream for error messages

                new RunLast().useOut(myOut).useAnsi(Help.Ansi.ON),
                new DefaultExceptionHandler().useErr(myErr).useAnsi(Help.Ansi.OFF),

Exit Code Support

From picocli v3.0, the built-in parse result handlers (RunFirst, RunLast and RunAll) and exception handler (DefaultExceptionHandler) can specify an exit code. If an exit code was specified, the handler terminates the JVM with the specified status code when finished.

@Command class ExitCodeDemo implements Runnable {
    public void run() { throw new ParameterException(new CommandLine(this), "exit code demo"); }

    public static void main(String... args) {
        CommandLine cmd = new CommandLine(new ExitCodeDemo());
                new RunLast().andExit(123),
                new DefaultExceptionHandler().andExit(456),

Running this command prints the following to stderr and exits the JVM with status code 456.

exit code demo
Usage: <main class>

Custom handlers can extend AbstractHandler to inherit this behaviour.

Fine-grained ShowDefault

This release adds a showDefaultValue attribute to the @Option and @Parameters annotation. This allows you to specify for each individual option and positional parameter whether its default value should be shown in the usage help.

This attribute accepts three values:

  • ALWAYS - always display the default value of this option or positional parameter, even null values, regardless what value of showDefaultValues was specified on the command
  • NEVER - don't show the default value for this option or positional parameter, regardless what value of showDefaultValues was specified on the command
  • ON_DEMAND - (this is the default) only show the default value for this option or positional parameter if showDefaultValues was specified on the command

The NEVER value is useful for security sensitive command line arguments like passwords. The ALWAYS value is useful when you only want to show the default value for a few arguments but not for all (in combination with @Command(showDefaultValues = false)).

Improved Usage Help Message Layout

Previously, the usage message layout had a fixed width long option name column: this column is always 24 characters, even if none of the options have a long option name.

This gave strange-looking usage help messages in some cases. For example:

class App {
    @Option(names = "-a", description = "display all files") boolean a;
    @Option(names = "-l", description = "use a long listing format") boolean l;
    @Option(names = "-t", description = "sort by modification time") boolean t;

The usage message for this example was:

Usage: ls [-alt]
  -a                          display all files
  -l                          use a long listing format
  -t                          sort by modification time

From this release, picocli adjusts the width of the long option name column to the longest name (up to max 24).

The new usage message for this example looks like this:

Usage: ls [-alt]
  -a     display all files
  -l     use a long listing format
  -t     sort by modification time

Stricter Arity Validation

Until this release, options with mandatory parameters would consume as many arguments as required, even if those arguments matched other option flags. For example:

Given a command like this:

class App {
  @Option(names = "-a", arity = "2")
  String[] a;
  @Option(names = "-v")
  boolean v;

Prior to this change, the following input would be accepted:

<command> -a 1 -v

In previous versions, picocli accepted this and assigned "1" and "-v" as the two values for the -a option.
From this release, the parser notices that one of the arguments is an option and throws a MissingParameterException because not enough parameters were specified for the first option.

Promoted Features

Promoted features are features that were incubating in previous versions of picocli but are now supported and subject to backwards compatibility.

No features have been promoted in this picocli release.

Fixed issues

  • [#371] Fixed bug where autocompletion did not work correctly for subcommands with embedded hyphens. Thanks to Paulius Fadelis for the bug report.
  • [#372] Simplify Kotlin example in user manual. Thanks to Dustin Spicuzza.


  • [#245] New Feature: from 3.0, picocli offers an API for programmatic configuration.
  • [#257] New Feature: new ParseResult class allows programmatic inspection of the result of parsing a sequence of command line arguments.
  • [#144] New Feature: added support for mixins to allow reusing common options, positional parameters, subcommands and command attributes from any object.
  • [#253] New Feature: added @Unmatched annotation for unmatched arguments.
  • [#175] New Feature: mixinStandardHelpOptions attribute to install the standard --help and --version options, obviating the need for fields annotated with @Option(usageHelp = true) and @Option(versionHelp = true).
  • [#175] New Feature: picocli now provides a HelpCommand that can be installed as a subcommand on any application command to provide usage help for the parent command or sibling subcommands.
  • [#175] New Feature: new IHelpCommandInitializable interface facilitates construction of custom help commands.
  • [#250] Enhancement: the run and call convenience methods now follow convention: print to stdout when the user requested help, print to stderr when the input was invalid or an unexpected error occurred. Added AbstractHandler to facilitate following this convention for custom parse result handlers and exception handlers.
  • [#251] New Feature: exit code support. The built-in parse result handlers (RunFirst, RunLast and RunAll) and exception handler (DefaultExceptionHandler) can now optionally specify an exit code. If specified, the handler terminates the JVM with the specified status code when finished. Custom handlers can extend AbstractHandler to inherit this behaviour.
  • [#262] New Feature: new showDefaultValue attribute on @Option and @Parameters gives fine-grained control over which default values to show or hide. Thanks to ymenager for the request.
  • [#268] New Feature: new helpCommand attribute on @Command: if the command line arguments contain a subcommand annotated with helpCommand, the parser will not validate the required options or positional parameters of the parent command. Thanks to ymenager for the request.
  • [#277] New Feature: new hidden attribute on @Command to omit the specified subcommand from the usage help message command list of the parent command. Thanks to pditommaso.
  • [#159] Enhancement: make help usage message width configurable. Thanks to pditommaso.


  • [#312] Enhancement and API change (against earlier alpha version): Remove AbstractSimpleParseResultHandler class and parseWithSimpleHandlers method.
  • [#311] Enhancement and API change (against earlier alpha version): Simplify parseWithHandlers: removed prototypeReturnValue parameter.
  • [#307] Enhancement: Provide CommandLine.usage(PrintWriter) method for testing and to facilitate GROOVY-8520 migration from commons-cli to picocli.
  • [#306] Enhancement: Support generating autocompletion scripts for non-public @command classes. Thanks to cbeams for the request.
  • [#308] Enhancement: Provide API to disallow POSIX clustered short options.
  • [#310] Enhancement: PicocliBaseScript should follow conventions for stdout and stderr: requested help to stdout, invalid input usage help to stderr.
  • [#309] Bugfix: Tests were failing on environments that support ANSI colors.


  • [#313] Enhancement and New API: add method (later removed in 3.0.0-beta-1) CommandLine::setMaxArityIsMaxTotalParams to configure the parser to use arity to limit the total number of values accumulated in an option or positional parameter.
  • [#314] Enhancement and New API: add method CommandLine::setUsageHelpWidth and UsageMessageSpec::width to set the max usage help message width.
  • [#316] Enhancement: Support lenient mode where annotations are optional when extracting annotations.
  • [#317] Enhancement: Change semantics of ParseResult.rawOptionValue to mean values after split (but before type conversion).


  • [#318] API Change: Split model IBinding into IGetter and ISetter.
  • [#320] API Change: Rename parser config maxArityIsMaxTotalParams to arityRestrictsCumulativeSize. (Property was removed in 3.0.0-beta-1.)
  • [#216] Enhancement: Parsed values now replace the default value of multi-value (array, Collection or Map) options and positional parameters instead of being appended to them. Thanks to wiwie for the request.
  • [#261] Enhancement: Options and positional parameters with a defaultValue are never required. Thanks to ymenager for the request.
  • [#315] Enhancement: Initialize ArgSpec value with defaultValue before parsing command line.
  • [#263] Bugfix: positional parameter defaults were not shown in usage help message. Thanks to ymenager for the bug report.


  • [#329] New API: Add parser configuration to control whether boolean flags should be toggled.
  • [#328] New API: Provide getter methods on OptionSpec.Builder and PositionalParamSpec.Builder.
  • [#326] New API: Add parser configuration to treat unmatched options as positional parameters.
  • [#283] New API: Provide getMissing method on MissingParameterException to get a reference to the problematic options and positional parameters. Thanks to jcapsule for the suggestion.
  • [#334] API Change: Rename ArgSpec.rawStringValues() to ArgSpec.stringValues().
  • [#342] API Change: Prefix ParseResult methods with matched if they return only matched options/positionals.
  • [#340] API Change: Rename ParseResult.optionValue(String, T) to matchedOptionValue(String, T).
  • [#338] API Change: Remove ParseResult.rawOptionValue(s) and rawPositionalValue(s) methods.
  • [#339] API Change: Remove ParseResult.matchedOptionValue(OptionSpec) and matchedPositionalValue(PositionalParamSpec) methods.
  • [#347] API Change: Make ArgSpec.getValue, setValue and isMultiValue public methods.
  • [#333] Enhancement: Added subcommand to synopsis in generated usage help. Thanks to jcapsule for the pull request.
  • [#323] Enhancement: Remove dependency on java.sql package: picocli should only require the java.base module when running in Java 9.
  • [#325] Enhancement: Allow custom type converter to map empty String to custom default value for empty options. Thanks to jesselong for the suggestion.
  • [#303] Enhancement: Improve validation to prevent common mistakes.
  • [#70] Enhancement: Positional parameters should only consume values where type conversion succeeds.
  • [#346] Enhancement: Validate that arity min is never greater than max.
  • [#348] Enhancement: Interpreter should call ArgSpec.setValue for every matched option or positional parameter.
  • [#327] Bugfix: Default values should not cause options and positional parameters to be added to ParseResult.
  • [#330] Bugfix: Interpreter should clear option's and positional parameter's stringValues list before parsing new input.
  • [#335] Bugfix: Abstract class ArgSpec should not implement equals and hashCode.
  • [#345] Bugfix: Stop processing varargs when cumulative size reached. (This functionality was removed in 3.0.0-beta-1.)


  • [#349] New API: Add longestName() convenience method to OptionSpec.
  • [#352] New API: Add method to copy all attributes of a ParserSpec to a CommandSpec.
  • [#353] New API: Add method to copy all attributes of a UsageMessageSpec to a CommandSpec.
  • [#343] New API: Add method Help.Ansi.Text::concat and deprecate the append method. ("Append" suggests the Text object is modified, like StringBuilder, but Text is immutable.)
  • [#350] Enhancement: Improve error message for usageHelp and versionHelp validation.
  • [#344] Enhancement: Don't show WARN message for unmatched args or overwritten options.
  • [#351] Documentation: Improve javadoc for OptionSpec.usageHelp and versionHelp.
  • [#354] Bug fix: Interpreter should reset options and positional parameters to their initial value before parsing new input.


  • [#364] API Change: Remove parser option arityRestrictsCumulativeSize.
  • [#355] API Change: Add method ArgSpec.hasInitialValue.
  • [#361] API Change: Add parser option aritySatisfiedByAttachedOptionParam for commons-cli compatibility.
  • [#363] API Change: Add parser option to limit the number of parts when splitting to max arity, for compatibility with commons-cli.
  • [#360] Enhancement: Dynamically adjust width of long option name column (up to max 24).


  • [#366] API Change: Add ArgSpec.getTypedValues() method.
  • [#365] Enhancement: Stricter arity validation: options with mandatory parameters no longer consume other option flags.
  • [#357] Enhancement: Improve synopsis format. Be more succinct when limitSplit is true. Support repeating groups.



The picocli.CommandLine.Help::Help(Object, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) constructor has been deprecated. Use the picocli.CommandLine.Help::Help(CommandLine.CommandSpec, CommandLine.Help.ColorScheme) constructor instead.

The picocli.CommandLine.IParseResultHandler interface has been deprecated. Use the picocli.CommandLine.IParseResultHandler2 interface instead.

The picocli.CommandLine.IExceptionHandler interface has been deprecated. Use the picocli.CommandLine.IExceptionHandler2 interface instead.


  • The Help.Ansi.Text::append method is now deprecated in favour of the new concat method.

Potential breaking changes


Help API Changes

The following public fields were removed from the picocli.CommandLine.Help class. Instead, set these attributes on a CommandLine.CommandSpec object passed to any of the Help constructors.

  • abbreviateSynopsis
  • commandListHeading
  • commandName
  • customSynopsis
  • description
  • descriptionHeading
  • footer
  • footerHeading
  • header
  • headerHeading
  • optionFields
  • optionListHeading
  • parameterLabelRenderer - replaced with the Help.parameterLabelRenderer() method
  • parameterListHeading
  • requiredOptionMarker
  • separator
  • showDefaultValues
  • sortOptions
  • synopsisHeading

Method signature changes on inner classes and interfaces of the Help class:

  • Interface method CommandLine.Help.IOptionRenderer::render signature changed: CommandLine.Option and Field parameters are replaced with a single CommandLine.OptionSpec parameter.
  • Interface method CommandLine.Help.IParameterRenderer::render signature changed: CommandLine.Parameters and Field parameters are replaced with a single CommandLine.PositionalParamSpec parameter.
  • Interface method CommandLine.Help.IParamLabelRenderer::renderParameterLabel signature changed: Field parameter replaced with CommandLine.ArgSpec parameter.
  • Class CommandLine.Help.Layout all methods changed: Field parameters replaced by CommandLine.ArgSpec, CommandLine.OptionSpec and CommandLine.PositionalParamSpec parameters.


  • [#311] API change from 3.0.0-alpha-1: the parseWithHandlers methods signature changed: removed the prototypeReturnValue parameter.
  • [#312] API change from 3.0.0-alpha-1: Remove AbstractSimpleParseResultHandler class and parseWithSimpleHandlers method.


  • Utility method CommandLine.Help.join signature changed: now takes an additional usageHelpWidth parameter.
  • Constructor CommandLine.Help.Layout(ColorScheme) signature changed: now takes an additional usageHelpWidth parameter.
  • Public field CommandLine.Help.TextTable.columns is now private; added public method CommandLine.Help.TextTable.columns().
  • Constructor CommandLine.Help.TextTable(Ansi) is replaced with factory method CommandLine.Help.TextTable.forDefaultColumns(Ansi, int).
  • Constructor CommandLine.Help.TextTable(Ansi, int...) is replaced with factory method CommandLine.Help.TextTable.forColumnWidths(Ansi, int...).
  • Constructor CommandLine.Help.TextTable(Ansi, Column...) modifier changed from public to protected.
  • Added factory method CommandLine.Help.TextTable.forColumns(Ansi, Column...).
  • Renamed CommandLine.MaxValuesforFieldExceededException to CommandLine.MaxValuesExceededException.


  • Parsed values now replace the default value of multi-value (array, Collection or Map) options and positional parameters instead of being appended to them.
  • The IBinding interface introduced in v3.0.0-alpha-1 has been replaced with two functional interfaces IGetter and ISetter.
  • The UnmatchedArgsBinding factory methods introduced in v3.0.0-alpha-1 have been replaced with forStringArrayConsumer and forStringCollectionSupplier.


Changes against earlier 3.0.0-alpha versions:

  • Renamed ArgSpec.rawStringValues() to ArgSpec.stringValues().
  • Renamed ParseResult methods with matched if they return only matched options/positionals:
    • options to matchedOptions
    • positionalParams to matchedPositionals
    • option(char), option(String) to matchedOption
    • positional(int) to matchedPositional
    • hasOption(char), hasOption(String), hasOption(OptionSpec) to hasMatchedOption
    • hasPositional(int), hasPositional(PositionalParamSpec) to hasMatchedPositional
  • Renamed ParseResult.optionValue(String, T) to matchedOptionValue(String, T), and positionalValue to matchedPositionalValue.
  • Removed ParseResult::rawOptionValue(s) and rawPositionalValue(s) methods.
  • Removed ParseResult.matchedOptionValue(OptionSpec) and matchedPositionalValue(PositionalParamSpec) methods.


  • The usage message format changed: it now dynamically adjusts the width of the long option name column. This may break tests.
  • API Change: Removed parser option arityRestrictsCumulativeSize introduced in 3.0.0-alpha-3.


  • Stricter arity validation may break existing applications that intentionally consume arguments regardless of whether arguments are other options.