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Raspberry Pi audio player

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rOS - DIY rAudio

Build rAudio - Audio player and renderer for Raspberry Pi

  • For all Raspberry Pis:
  • Create rAudio from latest releases of Arch Linux Arm
  • Interactive interface
  • Options:
    • Run ROOT partition on USB drive
    • Run on USB only - no SD card (boot from USB)
    • Pre-configure Wi-Fi connection (headless mode)
    • Exclude features (can be as light as possible in terms of build time and disk space)
  • Take less than 15 minutes for the whole process with a decent download speed.


  • Prepare partitions
    • Create BOOT and ROOT partitions
  • Create Arch Linux Arm + rAudio
    • Use wired LAN connection if possible
      • Use router assigned IP address if possible
        • Router may take some time to broadcast hostname of DHCP Raspberry Pi
      • Optional - Pre-configure Wi-Fi connection
    • Select features
    • Download Arch Linux Arm
    • Write BOOT and ROOT
    • SSH connect PC to Raspberry Pi
    • Upgrade kernel and default packages
    • Install feature packages
    • Install web user interface
    • Configure
    • Set defaults
  • Optionals
    • Setup Wi-Fi auto-connect
    • Create image file
  • Expert mode (1 command line )
    • For those who know how to read and confirm syntax of SD card partitions.
    • For Alternative 1: Micro SD card only
     bash <( wget -qO - )
    • If the SD card was not recognized, use GParted to wipe all partitions.

dialog1 dialog2


  • PC - Linux - any distro
    • or on USB e.g., Manjaro - Arch Linux
    • or on Raspberry Pi itself (If no GUI, fdisk and mount skills needed.)
    • or on VirtualBox on Windows (with network set as Bridge Adapter) - Slowest
  • Raspberry Pi
  • Network connection to Raspberry Pi
    • Wired LAN
    • Optional: Wi-Fi (if necessary)
  • Media:
    • Micro SD card shoule be at least class 10 or U1.
    • Option 1: Micro SD card: 8GB+ for BOOT + ROOT partitions
    • Option 2: Micro SD card + USB drive (ROOT partition on USB drive)
      • Micro SD card: 100MB+ for BOOT partition only
      • USB drive: 8GB+ for ROOT partition (or USB hard drive with existing data)
    • Option 3: USB drive only - no SD card (Boot from USB drive)
      • Raspberry Pi 3 and 2 v1.2 only (4 not yet supported)
      • USB drive: 8GB+ for BOOT + ROOT partition
    • Note for USB drive:
      • Suitable for hard drives or faster-than-SD-card thumb drives.
      • Boot from USB drive:
        • Suitable for solid state drives.
        • Normal hard drive needs external power, e.g., powered USB hub, to have it spin up 5+ seconds before boot.
        • Boot takes 10+ seconds longer (detect no sd card > read boot loader into memory > boot)

Prepare partitions

  • On Linux PC
  • Open GParted app (Manjaro root password: manjaro)
  • 3 Alternatives:
    • Micro SD card only
    • Micro SD card + USB drive
    • USB drive only

Alternative 1: Micro SD card only

  • Unmount > Delete all partitions (make sure it's the micro SD card)
  • Create partitions:
No. Size Type Format Label
#1 100MiB primary fat32 BOOT
#2 (the rest) primary ext4 ROOT

Alternative 2: Micro SD card + USB drive

  • Micro SD card
    • Unmount > Delete all partitions (Caution: make sure it's the SD card)
    • Create a partition:
No. Size Type Format Label
#1 100MiB primary fat32 BOOT
  • USB drive - Blank:
    • Unmount > Delete all partitions (Caution: make sure it's the USB drive)
    • Create partitions:
No. Size Type Format Label
#1 5000MiB primary ext4 ROOT
#2 (the rest) primary ext4 (any)
  • or USB drive - with existing data:
    • No need to reformat or change format of existing partition
    • Resize the existing to get 5000MiB unallocated space (anywhere - at the end, middle or start of the disk)
    • Create a partition in the space:
No. Size Type Format Label
(any) (existing) primary (any) (any)
(any) 5000MiB primary ext4 ROOT

Alternative 3: USB drive only

  • Enable boot from USB: Set boot bit (Micro SD card can still be used as usual if inserted.)
  • Create partitions: (Drive with existing data must be resized and rearranged respectively.)
No. Size Type Format Label
#1 100MiB primary fat32 BOOT
#2 5000MiB primary ext4 ROOT
#3 (the rest) primary ext4 (any)

Create Arch Linux Arm + rAudio

  • Open Files app (File Manager on Manjaro)
  • Click BOOT and ROOT to mount
  • Note each path in location bar or hover mouse over BOOT and ROOT for confirmation
  • Switch user to root
  • Create script
bash <( wget -qO - )
  • RPi 2 and 3 get the same ArchLinuxARM-rpi-2-latest.tar.gz
  • Errors or too slow download: press Ctrl+C and run ./ again (while in Create Arch Linux Arm mode only)
  • If there're other applications running and "Create Arch Linux Arm" progress was stalled, open another terminal and run sync command.


Setup Wi-Fi auto-connect for headless/no screen (if not set during build)

  • On Linux or Windows
  • Insert micro SD card
  • 3 alternatives:
    1. From existing
      • Backup the profile file from /etc/netctl/PROFILE
      • Rename it to wifi then copy it to BOOT before power on.
    2. Edit template file - name and password
      • Open wifi0 in BOOT with text editor
      • Edit SSID and Key
      • Save as wifi
    3. Generate a complex profile - static IP, hidden SSID
  • Move micro SD card to Raspberry Pi
  • Power on

Create image file (Micro SD card mode only)

  • Once started rAudio successfully
  • SSH to RPi
  • Reset for image
ssh root@<RPI IP>
bash <( wget -qO - )
  • Shutdown
  • Move micro SD card to Linux
  • Create compressed image file
bash <( wget -qO - )

LED flashes - errors

Fix - Error: Known host keys on SSH

sed -i "/IP_ADDRESS/ d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts


Raspberry Pi audio player




