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What are these lyscripts?

This package provides convenient scripts for performing inference and learning regarding the lymphatic spread of head & neck cancer. Essentially, it provides a command line interface (CLI) to the lymph library.

We are making these "convenience" scripts public, because doing so is one necessary requirement to making our research easily and fully reproducible. There exists another repository, lynference, where we store the pipelines that produce(d) our published results in a persistent way. Head over there to learn more about how to reproduce our work.


These scripts can be installed via pip:

pip install lyscripts

or installed from source by cloning this repo

git clone
cd lyscripts
pip install .


This package is intended to be mainly used as a collection of Python scripts that would be scattered throughout my projects, if I didn't bundle them here. Hence, they're mostly command line tools that do basic and repetitive stuff.

As a command line tool

Simply run

lyscripts --help

in your terminal and let the output guide you through the functions of the program.

You can also refer to the documentation for a written-down version of all these help texts and even more context on how and why to use the provided commands.

As a library

Head over to the documentation for more information on the individual modules, classes, and functions that are implemented in this package.