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Demonstration how to build a Management Web interface to interact with the FPGA fabric and change the FPGA configuration with the Django Framework


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Demonstration how to build with the Django Framework a Management Web interface to interact with the FPGA fabric and change the FPGA configuration

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This step by step guide shows how to log Sensor Data from a Soft-IP ADC interface within a SQLite-Database and how to plot these data on a web interface. In addition, it is demonstrated how to manage and change the FPGA Configuration with just a web browser.

Complex web interfaces for controlling and monitoring on embedded systems are standard today. Especially for low quantity FPGA applications, the development of these web applications is often time-consuming. To accelerate this process, it is important to use powerful web development frameworks with simple to use IDEs such as Django. A huge community on desktop site uses that and if the same version of Django runs on the embedded Linux, it is possible to benefit from their knowledge. Django has a comprehensive documentation with many demos. However, these demos are for typical Desktop- and Cloud- applications and not for embedded ones. The important part of embedded management web applications is the interaction between the web interface and Sensor- or FPGA-data.

To demonstrate this, the ADC converter (Analog Devices LTC2308) of a Terasic DE10-Nano- or DE10-Standard Board (Intel Cyclon V SoC-FPGA) with a Soft-IP interface is connected via the Lightweight HPS to FPGA Bridge to the Hard Processor System (HPS). On the ARM Cortex-A9 of the HPS my embedded Linux, called rsYocto, customized for Intel SoC-FPGA is running.

On rsYocto the Django Framework (Version 3.0.2) with all necessary components, like the Apache Webserver and the SQLite database, is pre-installed.

This approach is the monitoring and management of embedded FPGA systems with a web interface. This cannot be consider for low latency real-time applications. The advantage of the usage of SQLite and HTTP with Linux is that these are standard in the desktop world. It allows for example to connect the data with a cloud service by adding a few extensions.

Screenshot of the Web interface

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  • Features
    • Plotting the ADC convention voltage from a Soft-IP ADC
    • Uploading and managing of FPGA configuration files
    • Configuration of the FPGA fabric
    • Controlling a FPGA LED

Reading a Sensor Value with the Django web framework - Sequence Diagram

The following sequence Diagram shows all involved actors and the data flow by reading an ADC Value to a SQLite Database. If an user opens the web page, Django plots the complete data into the web interface as shown below. Alt text

A HTTP GET-command (here by calling the URL http://127.0.1:8181/ADCtrigger) triggers the Django web application. It calls the “read Sensor” application. This is a python script, which reads the Soft-IP ADC Interface and returns the ADC convention. Then Django adds the value with a time stamp to the SQLite database.

To repeat and time sync the readout of the ADC a Shell script or the tool crontab can be considered.

In case an user is going to open the web application, Django loads the complete data of the ADC from the database and plots them graphically into the webpage.
This is one part of the final application. The interface for managing FPGA Configurations works similarly.

Table of Content

  1. Project Preparations
  2. Installing the finshed Web interface
  3. Creating a new Django Project on the SoC-FPGA
  4. Creating a new Django App to interact with the FPGA fabric
  5. Testing the Web Appilcation
  6. Reading of a Soft-IP ADC interface and writing the data into a SQLite datbase
  7. Configuring the plotting of an ADC Channel
  8. Reading and plotting the data time triggered

Project Preparations

  • Boot up rsYocto on your Intel SoC-FPGA Board by following the getting started Guide
  • Setup Visual Studio Code Insider with this instruction guide
  • On rsYocto (Version. 1.031+) are following compunets for this project pre-installed:
    • Django 3.0.2
    • rstools for accessing the FPGA fabric
    • During the boot are following modules connected to the Lightweight HPS to FPGA Bridge
      • PIO-Controller for controlling the on-Board LEDs on the Address offset 0x20
      • Analog Devices LTC2308 Interface IP on the Address offset 0x40

Installing the finshed Web interface

For installing and testing the final project do the following steps:

  • Clone this repository by executing the following Linux Terminal command on rsYocto
    git clone
  • Navigate inside the project folder
    cd DjangoFPGA/DjangoFPGA
  • Generate an administration interface with your login information
    python3 createsuperuser
  • Please follow: Testing the Web Appilcation

Or build it by your own with this step by step guide:

Creating a new Django Project on the SoC-FPGA

  • Use the Linux Terminal, which is reachable inside Visual Studio Code Insider to create a new Django project with the name "DjangoFPGA" by executing the following command:

    django-admin startproject DjangoFPGA

    Alt text

  • Note: Use in the drop-down menu (blue arrow) the point "sh" to access the Linux Terminal. In case the point is not there, press the “+”-icon to add it.

  • Navigate with the Linux Terminal inside Visual Studio code to this project

    cd DjangoFPGA

Testing the empty Django Project by accessing it with a web browser

  • By default the Django web server is only reachable internally by the embedded Linux

  • To access Django applications within your network do the following steps:

    1. Open the Django project settings file ( with Visual Studio Code (as shown above) and allow everybody to connect with the following lines:
    2. After some change of the settings file a migration of the project is necessary:
      python3 migrate 
    • The output of this command should look like this:
      root@cyclone5:~/DjangoFPGA# python3 migrate
      Operations to perform:
      Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions
      Running migrations:
      Applying contenttypes.0001_initial... OK
      Applying auth.0001_initial... OK
      Applying admin.0001_initial... OK
      Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... OK
      Applying admin.0003_logentry_add_action_flag_choices... OK
      Applying contenttypes.0002_remove_content_type_name... OK
      Applying auth.0002_alter_permission_name_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0003_alter_user_email_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0004_alter_user_username_opts... OK
      Applying auth.0005_alter_user_last_login_null... OK
      Applying auth.0006_require_contenttypes_0002... OK
      Applying auth.0007_alter_validators_add_error_messages... OK
      Applying auth.0008_alter_user_username_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0009_alter_user_last_name_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0010_alter_group_name_max_length... OK
      Applying auth.0011_update_proxy_permissions... OK
      Applying sessions.0001_initial... OK
    1. Use the next command to start the web server (here on Port 8181)
      python3 runserver 0:8181
    • The output of this command should look like this:
      root@cyclone5:~/DjangoFPGA# python3 runserver 0:8181
      Watching for file changes with StatReloader
      Performing system checks...
      System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
      January 18, 2020 - 15:35:44
      Django version 3.0.2, using settings 'DjangoFPGA.settings'
      Starting development server at http://0:8181/
      Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
    • Note: The default port 8080 is used by the Apache web server
  • Go with a web browser on a device inside this network (computer, tablet, smart-phone) to the URL:

     http://<iPv4-Address of the Board>:8181/ 
  • If you see a rocket lunch your Django project works properly

    Alt text

  • All HTTP-attaches are listed on the terminal as well

Creating a new Django App to interact with the FPGA fabric

Every Django project requires at least one application (App). We will build an App to readout the Soft-IP ADC Interface (Analog Devices LTC2308) of a Terasic DE10-Standard- or Terasic DE10-Nano-Board and present the data in the web browser. As a second feature, we will build a management interface for changing the FPGA configuration.

  • The following command adds a new app called "BoardInteraction" to the project.

    python3 startapp BoardInteraction
  • Note: Be sure that this command is executed inside the project-folder (DjangoFPGA/)

  • The project folder contains the following structure now:

    • All important files are marked

    Alt text

  • Add this application to the Django project by adding the following line to the variable INSTALLED_APPS iniside

    # Application definition
        'BoardInteraction.apps.BoardinteractionConfig', # Add this line 
    • Note: This is a connection to the main-function BoardinteractionConfig() that is located in the "" file
    • Migrate the project again
    python3 migrate 

Creating a model to store the Sensor data and FPGA configuration files into a SQLite database

  • Add the following python code to the model file (DjangoFPGA/BoardInteraction/
    Django FPGA Interaction demo application - ""
    from django.db import models
    from datetime import datetime
     # Class for reading an analog Sensor 
     class ADCSensorReading(models.Model):
         # Sensor value as Char Text Field type   
         reading = models.FloatField()         
         timestamp = models.DateTimeField(, db_index=True)    # Time stamp
         def __unicode__(self):
             return self.reading
     # Class for connecting an Analog Devices LTC LTC2308 ADC Channel
     class ADCchannel(models.Model):
         name     = models.CharField(max_length=200)          # a name for the Sensor on the ADC Channel
         slug     = models.SlugField(unique=True)             # an unique working handler name
         readings = models.ManyToManyField(ADCSensorReading)  # the sensor data object
         ch       = models.IntegerField() # the used ADC Channel Number
         def __unicode__(self):
     # FPGA .rbf Configuration File Database
     class FPGAconfFiles(models.Model):
         docfile = models.FileField(upload_to='FPGAconfigDatabase/%Y/%m/%d')      # local storge folder  
         timestamp = models.DateTimeField(, db_index=True)    # Time stamp

Creating an Administrator page to allow an access to the database

  • Create an user who can do the login to the admin site. Run the following command:
    python3 createsuperuser
  • Enter an Username, an Email-Address and a Passwort
    Password: **********
    Password (again): *********
    Superuser created successfully.
  • Allow the Admin to access all database models by adding the following code lines to the Admin-file (DjangoFPGA/BoardInteraction/
    Django FPGA Interaction demo application  - ""
    from django.contrib import admin
    from BoardInteraction.models import ADCSensorReading, ADCchannel, FPGAconfFiles
    # Allow access to all ADC data models and FPGA configuration files inside the SQLite Database 
    # Personalisation of the admin page = 'rsYocto'                                         # Headline title       = 'Django FPGA interaction Demo Administration'     # Sub-Headline title   = 'rsYocto'                                          # HTML Headline

Testing the Administrator page

  • Save all open files
  • To generate a SQLite database with these settings execude the following Linux Shell commands (DjangoFPGA/):
    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate
    python3 migrate --run-syncdb
  • Start the Django Server
    python3 runserver 0:8181
  • Open the following URL with a web browser:
    http://<iPv4-Address of the Board>:8181/admin 
  • The Yocto Login Screen should appear:

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  • Use your login credentials to login

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  • Here are all created databases accessible
  • At this point it is possible to add the sensor data manuelly

Presenting the Sensor Data and FPGA configuration on a web page

  • To view this data in a graphic the library plotly is used

    • That is an easy way to implement such kind of UI-elemets to a web page.
    • In the same way it is possible to add any kind of diagramms to this web App (please follow the official documentation
  • To display something on a web page it is necessary to add some lines of code to the ""-file (DjangoFPGA/AccSensor/

    Django FPGA Interaction demo application  - ""
    from django.http import Http404
    from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect
    from .models import ADCSensorReading
    from subprocess import call
    # use "pip install plotly" to add this package
    from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter
    from plotly.offline import plot 
    import plotly.graph_objects as go
    # For accessing the FPGA configuration
    from subprocess import call
    # For working with a file upload box 
    from .forms import DocumentForm
    from .models import FPGAconfFiles
    # For accessing the the Project settings
    from django.conf import settings
    # import trigger function for reading the ADC
    from import ReadADCchannel
    # Called in case the user opened the main web page of the App
    # the complete UI will be built and transmitted to the web browser
    def detail(request):
        # Handle file upload for the FPGA configuration file
        if request.method == 'POST':
            form = DocumentForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
            if form.is_valid(): 
                # Upload the File to the Database
                newdoc = FPGAconfFiles(docfile = request.FILES['docfile'])
                # Write FPGA Configuration
                call('FPGA-writeConfig -f '+settings.BASE_DIR+"/"+newdoc.docfile.url, shell=True)
            form = DocumentForm() 
        # Load all stored FPGA configuration files
            FPGAconfigFiles = FPGAconfFiles.objects.all()
        except ADCSensorReading.DoesNotExist:   
            raise Http404("FPGA Configuration data does not exist")
        # Load the ADC Value database
            adcChvalue = ADCSensorReading.objects.all() 
        except ADCSensorReading.DoesNotExist:        
            raise Http404("ADC data does not exist")  # In case of an Error display an Error 404 Screeen
        ### Plot the ADC Values #####
        # Plot the latest 100 data points in time order 
        adcData = adcChvalue.order_by('-timestamp')[:100]
        # pre-process the ADC data of the database
        y_data= []
        x_data= []
        for b in adcData:
        # create a new line plot element 
        fig = go.Figure()
        fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=x_data, y=y_data, name='Sensor Voltage',
                                line = dict(color='royalblue', width=4, dash='dashdot')))
        # Edit the layout
        fig.update_layout(title='Plot of recorded ADC data from a Soft IP-interface',
                        xaxis_title='Time (UTC)  [HH:MM:SS]',
                        yaxis_title='ADC Voltage (V)')
        # store the plot object 
        plot_div = plot(fig, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=False)
        # render the HTML template with all values
        return render(request, "BoardInteraction/DisplayTemplate.html", context=
            'plot_div': plot_div,           # Plot object 
            'obj':adcData,                  # ADC raw data 
            'documents': FPGAconfigFiles,   # FPGA Configuration files 
            'form': form                    # Upload File form
  • For displaying the FPGA Configuration management interface extend the with the following lines of python code

    # If the user select a FPGA Configuration file this function will be called 
    # to insert the file to the data base and the FPGA will be configured with it
    def change_FPGAconfiguration(request):
        # <URL>/?subjectID=<Configuration file path>
        subjectID = request.GET.get("subjectID")
        # Write this file on the FPGA fabric 
        call('FPGA-writeConfig -f '+settings.BASE_DIR+"/"+subjectID, shell=True)
        # Relaod the main app page again 
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/'))
    # If the user select the rool back to the boot FPGA Configuration this function will be called 
    def change_FPGAconfigurationBack(request):
        # <URL>/?subjectID=<Configuration file path>
        subjectID = request.GET.get("subjectID")
        # Write the FPGA fabric back to the boot state
        call('FPGA-writeConfig -r', shell=True)
        # Relaod the main app page again 
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/'))
    • These are two event functions, which are triggered in the case a FPGA-Configuration button was pressed
  • To allow to collect and update the ADC Sensor data add the following function to the ""-file

    # ADC Store data trigger function 
    def ADCtrigger(request):
        return HttpResponse('')
  • With these functions two events are declared, this allows to control the FPGA LED 0 with a push button:

    • Add them to the ""-file as well
     # Function to turn FPGA LED 0 on called in case the ON-button was pressed 
     def LED0_ON(request):
         # Turn FPGA LED0 on 
         call('FPGA-writeBridge -lw 20 -b 0 1 -b', shell=True)
         # Relaod the main app page again 
         return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/'))
     # Function to turn FPGA LED 0 off called in case the OFF-button was pressed 
     def LED0_OFF(request):
         # Turn FPGA LED0 off
         call('FPGA-writeBridge -lw 20 -b 0 0 -b', shell=True)
         # Relaod the main app page again 
         return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', '/'))
  • The render-function uses the "DisplayTemplate.html" HTML file to build the canvas of the web interface

  • Django only looks for this kind of template file in this folder structure: /templates//

  • That meens, that this file must be located here:

    • Creat the file with all folders with Visual Studio Code Insider
  • For building a simple UI add the following to the HTML file:

    <!-- Django FPGA Interaction demo application - DisplayTemplate.html -->
        <!--Load the ploty Library script -->
        <script src=""></script>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>rsYocto Django Demo</title>
        <p><embed src="" width="300" height="120" title="rsYocto Logo" /></p>
        <h2>Simple Django demo application for using a web interface to control and access the FPGA fabric</h2>
        <!--Load the ploty UI-->
        <h3>FPGA IP data plot </h3>
        {% autoescape off %}
        {{ plot_div }}
        {% endautoescape %}
        <!--Show the FPGA Configuration File upload box-->
        <h3>Chnage the FPGA Configuration </h3>
        <form action="{% url 'main' %}" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
              {% csrf_token %}
              <p>{{ form.non_field_errors }}</p>
              <p>{{ form.docfile.label_tag }} {{ form.docfile.help_text }}</p>
                  {{ form.docfile.errors }}
                  {{ form.docfile }}
              <p><input type="submit" value="Upload"/></p>
          <!--Show a list of all stored FPGA configuration files-->
          <h3>FPGA configuration manager </h3>
          <h4>List of all saved FPGA configuration files</h4>
          {% if documents %}
            <table  border="1">
                <th>File Name</th>
                <th>Upload Date</th>
                <th>Load to the FPGA fabric</th>
            {% for document in documents %}
                    <td><a href="{% url 'scriptFPGAconf' %}?subjectID={{document.docfile.url}}">Configure FPGA</a></td>
            {% endfor %}
              <td>Bootloader FPGA Configuration</td>
              <td><a href="{% url 'BootloaderFPGAconf' %}">Roll back</a></td>
        {% else %}
            <p>No documents.</p>
        {% endif %}
          <!--Create two push buttons to control the FPGA LED 0-->
          <h4>FPGA LED 0 Control </h4>
          <button onclick="location.href='{% url 'scriptLED0N' %}'">LED 0 ON</button>
          <button onclick="location.href='{% url 'scriptLED0F' %}'">LED 0 OFF</button>
  • To show a File Upload box for the selecting of a FPGA configuration file these steps are requiered

  • Create inside the App the new file "" (DjangoFPGA/BoardInteraction/

  • Add the following code to this file

    Django FPGA Interaction demo application - ""
    from django import forms
    # Build the Upload File Box for selecting 
    # a FPGA configuration file 
    class DocumentForm(forms.Form):
        docfile = forms.FileField(
            label='Select a ".rbf"- FPGA configuration file',
            help_text='Click Upload to save the file and configure the FPGA fabric'

Routing the URLs of the Application

  • By default nothing will be routed to the front page of this application (http://:8181/)
  • To link the front page to the App, add the following lines of code to the global url configuration file (DjangoFPGA/DjangoFPGA/
    # DjangoFPGA URL Configuration
    from django.contrib import admin
    from django.urls import path
    # Include the "BoardInteraction" App  
    from BoardInteraction import views
    # URL linkages of this project 
    urlpatterns = [
        # UI 
        path('', views.detail,name="main"),                 # Front page -> linked to the "BoardInteraction" App 
        path('admin/',,                    # /admin     -> Admin interface
        # HPS LED 0 
        path('LED0_ON',views.LED0_ON,name="scriptLED0N"),   # /LED0_ON   -> triggered by pushing the LED0 ON Button 
        path('LED0_OFF',views.LED0_OFF,name="scriptLED0F"), # /LED0_OFF  -> triggered by pushing the LED0 OFF Button 
        # e.g. views.LED0_ON is the name of the viewer function  
        # With e.g. the name="scriptLED0N" the linkage is taken to the HTML event handler: '{% url 'scriptLED0N' %}'
        # FPGA Configuration 
        # ADC Sensor Trigger
    • Save all open files

Testing the Web Application

  • Now all configurations of the user elements are done and it is time to test this state

  • Import the Python pip-package "plotly" using for the plotting of the data:

    pip install plotly
  • Execude the following Linux Shell commands again (DjangoFPGA/):

    python3 makemigrations
    python3 migrate
    python3 migrate --run-syncdb
  • Start the Django Server

    python3 runserver 0:8181
  • Open the following URL with a web browser:

    http://<iPv4-Address of the Board>:8181/admin 
  • The front page should now look like this:

    Alt text

  • Test the Webinterface:

    • Change the FPGA configuration (the required type is described here)
  • Turn the FPGA LED ON or OFF

At this point the ADC plot is empty, because no application has written to the database. This will be solved in the next steps.

Reading of a Soft-IP ADC interface and writing the data into a SQLite datbase

As it is shwon in the sequence diagram above the readout of the FPGA data is triggered by calling the URL http://127.0.1:8181/ADCtrigger. Then the web interface starts an application to collect the ADC sensor data into the database.

To implement that two extensions of the project are required:

  1. A function handler, that calls this application and writes the received values to the database
  • Create a new python file called “” (DjangoFPGA/BoardInteraction/
  • Add the following code to it:
    Django FPGA Interaction demo application  - ""
    import subprocess
    from BoardInteraction.models import ADCSensorReading, ADCchannel 
    # For accessing the Project settings
    from django.conf import settings
    # Start a python application to read the ADC value 
    # and write the value to a database
    def ReadADCchannel():
        # For every activ ADC Channel 
        for sensor in ADCchannel.objects.all():   
            adc_u = 0
            # Start the Python Script "" to read the ADC Channel
                adc_u = float(subprocess.check_output(['python3',settings.BASE_DIR+'/BoardInteraction/',str(],stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=None))
            except ValueError:
                adc_u = 0
      'echo Value Error ', shell=True)
            # Write the value to the database
            ADCSensorReading.reading = adc_u 
            newreading = ADCSensorReading(reading= ADCSensorReading.reading)
        return True
  1. An application to read an ADC Channel of the Soft-IP ADC interface
  • will call the following python script to read the ADC
  • Create this file "" on this location and add the following lines to it
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # coding: utf-8
    @disc:  Single Shoot ADC Channel readout (Analog Devices LTC2308)
            Fast way over the virtual memory
    @date:   21.01.2020
    @device: Intel Cyclone V 
    @author: Robin Sebastian
    import os
    import time
    import math
    import sys
    # This demo uses the python class "devmen" (
    # be sure that this file is on the same directory 
    import devmem
    # the Lightweight HPS-to-FPGA Bus base address offset
    HPS_LW_ADRS_OFFSET = 0xFF200000 
    # LTC2308 Address offset
    # Register set of the LTC2308
    ### FIFO Convention Data Size for average calculation
    FIFO_SIZE = 255 # MAX=1024 
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Read selected ADC Channel as input argument [1]
        # python3 adcReadChannl <CH> 
        ch = 0
        ch_selet = str(sys.argv[1])
            ch = int(ch_selet)
        except ValueError:
            ch = 0
        if(not(ch >=0 and ch < 6)):
            ch = 0
        # open the memory Access to the Lightweight HPS-to-FPGA bridge
        #                  (Base address, byte length to acceses, interface)
        de = devmem.DevMem(HPS_LW_ADRS_OFFSET, ADC_ADDRES_OFFSET+0x8, "/dev/mem")
        # Set FIFO size for ADC value averaging
        # Enable the convention with the selected Channel
        de.write(ADC_ADDRES_OFFSET+ADC_CMD_REG_OFFSET, [(ch <<1) | 0x00])
        de.write(ADC_ADDRES_OFFSET+ADC_CMD_REG_OFFSET, [(ch <<1) | 0x01])
        de.write(ADC_ADDRES_OFFSET+ADC_CMD_REG_OFFSET, [(ch <<1) | 0x00])
        timeout = 300 #ms
        # Wait until convention is done or a timeout occurred
        while (not(timeout == 0)):
            if(,1)[0] & (1<<0)): 
            timeout = timeout -1
            time.sleep(.001) # delay 1ms 
        # calculate the average of the FIFO
        rawValue = 0
        for i in range(FIFO_SIZE): 
            rawValue = rawValue+ (,1))[0]
        value = rawValue / FIFO_SIZE
        # Convert ADC Value to Volage
        volage = round(value/1000,2)
        # print the Value

Configuring the plotting of an ADC Channel

This Django application needs a new database entry for all ADC Channels to read. This will be stored inside the database “ADCchannel“. This is only possible by hand as an Admin with the admin interface.

  • Start the Django Server

    python3 runserver 0:8181
  • Open the following URL with a web browser:

    http://<iPv4-Address of the Board>:8181/admin 
  • On the Admin page select +-Icon in the menu "Ad cchannels"

  • Inside the opend view press the "ADD AD CCHANNEL" Button

    Alt text

  • Then insert the following to the web form to add a new Sensor to the ADC Channel

    • Name: The name of the Sensor
    • Slug: A unique ID for the Sensor
    • Reading: The databebase with all sensor values
    • CH: The choosed ADC Channel

Alt text

  • Press save
  • Note: It is necessary to add one sensor value to the "readings" at least

Reading and plotting the data time triggered

  • Open the Application with the following URL on a web browser:
    http://<iPv4-Address of the Board>:8181/ 

At this point only one ADC Value is inside the plot. To manually read the ADC channel it is possible to open the following URL with a web browser:

http://<iPv4-Address of the Board>:8181/ADCtrigger 

Then reload the application page. The new collected value is plotted now too.

To automatically read the ADC Channel in a time interval are two approaches shown here

  1. Usage of a shell script
  • For example, run the following Linux shell script to read the ADC every 100 milliseconds for 500 times
    # Run script
    echo "*********************************"
    echo "read ADC Channel every 100ms "
    for nvar in {1..500}
      curl -s
      sleep  0.1
    echo "*********************************"
  1. Usage of the Linux task automation tool crontab
  • This is on rsYocto pre-installed

  • A good documentation is availablehere

  • Open the "crontab" configuration file

    sudo nano /etc/crontab
  • Insert the following line to it

     * * * * * root curl -s http:/
    • The Sensor will read this every minute
    • Note: To execute this change a restart of Linux is required
  • Refresh the management interface to recognize the time synced plotting of the ADC data


Django2FPGAdemo and rsyocto are self-developed projects in which no other companies are involved. It is specifically designed to serve students and the Linux/FPGA open-source community with its publication on GitHub and its open-source MIT license. In the future, rsyocto will retain its open-source status and it will be further developed.

Due to the enthusiasm of commercial users, special features for industrial, scientific and automotive applications were developed and ready for the implementation in a highly optimazed closed commercial version. Partnerships as an embedded SoC-FPGA design service to fulfil these specific commercial requirements are offered. It should help, besides students with the rsyocto open-source version, commercial users, as well.

For commercial users, please visit the rsyocto embedded service provider website:

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Demonstration how to build a Management Web interface to interact with the FPGA fabric and change the FPGA configuration with the Django Framework








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