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Getdown Maven Plugin

A Maven plugin for the brilliant Getdown. Parts of it were loosely based on Webstart Maven Plugin,


  • Gathers dependencies
  • Generates your manifest
  • Generates your update directory
  • Generates your stubs
  • Generates your applet directory (not yet complete)
  • Signs stub for applets
  • Custom Java Installation
  • Tracking Configuration
  • Copy resources, native resources, unpackable resource and executable resources based on patterns.


  • Doesn't yet handle Versioning.
  • Doesn't yet handle Auxiliary Resources
  • Doesn't yet handle Platform-specific Configuration
  • Doesn't yet handle Alternative Entry Points


  • 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT - Initial release
  • 0.0.2-SNAPSHOT - Updated Getdown version. Fixes digest file signing (thaks alapierre). Initial stub icon.
  • 0.0.3-SNAPSHOT - Fixes problem with classified artifacts. Added Java and Tracking configuration.
  • 0.0.4-SNAPSHOT - Fixes problem when Java configuration is only added to getdown.txt of stub directory. Adds Java configuration to getdown.txt of update directory.
  • 0.9.0 - Released to Maven Central. New artifact group ID of io.github.rockfireredmoon. Now binds to package phase by default. Update to Getdown 1.8.x and other pull requests. Thanks to all contributors.
  • 0.9.1 - Completed implementation of resource sets.


  • updates Generates update directory. By default bound to package phase.
  • stubs Generates stubs directory for building installers. Must bind to phase yourself.
  • applet Generates applet template directory (with signed getdown jar). Must bind to phase yourself.


This plugin is available on Maven Central, so simply add the required plugin configuration for the appbase and mainClass.

					<!-- This is the minimum required configuration, see below for more -->

Then run the package phase :-

mvn package

This will produce your updates directory in target/getdown.


See for the Getdown documentation itself. Most of this configuration maps to entries in the getdown.txt file as described there.


Key Default Descriptions
appbase Required The HTTP URL of the update directory.
libPath Root of appbase The subdirectory under appbase under which the jar files will be stored.
mainClass Required The Java class name that contains the main(String[] args) method.
outputJarVersions false Whether to include version numbers in the file names created.
verbose false Be verbose about the build.
appargs None List of apparg elements, each one an argument to pass to the mainClass when launched
jvmargs None List of jvmarg elements, each one an argument to pass to the JVM when launched
ignoreMissingMain false If the plugin is added to a project of type pom, it may fail to find the mainClass, although this won't necessarily prevent your app from running. Set this to true to ignore this error.
workDirectory ${}/getdown Location where update/applet files end up.
stubWorkDirectory ${}/getdown-stub Location where stub files end up.
excludeTransitive false Whether to exclude transitive dependencies.
allowOffline false Whether the getdown launcher will allow offline usage.
resources None List of resource elements, each one a path to an additional resource to include.
uresources None List of uresource elements, each one a path to an additional resource to include that should be unpacked.
xresources None List of xresource elements, each one a path to an additional resource to include that should be marked as executable.
nresources None List of nresource elements, each one a path to an additional native resource (.dll, .so, etc.) that should be unpacked and added to the system defined java.library.path.


The tags <resources>, <xresources>, <uresources>, and <uresources> all act in the same manner. They can contain specific or ant-style wildcard paths that will be copied in as resources and added to the manifest with the appropriate key. All tags may also copy resources to different paths to which they are stored in the source tree using the <destination> and <prefix> tags. Native resources (<nresources> also supports the addtional <platform> and <platforms> tags)


		<!-- Plain files -->
			<!-- Path to a single file -->
			<!-- Path to a directory -->
			<!-- Path to a directory, excluding some files -->
			<!-- Path to a directory, all matched files in a single target directory -->
			<!-- Path to a directory, all matched files in a single target directory matching the source heirarchy -->
		<!-- Executable files -->
		<!-- Native files -->
			<!-- Path to a single file, for multiple archs -->
			<!-- Path to a directory, for a single arch -->

		<!-- Unpackable files -->


Configuration of the download / launch UI.

Key Default Descriptions
name ${} The name displayed.
icons None List of icon elements that each contain a path to an icon file.
progressImage None Path to the progress bar image.
backgroundImage None Path to the background image.
progress None Bounding box of progress.
progressText None Progress text color.
status None Bounding box of status.
statusText None Status text color.
textShadow None Shadow color.
errorBackground None Path to image for error background.
macDockIcon None Path to image for Mac dock icon.
installError None Install error URL.
hideDecorations false Whether to hide the window decorations.
minShowSeconds 5 Minimum number of seconds to show UI for.


Configuration of the Java requirements.

Key Default Descriptions
minVersion None Minimum required Java version.
maxVersion None Maximum required Java version.
version None Exact required Java version.
versionProperty java.version The system property to extract version from.
versionRegex Regular expression used to extract the version.
downloads None List of download arguments, each made up of a path element, and optional os and arch elements


Configuration of the tracking.

Key Default Descriptions
url None URL of tracking service.
urlSuffix None URL suffix of tracking service.
percents None List of percent elements, each containing a %age value on which to trigger tracking.
cookieName None Name of cookie to add to request.
cookieProperty None Property to send as cookie value.


Here are some complete example projects. You can find the full source for these at getdown-maven-example1 and getdown-maven-example2

Example 1

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	<name>Getdown Maven Example 1</name>
	<description>Simples Example POM, builds update directory and manifest</description>
								<apparg>Some Argument</apparg>
								<name>My App</name>
								<progress>80, 244, 196, 11</progress>
								<status>20, 170, 316, 64</status>

Example 2

The following example uses some other Maven plugins to spit out stub installers for Linux, Mac OSX and Windows along with the update directory.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	<name>Getdown Maven Example 2</name>
	<description>Advanced Example POM that builds update directory and native installers for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows</description>

			<!-- Create the update directory, stubs etc -->
								<apparg>Some Argument</apparg>
								<name>My App</name>
								<progress>80, 244, 196, 11</progress>
								<status>20, 170, 316, 64</status>

			<!-- Now from the stub we create some platform specific installers to 
				give the user shortcuts etc. For Linux, because apps will be installed in 
				root paths, the launch script actually links getdown to the users home directory 
				and runs it from there. This lets all users share the shortcut, but have 
				their own cache.. -->

			<!-- First a Deb for Debian and based systems such as Ubuntu, Mint -->


			<!-- Now an RPM -->

					<packager>Some Person</packager>
					<copyright>2014 Some Person</copyright><!-- <projVersion></projVersion> --><!-- <release>0</release> -->
						<defineStatement>_unpackaged_files_terminate_build 0</defineStatement>

						<require>java &gt;= 1.7.0</require>



			<!-- The RPM is output in the rpm build tree. We want it at the root with 
				the other built files, and renamed slightly. As the RPM plugin has no way 
				of setting this (that I can see), we move it using Ant -->
								<copy todir="target">
									<fileset dir="target/rpm/myapp/RPMS/noarch">
										<include name="*.rpm" />
									<mapper type="regexp" from="^([\w]*)-.*$$" to="\1.noarch.rpm" />

			<!-- Now for Windows -->


			<!-- And now OS X -->

			<snapshots />


Creates Getdown update directory, manifest, stubs and more.








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