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Rock, Paper, Scissors


  • We were initially asked to write the code for a single round of rock paper scissors on the console, and then were asked to write a program for a 5 round game and connect it with a GUI in a subsequent lesson.

  • This was my FIRST real project, and although the curriculum instruction was limited, I thoroughly enjoyed the trials and errors that eventually lead me to this solution :)

  • Time-frame: ~ 20 hrs (CSS:5, JS:15).

*** UPDATE: added a feature to also display the user's and computer's selection after each round ***

Learning points:

  • DOM modification methods to connect the GUI with the program of the game.
  • Efficient development and utilization of helper functions.
  • Programming buttons with event listeners and application of event handlers
  • Git (and the importance of version control)
  • Responsive layouts using flexbox, CSS grid, and media queries.

This Project is part of The Odin Project curriculum:

Screen Shot:

Screen Shot 2021-06-28 at 1 52 19 PM