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local committed Oct 15, 2023
1 parent 19e3289 commit e673328
Showing 1 changed file with 295 additions and 83 deletions.
378 changes: 295 additions & 83 deletions htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/v2ray/transparent-proxy.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,93 +40,305 @@ var gfwlistUrls = {

// @ts-ignore
return L.view.extend({
handleListUpdate: function(t, e, r) {
var i = function() {
ui.hideModal(), window.location.reload();
}, a = function(t, e, r) {
L.Request.request(L.url("admin/services/v2ray/request"), {
method: "post",
timeout: 6e4,
query: {
url: t,
token: L.env.token,
sessionid: L.env.sessionid
}).then((function(t) {
var a;
if (200 === t.status && (a = t.json())) {
var o = void 0;
if (!a.code && (o = a.content)) {
var s = r(o);
s ? function(t, e) {
fs.write("/etc/luci_v2ray/" + t + ".txt", e).then((function() {
ui.showModal(_("List Update"), [ E("p", _("%d list updated.").format(t)), E("div", {
class: "right"
}, E("button", {
class: "btn",
click: i
}, _("OK"))) ]);
})).catch((function(e) {
L.raise("Error", t + ".txt =>> " + e.message);
}(e, s) : L.raise("Error", _("Failed to decode data."));
} else L.raise("Error", a.message || _("Failed to fetch data."));
} else L.raise("Error", t.statusText);
})).catch((function(t) {
ui.addNotification(null, E("p", t.message));
handleListUpdate(ev, section_id, listtype) {
const hideModal = function () {

switch (r) {
case "gfwlist":
var o = uci.get("luci_v2ray", e, "gfwlist_mirror") || "github";
return a(gfwlistUrls[o], "gfwlist", (function(t) {
return converters.extractGFWList(t);

case "chnroute":
case "chnroute6":
var s = uci.get("luci_v2ray", e, "apnic_delegated_mirror") || "apnic";
return a(apnicDelegatedUrls[s], "chnroute6", (function(t) {
return converters.extractCHNRoute(t, "chnroute6");

ui.addNotification(null, _("Unexpected error."));

switch (listtype) {
case "gfwlist": {
const gfwlistMirror =
uci.get("v2ray", section_id, "gfwlist_mirror") || "github";
const url = gfwlistUrls[gfwlistMirror];

return L.Request.request(L.url("admin/services/v2ray/request"), {
method: "post",
timeout: 50 * 1000,
query: {
url: url,
token: L.env.token,
sessionid: L.env.sessionid,
.then(function (res) {
let data;
if (res.status === 200 && (data = res.json())) {
let content;
if (!data.code && (content = data.content)) {
const gfwlistDomains = converters.extractGFWList(content);
if (gfwlistDomains) {
fs.write("/etc/v2ray/gfwlist.txt", gfwlistDomains)
.then(function () {
ui.showModal(_("List Update"), [
E("p", _("GFWList updated.")),
{ class: "right" },
class: "btn",
click: hideModal,
} else {
L.raise("Error", _("Failed to decode GFWList."));
} else {
L.raise("Error", data.message || _("Failed to fetch GFWList."));
} else {
L.raise("Error", res.statusText);
.catch(function (e) {
ui.addNotification(null, E("p", e.message));
case "chnroute":
case "chnroute6": {
const delegatedMirror =
uci.get("v2ray", section_id, "apnic_delegated_mirror") || "apnic";

const url = apnicDelegatedUrls[delegatedMirror];

return L.Request.request(L.url("admin/services/v2ray/request"), {
method: "post",
timeout: 50 * 1000,
query: {
url: url,
token: L.env.token,
sessionid: L.env.sessionid,
.then(function (res) {
let data;
if (res.status === 200 && (data = res.json())) {
let content;
if ((content = data.content)) {
const ipList = converters.extractCHNRoute(
listtype === "chnroute6"

fs.write(`/etc/v2ray/${listtype}.txt`, ipList)
.then(function () {
ui.showModal(_("List Update"), [
E("p", _("CHNRoute list updated.")),
{ class: "right" },
class: "btn",
click: hideModal,
} else {
data.message || _("Failed to fetch CHNRoute list.")
} else {
L.raise("Error", res.statusText);
.catch(function (e) {
ui.addNotification(null, E("p", e.message));

default: {
ui.addNotification(null, _("Unexpected error."));
load: function() {
load: function () {
return v2ray.getDokodemoDoorPorts();
render: function(t) {
void 0 === t && (t = []);
var e, r = new form.Map("luci_v2ray", "%s - %s".format(_("V2Ray"), _("Transparent Proxy"))), i = r.section(form.NamedSection, "main_transparent_proxy", "transparent_proxy");
(e = i.option(form.Value, "redirect_port", _("Redirect port"), _("Enable transparent proxy on Dokodemo-door port."))).value("", _("None"));
for (var a = 0, o = t; a < o.length; a++) {
var s = o[a];
e.value(s.value, s.caption);
render: function (dokodemoDoorPorts) {
void 0 === dokodemoDoorPorts && (dokodemoDoorPorts = []);
const m = new form.Map(
"%s - %s".format(_("V2Ray"), _("Transparent Proxy"))

const s = m.section(

let o;

o = s.option(
_("Redirect port"),
_("Enable transparent proxy on Dokodemo-door port.")
o.value("", _("None"));
for (const p of dokodemoDoorPorts) {
o.value(p.value, p.caption);
return e.datatype = "port", (e = i.option(widgets.NetworkSelect, "lan_ifaces", _("LAN interfaces"), _("Enable proxy on selected interfaces."))).multiple = !0,
e.nocreate = !0, e.filter = function(t, e) {
return e.indexOf("wan") < 0;
}, e.rmempty = !1, e = i.option(form.Flag, "use_tproxy", _("Use TProxy"), _("Setup redirect rules with TProxy.")),
e = i.option(form.Flag, "only_privileged_ports", _("Only privileged ports"), _("Only redirect traffic on ports below 1024.")),
e = i.option(form.Flag, "redirect_udp", _("Redirect UDP"), _("Redirect UDP traffic to V2Ray.")),
(e = i.option(form.Flag, "redirect_dns", _("Redirect DNS"), _("Redirect DNS traffic to V2Ray."))).depends("redirect_udp", ""),
e.depends("redirect_udp", "0"), (e = i.option(form.ListValue, "proxy_mode", _("Proxy mode"), _("If enabled, iptables rules will be added to pre-filter traffic and then sent to V2Ray."))).value("default", _("Default")),
e.value("cn_direct", _("CN Direct")), e.value("cn_proxy", _("CN Proxy")), e.value("gfwlist_proxy", _("GFWList Proxy")),
(e = i.option(form.ListValue, "apnic_delegated_mirror", _("APNIC delegated mirror"))).value("apnic", "APNIC"),
e.value("arin", "ARIN"), e.value("ripe", "RIPE"), e.value("iana", "IANA"), (e = i.option(custom.ListStatusValue, "_chnroutelist", _("CHNRoute"))).listtype = "chnroute",
e.btntitle = _("Update"), e.btnstyle = "apply", e.onupdate = L.bind(this.handleListUpdate, this),
(e = i.option(form.ListValue, "gfwlist_mirror", _("GFWList mirror"))).value("github", "GitHub"),
e.value("gitlab", "GitLab"), e.value("bitbucket", "Bitbucket"), e.value("pagure", "Pagure"),
(e = i.option(custom.ListStatusValue, "_gfwlist", _("GFWList"))).listtype = "gfwlist",
e.btntitle = _("Update"), e.btnstyle = "apply", e.onupdate = L.bind(this.handleListUpdate, this),
(e = i.option(custom.TextValue, "_proxy_list", _("Extra proxy list"), _("One address per line. Allow types: DOMAIN, IP, CIDR. eg: %s, %s, %s").format("", "", ""))).wrap = "off",
e.rows = 5, e.datatype = "string", e.filepath = "/etc/luci_v2ray/proxylist.txt", (e = i.option(custom.TextValue, "_direct_list", _("Extra direct list"), _("One address per line. Allow types: DOMAIN, IP, CIDR. eg: %s, %s, %s").format("", "", ""))).wrap = "off",
e.rows = 5, e.datatype = "string", e.filepath = "/etc/luci_v2ray/directlist.txt", e = i.option(form.Value, "proxy_list_dns", _("Proxy list DNS"), _("DNS used for domains in proxy list, format: <code>ip#port</code>. eg: %s").format("")),
e = i.option(form.Value, "direct_list_dns", _("Direct list DNS"), _("DNS used for domains in direct list, format: <code>ip#port</code>. eg: %s").format("")),
(e = i.option(custom.TextValue, "_src_direct_list", _("Local devices direct outbound list"), _("One address per line. Allow types: IP, CIDR. eg: %s, %s").format("", ""))).wrap = "off",
e.rows = 3, e.datatype = "string", e.filepath = "/etc/luci_v2ray/srcdirectlist.txt",
o.datatype = "port";

o = s.option(
_("LAN interfaces"),
_("Enable proxy on selected interfaces.")
o.multiple = true;
o.nocreate = true;
o.filter = function (section_id, value) {
return value.indexOf("wan") < 0;
o.rmempty = false;

o = s.option(
_("Use TProxy"),
_("Setup redirect rules with TProxy.")

o = s.option(
_("Only privileged ports"),
_("Only redirect traffic on ports below 1024.")

o = s.option(
_("Redirect UDP"),
_("Redirect UDP traffic to V2Ray.")

o = s.option(
_("Redirect DNS"),
_("Redirect DNS traffic to V2Ray.")
o.depends("redirect_udp", "");
o.depends("redirect_udp", "0");

o = s.option(
_("Proxy mode"),
"If enabled, iptables rules will be added to pre-filter traffic and then sent to V2Ray."
o.value("default", _("Default"));
o.value("cn_direct", _("CN Direct"));
o.value("cn_proxy", _("CN Proxy"));
o.value("gfwlist_proxy", _("GFWList Proxy"));

o = s.option(
_("APNIC delegated mirror")
o.value("apnic", "APNIC");
o.value("arin", "ARIN");
o.value("ripe", "RIPE");
o.value("iana", "IANA");

o = s.option(custom.ListStatusValue, "_chnroutelist", _("CHNRoute"));
o.listtype = "chnroute";
o.btntitle = _("Update");
o.btnstyle = "apply";
o.onupdate = L.bind(this.handleListUpdate, this);

o = s.option(form.ListValue, "gfwlist_mirror", _("GFWList mirror"));
o.value("github", "GitHub");
o.value("gitlab", "GitLab");
o.value("bitbucket", "Bitbucket");
o.value("pagure", "Pagure");

o = s.option(custom.ListStatusValue, "_gfwlist", _("GFWList"));
o.listtype = "gfwlist";
o.btntitle = _("Update");
o.btnstyle = "apply";
o.onupdate = L.bind(this.handleListUpdate, this);

o = s.option(
_("Extra proxy list"),
"One address per line. Allow types: DOMAIN, IP, CIDR. eg: %s, %s, %s"
).format("", "", "")
o.wrap = "off";
o.rows = 5;
o.datatype = "string";
o.filepath = "/etc/luci_v2ray/proxylist.txt";

o = s.option(
_("Extra direct list"),
"One address per line. Allow types: DOMAIN, IP, CIDR. eg: %s, %s, %s"
).format("", "", "")
o.wrap = "off";
o.rows = 5;
o.datatype = "string";
o.filepath = "/etc/luci_v2ray/directlist.txt";

o = s.option(
_("Proxy list DNS"),
"DNS used for domains in proxy list, format: <code>ip#port</code>. eg: %s"

o = s.option(
_("Direct list DNS"),
"DNS used for domains in direct list, format: <code>ip#port</code>. eg: %s"

o = s.option(
_("Local devices direct outbound list"),
_("One address per line. Allow types: IP, CIDR. eg: %s, %s").format(
o.wrap = "off";
o.rows = 3;
o.datatype = "string";
o.filepath = "/etc/luci_v2ray/srcdirectlist.txt";

return m.render();

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