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Ansible role to install and configure Gitea

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This role sets up and configures a Gitea instance. It supports official binaries from or distribution-provided packages. Local user accounts can be created on deployment. It is also possible to configure external authentication sources.


Gitea versions older than 1.18.0 are not (fully) supported. Depending on the exact configuration, they may or may not work.

If TLS encryption (i.e. HTTPS) is desired, the target system needs to have a suitable X.509 certificate. This roles does not handle deploying certificates.

Gitea needs a database server, unless it is configured to use SQLite. This role does not handle database configuration.

Gitea's (optional) email system requires a SMTP server or a working sendmail program. This is not set up by this role either.

This role requires the community.general Ansible collection.

Role Variables

  • gitea_use_pkg
    Whether to prefer the distribution's package of Gitea. Defaults to true but is set to false if the distribution is not known provide a package.
  • gitea_version
    What version of Gitea to install from If left unset, the latest version (not including release candidates) is chosen. This setting is ignored when using a distribution package (cf. gitea_use_pkg).
  • gitea_bind_address
    The IP address to bind to. Set to to listen on all IP addresses. Defaults to
  • gitea_port
    The TCP port to listen on. Defaults to 443 if gitea_tls_cert is set and 80 if it is not.
  • gitea_tls_cert
    Path to a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate for Gitea to use. The file needs to exist and be readable by the Gitea user. Default is unset, which disables TLS support.
  • gitea_tls_cert_key
    Path to the PEM-encoded private key file for the certificate. The file needs to exist and be readable by the Gitea user. Default is unset.
  • gitea_user, gitea_group
    The system user account and system group to run Gitea as. gitea_user defaults to git; gitea_group defaults to the user name. When using a distribution package (cf. gitea_use_pkg), these settings are ignored.
  • gitea_data_path
    The path where repositories, user avatars and similar data is stored. Defaults to /var/lib/gitea.
  • gitea_log_path
    The directory where Gitea's log files are stored. Gitea creates a number of log files for different purposes. Defaults to /var/log/gitea.
  • gitea_loglevel
    The log level Gitea's various loggers. Valid values are Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, Critical, Fatal and None in decreasing order of verbosity. Fine tuning individual loggers is possible using gitea_extra_options. Defaults to Info.
  • gitea_custom_path
    The path where custom files can be placed. These files allow customizing Gitea. gitea_custom_files can be used to deploy files to this path. Note: For security reasons, setting this to a directory within gitea_data_path is not recommended. Defaults to /etc/gitea/custom.
  • gitea_custom_files
    Path to a directory on the Ansible controller that contains files that should be deployed to gitea_custom_path. Refer to the Gitea documentation for details. Optional.
  • gitea_database_type
    The type of database that Gitea should use to store user information, repository metadata, issues, etc. Valid values are mysql, postgres, mssql and sqlite3. Note that this role does not set up a database for Gitea. This should be done by another role, unless using SQLite, which does not need any setup. Mandatory.
  • gitea_database_host
    The host name (and optionally port) of the database system. This can also be an absolute path to a UNIX socket, if the database runs on the same system as Gitea. Mandatory, unless gitea_database_type is sqlite3.
  • gitea_database_name
    The name of the database to use. When using SQLite, this is the path to the database file. If not set, Gitea's internal default value is used.
  • gitea_database_user
    User account to use when connecting to the database. Mandatory, unless gitea_database_type is sqlite3.
  • gitea_database_password
    The password for gitea_database_user. Omit, if the database does not require a password.
  • gitea_enable_mailer
    Whether to enable the mailer (for password resets, etc.) and email notifications. Requires are working SMTP server, somewhere. Setting up an SMTP server is outside the scope of this role. Defaults to false unless gitea_mailer_host is set.
  • gitea_mailer_host
    The host name (and optionally port) of a SMTP server to use for sending email. If the mailer is enabled without setting this option, the system's sendmail command is used. Optional.
  • gitea_mailer_from
    The sender address for mail generated by Gitea in RFC 5322 format. Mandatory if the mailer is enabled.
  • gitea_mailer_user
    User account to use when connecting to the SMTP server. Optional.
  • gitea_mailer_password
    The password of gitea_mailer_user. Optional.
  • gitea_enable_indexer
    Whether to enable the repository indexer. The indexer provides code search, but is known to use a fairly large amount of disk space. Defaults to true.
  • gitea_enable_lfs
    Whether to enable git-lfs support for storing large file more efficiently. Defaults to false.
  • gitea_enable_signing
    Whether to enable automatic singing of commits that are created via the web interface (e.g. on merges or repository initialisation). For this purpose a PGP key is generated and stored on the remote system. Note that a key is generated only once, and not regenerated, e.g. when the configured identity or other key parameters are changed. The exact conditions on when a signature is made can be fine tuned using gitea_extra_options. Defaults to true.
  • gitea_signing_key_type
    The type of PGP key to generate. Valid values depend on the capabilities of the gpg program on the remote system. Defaults to RSA.
  • gitea_signing_key_length
    Length of the PGP key in bits. Defaults to 4096.
  • gitea_committer_name
    If gitea_enable_signing is true, this is the name in the signing PGP key. The value may be used elsewhere as well. Defaults to Gitea Bot.
  • gitea_committer_email
    If gitea_enable_signing is true, this is the email address in the signing PGP key. The value may be used elsewhere as well. The email address does not need to exist. Defaults to invalid. Another generically useful value might be {{ gitea_user }}@{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] }}.
  • gitea_users
    A list of local user account to set up within Gitea. Note that this only allows creating users, but not modifying existing users. Each list item is in turn a dictionary with the following keys:
    • name
      The user's name. Needs to be unique within the Gitea installation. Mandatory.
    • email
      The user's email address. Needs to be unique within the Gitea installation. Mandatory.
    • password
      The user's password. Mandatory.
    • admin
      Whether to assign administrative privileges to the user. Defaults to false.
      Note: gitea_users only works on Gitea 1.14.0 or newer.
  • gitea_auth_providers
    A list of external authentication sources to set up within Gitea. Each list item is in turn a dictionary with the following keys:
    • name The name of the authentication source. Needs to be unique within the Gitea installation. Mandatory.
    • type
      The type of external authentication source to configure. Valid values are oauth, ldap and ldap-simple. Mandatory.
      If type is oauth, the following keys are used:
    • provider
      The name of the OAuth2 provider. Valid values are the names of providers supported by Gitea, such as github, gitlab or twitter. Mandatory.
    • client_id
      The client ID for use with the OAuth2 provider. Mandatory.
    • client_secret
      The client secret for use with the OAuth2 provider. Mandatory.
    • auto_discover_url
      The OpenID auto discovery URL. Optional.
    • use_custom_urls
      Whether to use custom URLs if provider is github, gitlab or gitea. Defaults to false.
    • custom_tenant_id
      A custom Tenant ID for OAuth2 endpoint (cf. use_custom_urls). Optional. Only works on Gitea 1.19.0 an newer.
    • custom_auth_url
      A custom Authorization URL (cf. use_custom_urls). Optional.
    • custom_email_url
      A custom Email URL (cf. use_custom_urls). Optional.
    • custom_profile_url
      A custom Profile URL (cf. use_custom_urls). Optional.
    • custom_token_url
      A custom Token URL (cf. use_custom_urls). Optional.
      If type is ldap or ldap-simple, the following keys are used:
    • host
      The host name of the LDAP server to connect to. Mandatory.
    • port
      The TCP port the LDAP service runs on. Defaults to 389 or, if encryption is ldaps, to 636.
    • encryption
      How connections to the LDAP server should be encrypted. Valid values are disable, starttls and ldaps. Mandatory.
    • bind_dn
      If type is ldap: The DN to bind to the LDAP server with when searching for the user. Omit to perform an anonymous search. If type is ldap-simple: A template to use as the user's DN. %s is substituted with the login name given on sign-in form. Mandatory if type is ldap-simple.
    • bind_password
      The password for the user in bind_dn. Only used when type is ldap.
    • user_search_base
      The LDAP base at which user accounts will be searched for. Mandatory if type is ldap.
    • user_filter
      An LDAP filter declaring when a user should be allowed to log in. %s is substituted with login name given on sign-in form. Mandatory.
    • admin_filter
      An LDAP filter specifying if a user should be given administrator privileges. If a user account passes the filter, the user will be privileged as an administrator. Optional.
    • username_attribute
      The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user name. The attribute value will be used for new Gitea accounts' user name after the first successful sign-in. Leave empty to use the login name given on sign-in form. This is useful when the supplied login name is matched against multiple attributes, but only a single specific attribute should be used for the Gitea account name. Optional.
    • email_attribute
      The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's email address. Defaults to mail.
    • firstname_attribute
      The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's first name. Optional.
    • surname_attribute
      The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's surname. Optional.
    • sshkey_attribute
      The attribute of the user's LDAP record containing the user's public SSH key. Optional.
    • sync_users
      This option enables a periodic task that synchronizes the Gitea users with the LDAP server. Defaults to false.
      Note: gitea_auth_providers only works on Gitea 1.12.0 or newer.
  • gitea_extra_options
    Additional configuration options for Gitea. This variable is a dictionary where the keys are section names in app.ini. The values are in turn dictionaries where keys are Gitea configuration options for the appropriate section and values are the corresponding configuration values. Refer to the Gitea documentation for options and their meaning. Optional.
  • gitea_extra_groups
    A list of groups that the Gitea system user is added to. This allows granting access to additional resources, such as the private key file. All groups need to exist on the target system; this role does not create them. Empty by default.
  • gitea_inaccessible_paths
    If the target system uses systemd, this option takes a list of paths, that should not be accessible at all for Gitea. Regardless of this option, home directories are made inaccessible. Optional.


This role does not set up TLS certificates and therefore depends on a role that generates and deploys them, if TLS support is desired.

It also depends on a role to set up a MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server, respectively (possibly on a different system), if using a "full" DBMS is desired. Alternatively, SQLite can be used, which does not require any further setup.

Example Configuration

The following is a short example for some of the configuration options this role provides:

gitea_bind_address: ''
gitea_database_type: 'mysql'
gitea_database_host: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'
gitea_database_name: 'gitea'
gitea_database_user: 'git'
  - '/var/lib/mysql'
gitea_enable_mailer: true
gitea_mailer_from: "{{ gitea_user }}@{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}"
    LANDING_PAGE: 'explore'
  - name: 'admin user'
    email: 'admin@my.domain'
    password: 'admin_password'
    admin: true
  - name: 'ordinary user'
    email: 'user@my.domain'
    password: 'user_password'
  - name: 'OpenLDAP'
    type: 'ldap'
    host: 'localhost'
    encryption: 'disable'
    bind_dn: 'cn=gitea,ou=machines,dc=my,dc=domain'
    bind_password: 'some_password'
    user_search_base: 'ou=people,dc=my,dc=domain'
    user_filter: '(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))'
    admin_filter: '(memberOf=cn=Gitea Admins,ou=groups,dc=my,dc=domain)'
    username_attribute: 'uid'
    email_attribute: 'mail'
    sshkey_attribute: 'sshPublicKey'
    sync_users: true




Ansible role to install and configure Gitea







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