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03. DNA mapping

Sebastian Gregoricchio edited this page Nov 3, 2023 · 3 revisions

The snakemake pipeline requires at least two files: a) the .snakefile, containing all the rules that will be run; b) the configuration.yaml file, in which the user can define and customize all the parameters for the different pipeline steps.
Hereafter, the running commands for DNA-mapping and ChIP-seq peak calling will be described for both single and paired-end data.

This short pipeline performs the mapping into a reference genome upon trimming of the raw fastq reads by cutadapt. Further, a filter on the mapping quality (MAPQ) is applied and duplicated reads are marked. Notice that in the case of paired-end reads, when present, UMIs (Unique Molecule Identifiers) sequence is added to the indexes ones in the read name. This is allows the marking of the duplicated reads in a UMI-aware manner (reads/fragments that have exactly the same sequence but different UMI-sequence are not marked as duplicates).

3.1 Workflow configuration parameters

Few information must be provided to the pipeline:

  • the source fastq directory
  • the output directory where you want your results to be stored (if not already available, the pipeline will make it for you)
  • whether your data are paired- or single-end
  • the genome to use

All the other parameters are already available in the configfile_DNAmapping.yaml.

3.1.1 Other configuration parameters

Parameter Description
umi_present Default: True. True/False to indicate whether the data contain UMIs (ignored for single-end data).
fastq_suffix Default: ".fastq.gz". String with the suffix of the source fastq files.
read_suffix Default: ['_R1', '_R2']. A python-formatted list with two strings containing the suffix used to indicate read1 and read2 respectively. In the case of single end reads, only the first value will be read. If your single data do not have any read-prefix set this parameter to: ['', ''] (blank).
cutadapt_trimm_options Default: '' (blank). String indicating additional user-specific values to pass to cutadapt.
fw_adapter_sequence Default: "AGATCGGAAGAGC". Sequence of the adapter1 (flag -a of cutadapt).
rv_adapter_sequence Default: "AGATCGGAAGAGC". Sequence of the adapter2 (flag -A of cutadapt).
run_fastq_qc Default: False. True/False to indicate whether to run the fastQC on the .
use_bwamem2 Default: False. True/False to define whether to run bwa-mem2 instead of bwa.
bwa_options Default: '' (blank). String indicating additional user-specific values to pass to bwa.
remove_duplicates Default: False. True/False to define whether remove the duplicates from the bam files (if true the tag in the bams will be _dedup instead of _mdup).
MAPQ_threshold Default: 20. All reads with a mapping quality (MAPQ) score lower than this value will be filtered out from the bam files.

3.2 Run the mapping

To partially avoid unexpected errors during the execution of the pipeline, a so called 'dry-run' is strongly recommended. Indeed, adding a -n flag at the end of the snakemake running command will allow snakemake to check that all links and file/parameters dependencies are satisfied before to run the "real" processes. This command will therefore help the debugging process.
Always activate your environment, otherwise the pipeline won't be able to find the packages required for the analyses.

3.2.1 Paired-end data

snakemake \
--cores 20 \
-s </target/folder>/SPACCa/workflow/SPACCa_DNAmapping.snakefile \
--configfile </target/folder>/SPACCa/config/SPACCa_DNAmapping_configfile.yaml \
--config \
fastq_directory="/path/to/pairedEnd/fastq_data" \
output_directory="/path/to/results/directory/" \
paired_end="True" \
umi_present="True" \
genome_fasta="path/to/genome.fa" \

If no errors occur, the pipeline can be run with the same command but without the final -n flag:

Notice that the absence of errors does not mean that the pipeline will run without any issues; the "dry-run" is only checking whether all the resources are available.

3.2.2 Single-end data

snakemake \
--cores 20 \
-s </target/folder>/SPACCa/workflow/SPACCa_DNAmapping.snakefile \
--configfile </target/folder>/SPACCa/config/SPACCa_DNAmapping_configfile.yaml \
--config \
fastq_directory="/path/to/singleEnd/fastq_data" \
output_directory="/path/to/results/directory/" \
paired_end="False" \
umi_present="False" \
genome_fasta="path/to/genome.fa" \

If no errors occur, the pipeline can be run with the same command but without the final -n flag:

Notice that the absence of errors does not mean that the pipeline will run without any issues; the "dry-run" is only checking whether all the resources are available.

3.3 DNA-mapping workflow

Here after you can see the full potential workflow of the single-end and paired-end DNA-mapping pipeline:

DNA mapping workflow

3.4 DNA-mapping results

The results structure is the following:

  • 01_trimmed_fastq -> fastq.gz files that underwent trimming by cutadapt
  • 02_BAM -> mapped reads (bam) filtered for MAPQ, mate-fixed, duplicates marked and eventually UMI-fixed
  • 03_quality_controls -> here you can find the fastQC on the trimmed fastq (if required), with the corresponding multiQC report, as well the multiQC report (flagstat + MarkDuplicates) for the filtered bams

Here an example directory tree (paired-end run):

├── 01_trimmed_fastq
│   ├── sample_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz
│   └── sample_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz
├── 02_BAM
│   ├── sample_mapq20_mdup_sorted.bam
│   ├── sample_mapq20_mdup_sorted.bai
│   ├── BWA_summary
│   │   └── sample.BWA_summary.txt
│   ├── flagstat
│   │   └── sample_mapq20_mdup_sorted_flagstat.txt
|   ├── MarkDuplicates_metrics
│   │   └── sample_MarkDuplicates_metrics.txt
│   └── umi_metrics  ### (if UMI present) ##
│       └── sample_UMI_metrics.txt
└── 03_quality_controls
    ├── multiQC_bam_filtered
    │   └── multiQC_bam_filtered.html
    ├── trimmed_fastq_fastqc
    │   ├── sample_R1_trimmed_fastqc.html
    │   ├──
    │   ├── sample_R2_trimmed_fastqc.html
    │   └──
    └── 0trimmed_fastq_multiQC
        └── multiQC_report_trimmed_fastq.html