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Pre‐built Database Indexes

Hannes Hauswedell edited this page Jul 21, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page contains links to databases that are pre-formatted for use with Lambda (so that you don't have to index them yourself). If you have created indexes yourself and would like to share them, you can send us a link.

lambda3 branch

  • Unpacking the file after download is not required; you can use it as-is. However, unzipped files may load slightly faster during search (this depends on disk vs CPU speed).
  • Taxonomy information is included in some indexes, see Taxonomic Workflows for more information.
  • Memory usage during search is usually Unpacked Size + size-of-query-file ± 10%. The memory usage during the creation of the indexes was higher, around 10x input size.

Protein databases

Database Log Date Tax Download Size
⇩ Uniref90 📄 Log 20230713 145GB
⇩ Uniref50 📄 Log 20230713 44GB
⇩ Uniprot Sprot 📄 Log 20230713 0.4GB

Databases used in the paper

Database Date Tax Download Size Domain
⇩ Uniref50 20220525 38GB Protein
⇩ Human microbiome project 20220607 12GB Nucleotide
⇩ Human microbiome project 20220607 20GB Bisulfite
⇩ Human microbiome project (+ mm10 + hg19) 20220607 39GB Bisulfite
⇩ Fungi genomes 20220607 15GB Bisulfite

lambda2 branch (1.9.3 - 2.0.1)

  • Unpack the file after download with tar xf FILE.lambda.tar.gz. The resulting .lambda directory is the index.
  • Taxonomy information is included in some of the indexes, see Taxonomic Workflows for more information.
  • Memory usage during search is usually Unpacked Size + size-of-query-file ± 10%. The memory usage during the creation of the indexes was higher, around 2.5 * Unpacked Size.
Database Date Tax Download Size Unpacked Size
⇩ NR 20171205 79GB 151GB
⇩ Uniref100 20171205 75GB 137GB
⇩ Uniref90 20171205 40GB 64GB
⇩ Uniref50 20171205 16GB 25GB
⇩ Uniprot Trembl 20171205 54GB 98GB
⇩ Uniprot Sprot 20171205 0.3GB 0.7GB