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Sensit payload parser and serializer for v2 and v3


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Sensit payload parser and serializer


npm install sensit-payload


const sensitPayload = require('sensit-payload');


Parse a Sensit payload and returning an object representing the values contained in the payload. The payload argument is a 8 hexadecimals string or a 24 hexadecimals string if the config of the Sensit is sent.

The object representing the values contained in the payload will always containe the following properties:

  • error {Number} - 0 if no error something else otherwise check sensitPayload.*_ERROR_CODE constants
  • type {Number} - 2 for Sensit v2 payload, 3 for Sensit v3 payload
  • button {Boolean} - true when the button was pressed, false otherwise
  • config {Object} - null if the payload does not contain the config
  • mode {String} - string representing the current mode, see exposed constants
  • modeCode {Number} - number representing the current mode, see exposed constants
  • batteryLevel {Number} - number of mV of the battery
  • battery {Number} - percentage of the battery energy still left

The next properties are present depending on the current mode, in case of a v2 payload when the button is pressed the record corresponding to the mode is not sent except for the temperature in the temperature mode.

  • temperature {Number} - temperature in celsius degrees
  • humidity {Number} - humidity in percent
  • light {Number} - brightness in lux
  • magnet {Boolean} - true when magnet detected, false otherwise
  • vibration {Boolean} - true when vibration is ongoing, false otherwise
  • door {Number} - a number representing door state, see exposed constants
  • eventCounter {Number} - number of times the event was catched
const data = sensitPayload.parse("f6100065")
// { error: 0, type: 3, brightness: 1.05, button: false, modeCode: 2, mode: 'light', config: null }

sensitPayload.parseConfig(config, payloadType)

The config is different depending on the current verion:

V3 specific fields

  • isStandByPeriodic {Boolean} - true if StandBy is in periodic mode
  • isTemperaturePeriodic {Boolean} - true if Temperature is in periodic mode
  • isDoorPeriodic {Boolean} - true if Door is in periodic mode
  • isMagnetPeriodic{Boolean} - true if Magnet is in periodic mode
  • isVibrationPeriodic{Boolean} - true if Vibration is in periodic mode
  • isLightPeriodic{Boolean} - true if Light is in periodic mode
  • lightThreshold{Number} - the brightness threshold

V2 specifig fields

  • lightUpper {Number} - upper brightness threshold
  • lightLower {Number} - lower brightness threshold

Shared fields

  • temperatureLower{Number} - lower temperature threshold
  • temperatureUpper{Number} - upper temperature threshold
  • humidityLower{Number} - lower humidity threshold
  • humidityUpper{Number} - upper humidity threshold
  • lightLower{Number} - lower light threshold
  • lightUpper{Number} - upper light threshold
  • vibrationSensitivity{Number} - code that indicates how sensitive is the vibration sensor
  • door{Number} - code that indicates how sensitive is the door detection
  • period{Number}
  • limited{Boolean}
const data = sensitPayload.parse("895d205d00ff008f04027390")

data should contain:
        error: 0,
        type: 2,
        button: false,
        batteryLevel: 4150,
        battery: 95,
        modeCode: 1,
        mode: 'temperature',
        temperature: 19,
        humidity: 46.5,
        config: {
          temperatureLower: -20,
          temperatureUpper: 107,
          humidityLower: 0,
          humidityUpper: 0,
          lightUpper: 10,
          lightLower: 0,
          vibrationSensitivity: 2,
          door: 0,
          period: 1,
          limited: true

sensitPayload.serializeConfig(config, payloadType)

Serialize an object representating (config argument above) Sensit config into a 16 hexadecimals string. The payloadType argument is either sensitPayload.PAYLOAD_TYPE_V2 or sensitPayload.PAYLOAD_TYPE_V3, other value will throw an error.


const config = {
      isStandByPeriodic: 0,
      isTemperaturePeriodic: 0,
      isLightPeriodic: 0,
      isDoorPeriodic: 0,
      isVibrationPeriodic: 0,
      isMagnetPeriodic: 0,
      temperatureLower: -20,
      temperatureUpper: 107,
      humidityLower: 0,
      humidityUpper: 0,
      lightThreshold: 0,
      lightUpper: 10,
      lightLower: 0,
      vibrationSensitivity: 2,
      vibrationClearTime: 0,
      door: 0,
      period: 1,
      limited: 1
const payload = sensitPayload.serializeConfig(config, sensitPayload.PAYLOAD_TYPE_V3);

payload should be equal to 00ff008f04027390


Run test suite with:

npm install
npm test



  • Install node.js, we recommand nvm to handle multiple version of node on your machine
  • Install node-gyp with npm install node-gyp -g


node-gyp rebuild


node sample.js

Sensit payload specification


PDF document


PDF document


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