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RUDI Producer Node - Rudi producer package for release deployments

The RUDI Producer Node groups all the modules required for the deployment of fully managable RUDI producer Node as defined in RUDI Open-Data project.

The purpose of a RUDI producer node is to provide the technology able to store and manage the metadata and data (media) of the datasets owned by a particular contributor in the open-data RUDI federation.

This software was designed with the following principles:

  • It proposes a reference implementation of the standard RUDI API.
  • It is able to publish the metadata of datasets to the main Rennes-Métropole RUDI platform (
  • It is completely independent, and can be used as a standalone OpenData platform.
  • It is modular and relies and a set of micro-services.
  • Its is only based on free and open-source technologies and release under an open-source license.

The current architecture can be simplified as the following:

     |             | RUDI
     |Media Mgt    | REST
     |API          | API                    USER Interface
     |             |                            (WEB)
     v             v
+---------+  +------------+        +--------------+------------+
|         |  |            |        |              |            |
|  MEDIA  |  |    API     |<------>|   MANAGER    |   CONSOLE  |
|         |  |            |        |    (views)   |   (Forms)  |
+----^----+  +------------+        +--------------+-------+----+
     |                                                    |
  • The main module "API" implements the storate and management of metadata of datasets.
  • The module "MANAGER" implements the user management and provide a Web interface to the "API".
  • The module "CONSOLE" implements forms and metadata queries with a Web interface. It is operated via the "MANAGER".
  • The module "MEDIA" is a driver for the storage of media/files referenced by metadata.

The following modules/libraries are also provided:

  • The logger library (shared between all modules) used to forward all logs to a syslog.
  • The Token manager library (JWT) used to create and manage access tokens between modules.

Technical high-level description

All projects are node.js projects, and except the rudilogger (a library), they are run as standalone applications. The standard NPM installation procedure can be used.

Dependencies and installation

The rudilogger library is referenced by the rudi-media, rudi-api, and rudi-manager. The logger package is also available using the package manager.

All modules shall be configured before running. Each has at least one configuration file, check the Readme file.

A local MongoDB database is required by the rudi-api and is optional for the rudi-media modules. The location is specified in configuration file. The system has been tested using the MongoDB version 3.9.

Several modules require an access to public or private mongo-db database. The DB is mandatory only for the API module. The installation was validated using the MongoDB system version 3.9.

Current deployment

This package is currently used for the generation of various container images (OVA, LXD, etc.). A different project manages complex deployments.

Authors or Acknowledgments

  • (VALIDATION) François Bodin - Université Rennes 1
  • (system & packaging) Laurent Morin - Université Rennes 1
  • (API) Olivier Martineau - Université Rennes 1
  • (MANAGER) Yann Porret - Keolis
  • (CONSOLE) Florian Desmortreux - Université Rennes 1
  • (MEDIA) Laurent Morin - Université Rennes 1


This project is licensed under the EUPL License v1.2.