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Tyler Fox edited this page Jun 11, 2014 · 23 revisions

Work in Progress (Don't modify this section)

  • Unit tests (validating the view frames are set correctly)
  • Extend project for Mac (NSView)

Feature Requests (Feel free to add to this list)

It's helpful if you sign your request with your GitHub username, e.g. --username

  • Add support for new iOS 8 API (last baseline attribute, etc). -- smileyborg
  • Print the added constraint in a human readable mode or in visual format language (documentation here). Guy you rock, you saved my life --gali8
    • iOS 8 is exposing an existing private API -[NSLayoutConstraint identifier] which was introduced with iOS 7, which could potentially be used for this purpose. I need to investigate how this is used and explore setting it automatically when the API is called. --smileyborg

Already Taken Care Of

  • Allow pinning of views to verticalCenter/horizontalCenter of other views. Example: [myView autoPinEdge:ALEdgeRight toCenterType:ALHorizintalCenter ofView:someOtherView withOffset: 20.0f]; -Think7
    • The new cross-attribute API methods released in v1.1.0 provide this ability! --smileyborg