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RpcTools for IP-Symcon

  • Requires IP-Symcon version 4.3 or greater

Configurator Module

Discover your network to found Upnp Rpc Devices
Special Devices 
1. Homematic CCU
2. Enigma2 WebInterface
3. Fritzbox (see Add One Modules)


The search of devices in the network takes between 5 and 180 seconds, depending on the timeout setting in the configurator and the number of found device.

The result is that the local Windows console seems to hang, but it is not like this :-( In the Webfront console, you can track progress in the debug log.

You can use RpcConfigurator to find and create new devices. If your device does not appear in the list and you have the device description XML file URL then you can either create a generic or multimedia Module and enter the full URL as HOST. The module then tries to configure itself.

All modules include timer functions for updating the status variables, with the exception of the RPCGENERIC module. There are 2 timer modes UPDATE and OFFLINE which can each have separate values, this means when the device is online the status is updated every 15min, if it is offline (TV off) the check / update will take place only every 2 hours until the device is online again.

All module exports the functions

  • xxx_GetApi(IpsInstanceID) Returns an RpcApi object with which all further commands can be sent to the device.
  • xxx_GetApiInfo(IpsInstanceID) Returns an array of informatons to the API

Generic RPC Module

API to call all methods discovered from device only one Variable for Status created

This module also exports the function

  • RPCGENERIC_CallMethod(IpsInstanceID, FunctionName, comma-separated string with parameters)


the syntax is the same as $api-> __ call (FunctionName, Parameter), with the difference that the parameters are passed not as an array but as a comma-separated string.

  • RPCGENERIC_CallApi(IpsInstanceID, 'SetVolume', "0, Master, 10")
  • RPCGENERIC_CallApi(IpsInstanceID, 'GetVolume', "0, Master") or
  • $api = RPCGENERIC_GetApi(IpsInstanceID)
  • $volume = $api-> GetVolume (0, "Master")
  • $api->SetVolume (0, "Master", $ volume)

Calling it via the RpcApi object $api is useful in any case when calling several, consecutive, calls, as it does not make sense, as with xxx_GetApi (IpsInstanceID), with each call the module is recreated.

Furthermore, it is possible to address calls directly to an service. Since some Rpc devices such as the Fritzbox contains several functions of the same name, GetInfo(), it is necessary to transfer the service name. This happens as follows

  • $api->__ call ("DeviceInfo1.GetInfo", array with parameter) or
  • $api->{"DeviceInfo1.GetInfo"}(parameter,parameter...)

Multimedia RPC Module

Includes Standard methods for
1. Volume, Mute (Generic)
2. Bass, Loudness, Trebble (sonos)
3. Play,Pause,Stop,Next,Previous (Generic)
4. Color,Brightness,Sharpness, Contrast (TV )

This module also exports the functions

  • RPCMEDIA_RequestUpdate(IpsInstanceID) updates all status variables
  • RPCMEDIA_WriteValue(IpsInstanceID,statusvar,value) set status variable


Since InstanceID is usually 0, this variable does not have to be specified, just like Channel, these values are automatically added when called.

Therefore the call with $api->GetVolume() or $api->SetVolume(10) is also possible.

The volume can be changed or read as follows

  • $api=RPCMEDIA_GetApi(IpsInstanceID)
  • $volume=$api->GetVolume()
  • $api->SetVolume(NewVolume)

or use the RPCMEDIA_WriteValue function to change status variables.

  • RPCMEDIA_WriteValueIpsInstanceID, 'VOLUME', 10) sets the volume to 10
  • RPCMEDIA_WriteValue(IpsInstanceID, 'PLAYSTATE', value) is used to control the playback, whereby the following values are possible:
    • 0: Stop
    • 1: Pause
    • 2: Play
    • 3: Next
    • 4: Prevoius


To keep the cache device config files small, unneeded functions and status variables are ignored when processing the XML files. If you want to dive deeper finds everything in the file, I also have the modules in the source code (for my purposes * laugh *) well documented.

Add One Modules

can found here