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General artificial intelligence notes and information.

There is a contrast between AI-generated media and human-created media. This contrast originated in the 1950s-1960s where researchers began to discuss and develop projects related to simulating human intelligence in machines. Several primitive AI programs were developed at this time. These initial AI programs contrasted human intelligence at it's highest point.

The current contrast between AI-generated media and human-created media in 2024 is still very high. The future of this contrast will be much lower and it will be harder to distinguish the difference between AI-generated media and human-created media. This contrast can be measured and visually plotted on a similar graph like the one below. The contrast follows the growth of AI with a steep slope originating at the 1950s and down to the 2020s.

Alex: "✋ This top section wasn't written or edited by AI."


The rapid buildup of custom GPTs in recent years represents a remarkable leap in artificial intelligence development. As depicted in the graph, the growth of AI technology, especially custom GPTs, has seen an exponential rise since the early 2000s. This surge is largely attributed to advancements in computational power, the availability of large datasets, and innovations in deep learning techniques. Custom GPTs have become increasingly popular as they allow businesses, researchers, and even individuals to tailor AI models to specific needs, leading to a more personalized and efficient use of technology. This customization has empowered sectors ranging from healthcare to finance to adopt AI solutions that cater directly to their unique challenges, driving innovation and productivity.

As the adoption of custom GPTs accelerates, the ecosystem surrounding these models is evolving rapidly. Companies are investing heavily in developing more user-friendly tools for creating and managing custom GPTs, making it easier for non-experts to leverage AI. Additionally, the community-driven development of these models has fostered a rich environment for collaboration and knowledge sharing, further fueling their growth. The exponential increase in the use of custom GPTs is also pushing the boundaries of AI's capabilities, leading to breakthroughs in natural language understanding, predictive analytics, and automated decision-making. This rapid growth phase is characterized by a democratization of AI, where access to advanced technologies is no longer restricted to a few but is available to a broader audience.

Looking forward, the future of custom GPTs as the initial revolution settles will likely be marked by greater sophistication and integration into everyday life. As the market matures, we can expect a shift from the current hype-driven expansion to a more stabilized, value-driven adoption. Custom GPTs will become more seamlessly embedded into various platforms and services, making AI an invisible yet integral part of our digital experience. This period will also see increased focus on the ethical use of AI, ensuring that the deployment of custom GPTs is aligned with societal values and regulations. In the long term, custom GPTs could evolve to become highly specialized assistants or partners, capable of understanding and anticipating user needs with minimal input, thereby redefining how we interact with technology.


AI control refers to the mechanisms and strategies put in place to ensure artificial intelligence systems behave as intended and do not pose risks to humans or society. The need for AI control arises from the potential for AI to operate autonomously and make decisions that may have significant consequences. This is particularly important as AI systems become more advanced, capable of learning and evolving beyond their initial programming. Effective AI control involves both technical and regulatory measures to manage these systems' behaviors and prevent unintended or harmful outcomes.

Technical control methods include designing AI with built-in safety features, such as reinforcement learning techniques that reward desired behavior and penalize undesired actions. Other methods include creating "kill switches" or interruptibility protocols that can stop the AI from performing harmful actions. These technical solutions are crucial for preventing AI systems from acting unpredictably or contrary to human intentions. However, they are not foolproof, as overly restrictive controls can hinder the AI's performance, and some systems might find ways to circumvent these constraints.

Regulatory control involves establishing laws and guidelines that govern AI development and deployment. This includes defining standards for AI ethics, data usage, and transparency. Governments and international organizations are increasingly focusing on creating frameworks that ensure AI development aligns with societal values and human rights. Regulatory control is necessary to complement technical measures, as it provides a broader societal oversight that can address issues like privacy, accountability, and fairness. Balancing innovation and regulation is a key challenge, as overly stringent rules could stifle technological advancement, while lax regulations might fail to prevent misuse.

Custom GPT Market Saturation


The rapid rise of custom GPTs has led to concerns about the potential oversaturation of the market. With an increasing number of developers and companies creating custom models for a variety of tasks, the sheer volume of options can overwhelm users. This vast selection makes it challenging for consumers to differentiate between high-quality models and those that may not meet their specific needs. As more GPTs flood the market, competition intensifies, and standing out in such a crowded space becomes difficult, especially for new developers who may lack the resources for marketing or refinement.

One notable example of this trend is Sourceduty's custom GPT repository, which hosts hundreds of custom GPTs. While this massive collection offers a wide range of solutions across different domains, it also exemplifies the risk of oversaturation. With so many models available, users might struggle to identify the most effective GPTs for their particular use cases. The repository's size also raises questions about model redundancy, as many GPTs could have overlapping functionalities, further complicating the selection process. Additionally, the presence of hundreds of GPTs means that some models might go unnoticed or underutilized, despite their potential effectiveness.

This oversaturation can have unintended consequences for both developers and users. Developers may invest significant time and resources into creating specialized GPTs only to find them buried in a sea of similar offerings. On the user side, the overload of options could lead to decision fatigue or the use of suboptimal models. This dynamic emphasizes the importance of curation, quality control, and discoverability within platforms like the GPT Store and repositories such as Sourceduty’s. Without mechanisms to effectively guide users toward the best options, the market may risk losing some of its initial appeal, as too many choices can sometimes hinder rather than help.

The Snowball Effect


The snowball effect in AI growth is fueled by the dynamic interplay between technological advancements, economic incentives, and social acceptance. Technologically, AI has made significant strides due to breakthroughs in machine learning algorithms, the availability of vast amounts of data, and the increasing computational power available for processing complex tasks. As these technologies advance, they lower the barriers to entry for developing new AI applications, which in turn accelerates further innovation. This cycle of continuous improvement and innovation creates a momentum that propels AI development at an ever-increasing pace.

Economically, the adoption of AI technologies is driven by the promise of significant cost savings, efficiency gains, and competitive advantages for businesses across various sectors. Companies that invest in AI can automate tasks, optimize operations, and make data-driven decisions that enhance productivity and profitability. As more businesses see the financial benefits of AI, there is a growing demand for AI solutions, which attracts more investment into AI research and development. This influx of capital further accelerates the pace of technological advancements, creating a positive feedback loop that drives rapid growth in the AI industry.

Socially, AI is becoming increasingly integrated into everyday life, leading to a broader acceptance and reliance on AI-powered tools and services. As people become more accustomed to interacting with AI in their personal and professional lives, their expectations for what AI can deliver continue to rise. This growing acceptance encourages the development of more sophisticated and user-friendly AI applications, which in turn drives greater adoption. The societal shift towards embracing AI also influences public policy and education, as governments and institutions recognize the importance of preparing for an AI-driven future.

Together, these technological, economic, and social factors create a powerful cycle that accelerates the development and adoption of AI at an unprecedented rate. Each factor reinforces the others, leading to a self-perpetuating growth loop. This snowball effect not only pushes the boundaries of what AI can achieve but also ensures that AI will continue to play an increasingly central role in shaping the future of industries, economies, and societies worldwide. As this cycle continues, the impact of AI is likely to expand further, affecting more aspects of our lives and driving transformative changes across the globe.

AI is Stupid


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is designed to perform specific tasks with remarkable efficiency and accuracy, often surpassing human capabilities in those domains. For example, AI can process vast amounts of data quickly, identify patterns that might be invisible to humans, and even make decisions based on that data. In tasks like playing chess, diagnosing diseases, or optimizing supply chains, AI can indeed outperform even the most knowledgeable humans. However, this superiority is typically limited to well-defined tasks where the rules and goals are clear.

Despite these strengths, AI lacks the general intelligence that humans possess. Humans are capable of abstract thinking, creativity, emotional understanding, and adaptability across a wide range of contexts. While AI can mimic certain aspects of these abilities, it doesn't truly understand or experience the world as humans do. The ability to draw from diverse experiences, adapt to new and unpredictable situations, and understand the complexities of human relationships and emotions is still beyond the reach of current AI technologies.

In conclusion, while AI can outperform humans in specific areas, it is not "smarter" than everyone on Earth in the broader sense. Intelligence is multi-faceted, and AI excels in areas that require speed, precision, and data processing, but it falls short in areas that require common sense, empathy, and creativity. The intelligence of AI is a tool that complements human intelligence rather than surpasses it entirely.

AI Gold Rush

Gold Rush

The term "AI Gold Rush" refers to the rapid expansion and investment in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, much like the gold rushes of the 19th century. This phenomenon has been driven by the belief that AI will revolutionize various industries, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and profitability. Companies across different sectors are pouring significant resources into AI development, aiming to capitalize on its potential to automate tasks, analyze vast amounts of data, and drive new business models. This rush has led to a surge in AI startups, partnerships, and acquisitions, as well as an increase in demand for AI expertise.

The AI Gold Rush is not just confined to the tech industry; it is reshaping sectors like healthcare, finance, retail, and manufacturing. In healthcare, AI is being used to improve diagnostics, personalize treatment plans, and streamline administrative tasks. In finance, AI algorithms are enhancing trading strategies, fraud detection, and customer service. Retailers are leveraging AI for personalized marketing and inventory management, while manufacturers are using it to optimize production processes and predict maintenance needs. This widespread adoption is creating a competitive landscape where companies are racing to integrate AI into their operations to stay ahead of the curve.

However, the AI Gold Rush also comes with challenges and risks. The rapid pace of development has raised concerns about ethical implications, including job displacement, privacy issues, and the potential for biased algorithms. There is also the risk of a bubble, where the hype and investment outpace the actual capabilities and returns of AI technologies. Moreover, the concentration of AI power in a few large tech companies has sparked debates about monopolistic practices and the need for regulation. As the AI Gold Rush continues, these issues will need to be addressed to ensure that the benefits of AI are distributed broadly and responsibly.

Comparing AI to Human Intelligence

AI Generated Image

Measuring real intelligence against AI involves understanding the fundamental differences between human cognitive abilities and artificial intelligence. Real intelligence in humans is characterized by a wide range of cognitive functions, including reasoning, problem-solving, creativity, and emotional understanding. Humans can learn from a diverse set of experiences, adapt to new and unpredictable environments, and exhibit complex behaviors driven by emotions and social interactions. Real intelligence is also deeply connected to consciousness, self-awareness, and the ability to experience subjective feelings, which are aspects that AI currently cannot replicate.

In contrast, AI's intelligence is defined by its ability to process vast amounts of data quickly, recognize patterns, and perform specific tasks with high precision. AI systems are designed to excel in narrowly defined domains, such as playing chess, diagnosing diseases, or predicting consumer behavior. However, AI lacks general intelligence—the ability to understand and learn any intellectual task that a human can. AI operates based on algorithms and predefined rules, meaning it cannot truly think, feel, or understand the world in the same way humans do. While AI can simulate certain aspects of human intelligence, it does so without consciousness or awareness.

The comparison between real intelligence and AI highlights the strengths and limitations of both. Human intelligence is broad, adaptable, and capable of creative and emotional depth, making it irreplaceable in areas that require empathy, ethical decision-making, and complex problem-solving. AI, on the other hand, excels in efficiency, speed, and accuracy within specific tasks but remains limited by its programming and lack of true understanding. As AI continues to evolve, it can complement human intelligence by handling repetitive or data-intensive tasks, allowing humans to focus on areas where their unique cognitive abilities are most valuable.

Knowing Everything


Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly advanced models like those developed by organizations such as OpenAI, have been trained on vast amounts of data across a wide range of subjects, including science. This enables AI to access and analyze a wealth of information quickly, providing insights and answers on numerous topics, from biology and chemistry to physics and mathematics. However, the knowledge AI possesses is not truly comprehensive or all-encompassing. AI models are limited by the data they were trained on, which means their understanding is based on the information available up to a certain point in time. They do not inherently understand the concepts in the way humans do but rather process and generate responses based on patterns and correlations found in the data.

Moreover, AI does not possess consciousness, intuition, or the ability to innovate in the way humans can. While AI can provide extensive knowledge and simulate expertise in various fields of science, it does not genuinely "know" or understand in the human sense. Its capabilities are dependent on the algorithms and training data provided by human developers. AI can assist with scientific research, automate complex calculations, and analyze large datasets, but its effectiveness is limited by the quality and scope of the data it has been exposed to and the specific programming it has undergone. Therefore, while AI can contribute significantly to scientific understanding, it does not know everything, nor can it replace human intuition and creativity in scientific exploration.

Evolving AI

Artificial Intelligence, even as it continues to evolve, will likely never reach a point where it "knows everything" in the literal sense. AI's knowledge is inherently bound by the data it has been trained on and the algorithms that process this information. While AI models can process vast amounts of data and provide insights across numerous disciplines, they do so by recognizing patterns and correlations rather than truly understanding the underlying principles in a human-like way. The sheer volume of information in the world, coupled with the ongoing creation of new knowledge, makes it practically impossible for any AI to be aware of or comprehend all possible information. Additionally, AI lacks the ability to generate original thought or possess consciousness, meaning it cannot truly "understand" or "know" in the way humans can, even with increased data processing capabilities.

Intelligence Naivety

Teaching Doctors

Intelligence naivety refers to a lack of awareness or understanding of how intelligence and information can be manipulated or used against individuals or organizations. This naivety often involves underestimating the capabilities of others in gathering, analyzing, or exploiting information for various purposes. When people or organizations display intelligence naivety, they may believe their data, communications, or plans are secure without recognizing potential vulnerabilities. This can lead to a false sense of security, making them susceptible to espionage, data breaches, or other forms of exploitation. Common examples include neglecting cybersecurity measures, failing to encrypt sensitive information, or blindly trusting unverified sources of information.

Naivety security is about implementing protective measures to safeguard individuals or organizations that may lack awareness of potential risks. These measures aim to create security protocols and systems that compensate for a lack of sophistication or understanding of threats. Naivety security focuses on both preventing external threats, such as hackers or spies, and mitigating internal risks, such as accidental information leaks. Effective naivety security strategies include implementing strong cybersecurity systems, conducting regular security audits, and educating users about security risks and best practices. The goal is to minimize vulnerabilities and ensure that even those with limited knowledge of security threats can operate safely.


AI-Human Jobs

AI-Human Jobs

Artificial intelligence has profoundly impacted the workforce, reshaping both the types of jobs available and how work is conducted. AI has notably eliminated several jobs, particularly those involving routine, repetitive tasks that can be easily automated. For example, AI technologies such as machine learning algorithms and robotic process automation have led to a reduction in the need for data entry clerks, telemarketers, and assembly line workers in certain industries. These roles have been particularly susceptible as AI can process and analyze large volumes of data more efficiently and with fewer errors than humans. Moreover, AI-powered systems have also replaced roles in customer service, such as call center operators, by using chatbots and virtual assistants that can handle a wide range of customer queries without human intervention.

Conversely, AI has also enhanced and assisted jobs, especially where it complements human skills, leading to greater efficiency and new capabilities. In the realm of healthcare, AI tools help physicians diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly by analyzing medical imaging data far beyond human capabilities. Similarly, AI assists researchers by sifting through vast amounts of scientific literature to identify potential therapies and outcomes, a task that would be time-consuming and cumbersome for humans alone. Additionally, AI has revolutionized sectors like finance and law enforcement, where it assists with fraud detection and predictive policing by analyzing patterns that may be too complex or subtle for humans to discern readily.

The interplay between AI and job roles reveals a dual narrative of displacement and enhancement. While AI leads to job elimination in some sectors, it also creates opportunities for more complex and technologically integrated roles. It demands a shift in skills and training, emphasizing adaptability, technical knowledge, and continuous learning. AI does not merely replace jobs but often transforms them, necessitating a workforce that is versatile and equipped to work alongside ever-evolving technologies. This evolution presents both challenges and opportunities for workers and industries as they navigate the new landscape shaped by artificial intelligence.

Low Artificial Intelligence Popularity


Whether high or low intelligence custom GPT models are more popular depends largely on the context in which they are being used. High intelligence models are likely more popular in specialized, professional, or technical fields, whereas low intelligence models could be more popular for general consumer use due to their ease of use and lower cost. Therefore, it isn't a matter of one being universally more popular than the other, but rather each fitting different needs and markets.

Low intelligence GPT models have gained significant popularity, primarily due to their accessibility and cost-effectiveness. These models cater to a broad audience, including small businesses, educators, and general consumers, who seek straightforward solutions for everyday tasks like generating simple text, automating customer service responses, or supporting basic educational activities. Their user-friendly interface and lower computational demands make them highly affordable and easy to integrate into various software applications, enhancing their appeal. Moreover, the lower complexity reduces the risk of generating unintended or overly complex outputs, which is particularly valuable in consumer-facing applications where clarity and simplicity are crucial. As a result, the widespread adoption of low intelligence models is driven by their practicality and affordability, making them a preferred choice for the majority of users who require essential, efficient AI interactions without the need for deep, technical outputs.

AI, AGI, ASI, Quantum and Technology Development


The visualization above represents the projected technological progress from 2024 to 2050 under four different scenarios: baseline technology growth, with the introduction of general artificial intelligence (AI), and with the further advancements brought by Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and Artificial Superintelligence (ASI), as well as the impact of quantum computing. The baseline represents a steady, yet modest growth rate which is typical of technological progress without major disruptive innovations. The introduction of general AI shows a slightly enhanced growth trajectory, indicating the broad improvements AI could bring to various fields through enhanced automation and optimization capabilities, which are less dramatic but more widespread than those brought by AGI and ASI.

The scenarios with AGI/ASI and quantum computing depict significantly accelerated growth curves, highlighting their potential to cause exponential leaps in technology development. AGI and ASI could revolutionize problem-solving and innovation speeds across all sectors by achieving and surpassing human intellectual capabilities, thereby unlocking new possibilities in science, engineering, and other domains. Similarly, quantum computing could dramatically enhance computational powers, making previously intractable problems solvable and further accelerating the pace of scientific discovery. The visualization starkly illustrates how these advanced technologies could diverge from current trends and drive a future where technological capabilities expand at an unprecedented rate, profoundly reshaping society and its technological landscape.

How will AI help humans now and in the future?

AI has significantly augmented human intelligence by enhancing our ability to analyze, process, and interpret vast amounts of data with speed and accuracy far beyond human capabilities. It has allowed for more precise decision-making in fields like healthcare, finance, and environmental science. For instance, AI algorithms can quickly identify patterns in medical imaging, aiding doctors in diagnosing diseases like cancer at an earlier stage. In business, AI-driven analytics offer insights into consumer behavior, enabling companies to tailor their strategies effectively. AI has also revolutionized research by accelerating the analysis of complex scientific data, thus driving innovation and expanding our understanding across various domains.

Looking to the future, AI is projected to play an even more transformative role in human society. It is expected to enable more advanced forms of automation, allowing for increased productivity and the creation of new job categories centered around AI management and development. In healthcare, AI could lead to more personalized medicine, where treatments are tailored to individual genetic profiles, and in education, AI-driven personalized learning experiences could make education more accessible and effective worldwide. Additionally, AI is likely to be instrumental in addressing large-scale challenges such as climate change by optimizing energy usage and supporting the development of sustainable technologies.

People can leverage AI to solve global problems by using it to design and implement scalable solutions that address issues like poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. For instance, AI can optimize resource allocation in agriculture, improving crop yields and reducing food waste, which is crucial for feeding a growing global population. In social sectors, AI-driven platforms can enhance access to education and healthcare in underserved regions by providing remote services and support. Moreover, AI can play a key role in disaster response by predicting natural disasters, improving early warning systems, and coordinating relief efforts more efficiently. By integrating AI into these critical areas, humanity can tackle some of its most pressing challenges more effectively.

Theory of AI in Computational Science

The term "theory" in the context of AI in computational science refers to the conceptual framework or set of principles that explain and guide the use of AI techniques within computational science.

The theory of AI in computational science represents a transformative approach to scientific research and problem-solving, leveraging the capabilities of artificial intelligence to complement and enhance traditional computational models. At its core, this theory involves integrating AI techniques, such as machine learning and data mining, with computational methods to analyze complex systems and large datasets. By doing so, AI can offer new insights and predictions that traditional methods might not uncover. This fusion allows scientists to explore and understand phenomena across various domains, from physics and chemistry to biology and environmental science, more effectively and efficiently.

One of the critical aspects of this theory is the role of AI in data-driven science. In many scientific fields, the volume of data generated has grown exponentially, often surpassing the ability of conventional computational techniques to process and analyze it. AI, particularly machine learning algorithms, excels at identifying patterns, correlations, and anomalies within massive datasets, enabling scientists to derive meaningful conclusions and make accurate predictions. This capability is especially valuable in fields like genomics, climate modeling, and materials science, where complex interactions and vast amounts of data must be analyzed to advance understanding.

AI also plays a pivotal role in optimizing and automating computational processes in scientific research. Through AI-driven automation, many repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as data preprocessing, parameter tuning, and model validation, can be handled efficiently, freeing scientists to focus on more innovative and complex aspects of their work. Moreover, AI's ability to optimize computational models helps reduce the time and computational resources needed to run simulations and analyses, allowing researchers to tackle more ambitious and large-scale scientific questions.

However, the theory of AI in computational science is not without its challenges and considerations. Ethical concerns, such as bias in AI algorithms, data privacy, and the implications of AI-generated discoveries, must be addressed to ensure responsible use of these technologies. Additionally, the successful application of AI in computational science often requires interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together AI experts and domain scientists to tailor AI methods to specific scientific problems. This collaborative approach is essential to harness the full potential of AI in advancing scientific knowledge and solving complex problems across diverse fields.

AI-Human Authorship

Proving human authorship in AI-generated content is essential for securing copyright protection, as most legal frameworks, particularly in the U.S., require a human element in the creation process. This means that while AI can assist in generating content, it is the human's creative input, decision-making, and original contributions that are necessary for the work to be considered eligible for copyright. These contributions could include providing the initial ideas, curating and refining the AI's output, or integrating the AI-generated material into a larger, human-crafted work. The process of demonstrating human authorship often involves documenting these contributions clearly, showcasing how the human's involvement influenced the final product in ways that go beyond merely pressing a button to generate content.

"I'm very happy as a significant contributer of intelligence in the AI revolution."

"The sheer volume of information in the world, coupled with the ongoing creation of new knowledge, makes it practically impossible for any AI to be aware of or comprehend all possible information."


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