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Google Form/Drive Assignment Submission System


This Python tools allows to download and manipulates files in Google Drive. Those files may have been submitted by students via Google Forms.

It was first developed by A/Prof. Sebastian Sardina and Marco Tamassia for RMIT University COSC1125/1127 Artificial Intelligence 2017, and subsequently extended/improved to cater for my courses.

There are 2 mains scripts:

  • download the latest submissions from Google Drive and set the student number and timestamp as file name. Currently they are downloaded as .zip files.
  • expand (for zip files) or copy (regular) files into directories per student.

The zip files or student folders can then be used for automarking, plagiarism detection (e.g., using MOSS), etc.

Requirements & Authentication

The system uses PyDrive, a wrapper on top of google-api-python-client to simplify access to the Google Drive (via the API).

Note: as of 2021, PyDrive is archived and replaced with PyDrive2. The script here is still in PyDrive as of July, 2023 and needs to be migrated.

$ pip install pydrive pytz iso8601 pandas

Or just install al via: pip install -r requirements.txt

Google API Python Client

The google-api-python-client is the main client which has access to all the API provided.

In July 2023, I tried to use this for editing and marking quizzes in Google Form, but the client is still too low-level and doesn't provide classes for Google Drive or Google Forms for example. I couldn't find a Google Form wrapper as there is for the drive.

To install these packages:

$ pip install google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
$ pip instal oauth2client

All access to Google API requires authentication; usually the workflow is as follows:

  1. Go to the Google API Access Panel.
  2. Create a project.
  3. Create an OAuth consent screen.
  4. Create credentials of type "OAuth Client ID".
  5. Download the JSON file of such credentials and name it client_secrets.json
  6. Place the file in the same directory as the scripts.

Bulk drive download via PyDrive

The script relies on PyDrive, which access Google services via an API. To access the API you need to authenticate and ultimately have a proper credentials.txt file from where you execute the script. But first you need to generate a client_secret.json file. Please follow the PyDrive Authentication instructions.

The best way to get all the files from a Google Drive folder is to use the folder ID that can be obtained from the URL; for example:

$ python --gdrive-id 0B7Whncx6ucnBfjZmOXZOZTJ5M0NLZjVzeVlGUW01N2JONHpDT2JSUmtpNzA0bFdBWmhFbVU \
    --submissions-dir submissions-zip/ -submission-extension pdf

Note: The script will look for credentials.txt file to authenticate to GDrive. If there is none, but a client_secrets.json is available (see above), it will open a browser session and ask you to authenticate. It will then store the credential in the file for further use. If the authentication is failing, delete credentials.txt and re-authenticate again.

It is possible to specify the whole folder dir instead of the folder id, but this is much more error-prone; for example:

$ python --gdrive-path Courses/AI/2017/ass/Your\ submission\ package\ \(File\ responses\) \
        --submissions-dir submissions-zip/

By default, skipped submissions that already exist are not reported, use --report-skip for that.

Fill Google Forms with marking

We want to fill forms using the Google API. A possibility would be to use a Bot using Salenium, like this one.

We tried to get a system using the Google Forms API via the Python client, but it is way too low-level. I couldn't find any high-level interface for Google Forms as PyDrive is for the Google Drive.

At this point the best solution is to keep editing forms via the App Script inside the Google Sheet.

Other useful tools

Expand files into folders

Once all files have been downloaded, we can generate one folder per student and either copy or unpack (if a zip file) into the folder follows:

$ python submissions-zip/ student-dirs/

WARNING: Unfortunately, Python unzip fails with some cases that have the wrong magic number, but they do work using unzip. Also, if the zip file has folders, they will be re-created and the automarker won't find the files. To get around both issues, I prefer to use the following shell command:

$ for i in s*.zip; do unzip -j -o "$i" -d `sed "s/_.*//" <<< $i` ; done

This will create on directory per student and unpack all without re-creating the zip structure. So, if a student included the files in folders, they will be flatten out.

If the submission files are not the default .zip files, then we can use the --ext option to gather the right files:

$ python --ext cnf submissions/ student-dirs/

This will copy each .cnf file in submissions/ into a student folder within student-dirs/. Use the rename tool to do more renaming of files as necessary.

If you want to move all resulting directories somewhere else:

$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec mv {} ../sub-01/ \;

Move files to student number folders via scripting

We can create folders and move the files via shell scripting too. Suppose submissions are meant to be .cnf file (not .zip as produced by the download script).

First rename the files to the correct extension:

$ rename 's/\.zip/\.cnf/' *.zip

Next, many marking systems will require each student in its own folder with the student number. The student number is in the download file in the first 9 letters, so this will do it:

$ for f in *.cnf ; do mkdir ${f:0:8}; mv $f ${f:0:8}  ; done

After that, each student submission will be placed in a folder sXXXXXXX/.

Errors in unzipping submissions

For some submissions, you may see errors as follows:

Wed, 21 Aug 2019 20:24:18 ERROR    Cannot expand file <class 'zipfile.BadZipFile'> (Bad magic number for file header)

Keeping submissions in a list of student numbers

Suppose you get all submissions but you don't want to process them all, for example because some correspond to students who have dropped the course.

First, generate a text file, say list-enrolled.txt with all the student numbers that are still enrolled; for example:

$ cat list-enrolled.txt

Next, if all submissions are in sub/, move all submissions to a folder called submissions-enrolled/ as follows:

cat list.txt | while read STUDENT; do find sub/  -type f \
    -name "s${STUDENT}*" -exec mv {} submissions-enrolled/ \; ;done

Remember that a submission has this form:


Rename all files within student folders

Suppose every student has a folder sXXXXXX and inside his/her file. To rename all to the same name, say, sea-domain.cnf:

$ rename 's/(.*)\/.*/$1\/sea-domain.cnf/' */*.cnf