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heavyplayer2 edited this page Feb 7, 2014 · 9 revisions

Ethereum is the Decentralised Consensus-based Deterministic Transaction Resolution Platform.

It currently exists as a preliminary whitepaper and set of standards found on the Ethereum Wiki and a number of proof-of-concept codebases, of which this is one.

If you would like to know more about building Ethereum for your platform, please see the page on Building Ethereum within Ubuntu 13.04 and the community edited page on Compatibility-Info-and-Build-Tips for other distributions and operating systems. If you have anything else to add (e.g. instructions for your favourite distribution), please add to the page and make it a useful resource!

Once built, we have several pages on usage; either see Using-Ethereum-CLI-Client, Using-AlethZero (AlephZero is the Ethereum graphical interface), how to Configure-a-Server or how to build an Ethereum-Local-Test-Net.

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