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API Automation

This is a self study project created for REST API Automation. This can be helpful for begineer to understand API Automation.

For testing used Git APIs and

Test Cases:

1. Get
    a. Without params
    b. with Path params
    c. with Query params
2. Post
	a. with run time field value updation in request body  

🔖 Topics

💪 Tech Stack

  • Java : 11
  • rest-assured : 5.4.0
  • testng : 7.9.0
  • lombok : 1.18.30
  • com.typesafe.config : 1.4.3
  • extentreports : 5.1.1
  • json : 20231013
  • javafaker : 1.0.2

🛟 Framework Demonstrates

  • Builder Design Pattern
  • Singleton Pattern
  • Reporting
  • testng library for TDD
  • Added custom assertion
  • Reading data from application.conf file using typeSafe config library
  • Added custom Annotations

Improvement Areas:

  • Need to update framework to support parallel test cases execution
  • Improve Exception Handling

🚀 Demo

  • Clone the repository
  • One can run all test cases directly by running testng.xml file
  • One can run via maven command e.g. mvn test
  • One can run individual test case by marking other test cases enabled = false
  • One can run individual test case via maven command
        test -Dtest=FunctionalTest#getTestWithPathParam
  • One can run any specific test group. Currently groups are git and reqres.

🌐 About Me

I'm a Software Automation Tester, having 11+ years of experience.

Please have a look on my Portfolio: @swatinerkar

My LinkedIn Profile: @swatinerkar

If you would like to have some guidence, you can book any of my service: @swatinerkar

👯 Support

For support, email