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PCTL parameter synthesis

Matej Troják edited this page Aug 31, 2021 · 7 revisions

Parameter Synthesis can be performed on parametric models with respect to the given PCTL formula expressing a property regarding the probability of an event to occur. If the formula has defined probability threshold, then the partitioning of the given parameter space (defined by the user) to regions which satisfy (resp. violate) the property is computed If the threshold is not given, a probability function of parameters is computed instead, which evaluates to the probability of satisfaction for particular parametrisation. PCTL Parameter Synthesis procedure is performed using an external tool called Storm. A step by step Galaxy tour showing how to use the tool can be found here.

Input specification

  • TS file: Generated transition system for the desired model (computed using Transition System generator)

  • PCTL formula: Given formula expressing property to be used to perform parameter synthesis on the transition system of the given model.

  • Intervals: Relevant only in the case when PCTL formula has defined probability threshold. Then, an interval of allowed values has to be specified for each unknown parameter in the model, together forming parameter space. If PCTL formula does not have defined probability threshold (i.e. starts with P=?), the intervals should not be defined.

Output specification

The textual result contains some details about Storm model checker performance. It is stored in a .storm.sample or .storm.regions file, depending on the particular scenario which was chosen (PCTL with vs. without threshold).

.storm.sample file contains computed probability function of parameters, which can be evaluated to the probability of satisfaction for particular parametrisation. This result can be further analysed in Probability Sampling tool.

.storm.regions file contains segmentation of specified parameter space to regions where the given property is satisfied and violated. For some of the regions, the satisfiability might not be decided due to efficiency reasons.

The Parameter Synthesis results stored in .storm.regions file can be visualised in Parameter synthesis result visualisation.

Command line arguments

usage: [-h] --transition_file TRANSITION_FILE 
                                      --output OUTPUT 
                                      --formula FORMULA
                                      [--region REGION] 

Parameter synthesis

required arguments:
  --transition_file TRANSITION_FILE
  --output OUTPUT
  --formula FORMULA

optional arguments:
  --region REGION