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Streaming service dependencies from Zipkin spans using Kafka Streams. Streaming version of

How to use it


Key Description Default Value
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS Kafka Bootstrap Servers where Zipkin Kafka Reporters store Span. localhost:29092
TOPIC_SPANS Kafka Topic where Zipkin Spans are stored. zipkin
FORMAT Zipkin format. Options: JSON_V1, JSON_V2, PROTO3. JSON_V2
STORAGE_TYPE Storage where Zipkin dependencies will be forwarded. Options: STDOUT, ELASTICSEARCH, CASSANDRA. STDOUT

By default, dependencies are stored in a Kafka Topic, and print out to StdOut.

Elasticsearch Configuration

Key Description Default Value
ELASTICSEARCH_URLS Elasticsearch nodes URLs localhost:19200
ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX Elasticsearch index prefix zipkin
ELASTICSEARCH_DATE_SEPARATOR Separator for Dates on Index name. -

Cassandra Configuration

Key Description Default Value
CASSANDRA_CONTACT_POINTS Cassandra Contact Point hosts. localhost
CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE Cassandra keyspace. zipkin


Run: docker-compose up -d to start a Zipkin server with Elasticsearch storage, and Kafka as ingestion component.


Run: src/test/java/no/sysco/middleware/zipkin/dependencies/streaming/tools/ that will use the spans.json file to push spans via Kafka.

In less than 1 minutes, dependencies should be available under http://localhost:9411/zipkin/dependency/

Kafka Streams Topology