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Control Docker containers from your test lifecycle for Clojure integration tests.


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What it is

This library is a lightweight wrapper around the Testcontainers Java library.

What it isn't

This library does not provide tools to include testcontainers in your testing lifecycle. As there are many different test tools with different approaches to testing in the clojure world, handling the lifecycle is up to you.

Integration with test runners

There is an experimental kaocha plugin you can try out


The library provides a set of functions to interact with the testcontainers. A simple example, how to create a container with a Docker label, could look like this:

(require '[clj-test-containers.core :as tc])

(def container (-> (tc/create {:image-name    "postgres:12.1"
                               :exposed-ports [5432]
                               :env-vars      {"POSTGRES_PASSWORD" "verysecret"}})
                   (tc/bind-filesystem! {:host-path      "/tmp"
                                         :container-path "/opt"
                                         :mode           :read-only})

(do-database-testing (:host container)
                     (get (:mapped-ports container) 5432))

(tc/stop! container)

If you'd rather create a container from a Dockerfile in your project, it could look like this:

(require '[clj-test-containers.core :as tc])

(def container (-> (tc/create-from-docker-file {:env-vars      {"FOO" "bar"}
                                                :exposed-ports [80]
                                                :docker-file   "resources/Dockerfile"})

If you prefer to use prebuilt containers from the Testcontainers project, you can do it like this

(require '[clj-test-containers.core :as tc])
(:import [org.testcontainers.containers PostgreSQLContainer])

(def container (-> (tc/init {:container     (PostgreSQLContainer. "postgres:12.2")
                             :exposed-ports [5432]})

Functions and Properties


Creates a testcontainers instance from a given Docker label and returns them

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
:image-name String, mandatory The name and label of an image, e.g. postgres:12.2
:exposed-ports Vector with ints, mandatory All ports which should be exposed and mapped to a local port
:env-vars Map A map with environment variables
:command Vector with strings The start command of the container
:network Map A map containing the configuration of a Docker Network (see: create-network)
:network-aliases Map A list of alias names for the container on the network
:wait-for Map A map containing the wait strategy to use and the condition to check for
:log-to Map A map containing the log strategy to use, e.g. {:log-strategy string}


Key Type Description
:container org.testcontainers.containers.Container The Testcontainers instance, accessible for everything this library doesn't provide (yet)
:exposed-ports Vector with ints Value of the same input parameter
:env-vars Map Value of the same input parameter
:host String The host for the Docker Container
:network Map The network configuration of the Container, if provided
:wait-for Map The wait-for configuration of the Container, if provided!


(create {:image-name      "alpine:3.2"
         :exposed-ports   [80]
         :env-vars        {"MAGIC_NUMBER" "42"}
         :network         (create-network)
         :network-aliases ["api-server"]
         :command         ["/bin/sh"
                           "while true; do echo \"$MAGIC_NUMBER\" | nc -l -p 80; done"]})

Example using wait-for and healthcheck:

(create {:image-name      "alpine:3.2"
         :exposed-ports   [80]
         :env-vars        {"MAGIC_NUMBER" "42"}
         :network         (create-network)
         :network-aliases ["api-server"]
         :wait-for        {:strategy :health}
         :command         ["/bin/sh"
                           "while true; do echo \"$MAGIC_NUMBER\" | nc -l -p 80; done"]})


Initializes a given Testcontainer, which was e.g. provided by a library

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
:container org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer, mandatory The name and label of an image, e.g. postgres:12.2
:exposed-ports Vector with ints, mandatory All ports which should be exposed and mapped to a local port
:env-vars Map A map with environment variables
:command Vector with strings The start command of the container
:network Map A map containing the configuration of a Docker Network (see: create-network)
:network-aliases Map A list of alias names for the container on the network
:wait-for Map A map containing the wait strategy to use and the condition to check for
:log-to Map A map containing the log strategy to use, e.g. {:log-strategy string}


Key Type Description
:container org.testcontainers.containers.Container The Testcontainers instance, accessible for everything this library doesn't provide (yet)
:exposed-ports Vector with ints Value of the same input parameter
:env-vars Map Value of the same input parameter
:host String The host for the Docker Container
:network Map The network configuration of the Container, if provided
:wait-for Map The wait-for configuration of the Container, if provided!


;; PostgreSQL container needs a separate library! This is not included.
(init {:container     (org.testcontainers.containers.PostgreSQLContainer)
       :exposed-ports [80]
       :env-vars      {"MAGIC_NUMBER" "42"}
       :command       ["/bin/sh"
                       "while true; do echo \"$MAGIC_NUMBER\" | nc -l -p 80; done"]})

Example using wait-for and a log message:

;; PostgreSQL container needs a separate library! This is not included.
(init {:container     (org.testcontainers.containers.PostgreSQLContainer)
       :exposed-ports [80]
       :env-vars      {"MAGIC_NUMBER" "42"}
       :wait-for      {:strategy :log :message "accept connections"}
       :command       ["/bin/sh"
                       "while true; do echo \"$MAGIC_NUMBER\" | nc -l -p 80; done"]})


Creates a testcontainer from a Dockerfile

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
:docker-file String, mandatory String containing a path to a Dockerfile
:exposed-ports Vector with ints, mandatory All ports which should be exposed and mapped to a local port
:env-vars Map A map with environment variables
:command Vector with strings The start command of the container
:network Map A map containing the configuration of a Docker Network (see: create-network)
:network-aliases Map A list of alias names for the container on the network
:wait-for Map A map containing the wait strategy to use and the condition to check for
:log-to Map A map containing the log strategy to use, e.g. {:log-strategy string}


Key Type Description
:container org.testcontainers.containers.Container The Testcontainers instance, accessible for everything this library doesn't provide (yet)
:exposed-ports Vector with ints Value of the same input parameter
:env-vars Map Value of the same input parameter
:host String The host for the Docker Container
:network Map The network configuration of the Container, if provided
:wait-for Map The wait-for configuration of the Container, if provided!


(create-from-docker-file {:docker-file   "resources/Dockerfile"
                          :exposed-ports [5432]
                          :env-vars      {"MAGIC_NUMBER" "42"}
                          :command       ["/bin/sh"
                                          "while true; do echo \"$MAGIC_NUMBER\" | nc -l -p 80; done"]})


Starts the Testcontainer, which was defined by create

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
First parameter:
container-config Map, mandatory Return value of the create function


Key Type Description
:container org.testcontainers.containers.Container The Testcontainers instance, accessible for everything this library doesn't provide (yet)
:exposed-ports Vector with ints Value of the same input parameter
:env-vars Map Value of the same input parameter
:host String The host for the Docker Container
:id String The ID of the started docker container
:mapped-ports Map A map containing the container port as key and the mapped local port as a value


(def container (create {:image-name    "alpine:3.2"
                        :exposed-ports [80]
                        :env-vars      {"MAGIC_NUMBER" "42"}}))

(start! container)


Stops the Testcontainer, which was defined by create

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
First parameter:
container-config Map, mandatory Return value of the create function


The container-config


(def container (create {:image-name    "alpine:3.2"
                        :exposed-ports [80]
                        :env-vars      {"MAGIC_NUMBER" "42"}}))

(start! container)
(stop! container)


Maps a resource from your classpath into the containers file system

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
First parameter:
container-config Map, mandatory Return value of the create function
Second parameter:    
:resource-path String, mandatory Path of your classpath resource
:container-path String, mandatory Path, to which the resource should be mapped
:mode Keyword, mandatory :read-only or :read-write


The container-config


(map-classpath-resource! container {:resource-path  "test.sql"
                                    :container-path "/opt/test.sql"
                                    :mode           :read-only})


Binds a path from your local filesystem into the Docker container as a volume

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
First parameter:
container-config Map, mandatory Return value of the create function
Second parameter:    
:host-path String , mandatory Path on your local filesystem
:container-path String, mandatory Path, to which the resource should be mapped
:mode Keyword, mandatory :read-only or :read-write


The container-config


(bind-filesystem! container {:host-path      "."
                             :container-path "/opt"
                             :mode           :read-only})


Copies a file from your filesystem or classpath into the running container

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
First parameter:
container-config Map, mandatory Return value of the create function
Second parameter:    
:path String, mandatory Path to a classpath resource or file on your filesystem
:container-path String, mandatory Path, to which the file should be copied
:type Keyword, mandatory :classpath-resource or :host-path


The container-config


(copy-file-to-container! container {:path           "test.sql"
                                    :container-path "/opt/test.sql"
                                    :type           :host-path})


Executes a command in the running container, and returns the result

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
First parameter:
container-config Map, mandatory Return value of the create function
Second parameter:    
command Vector with Strings, mandatory A vector containing the command and its parameters


Key Type Description
:exit-code int Exit code of the executed command
:stdout String Content of stdout
:stdin String Content of stdin


(execute-command! container ["tail" "/opt/test.sql"])


Creates a network. The optional map accepts config values for enabling ipv6 and setting the driver

Config parameters:

Key Type Description
:ipv6 boolean Should the network enable IPv6?
:driver String The network driver used by Docker, e.g. bridge or host


Key Type Description
:network org.testcontainers.containers.Network The instance of the network
:name String The name of the network
:ipv6 boolean Does the network enable IPv6?
:driver String The network driver used


;;Create with config
(create-network {:ipv6   false
                 :driver "overlay"})

;;Create with default config


Stops and removes all containers which were created in the JVM, including the REPL session you are in. This is helpful, if you are exploring functionality with containers in the REPL, and create lots of instances on the fly without stopping them. Testcontainers will remove all containers upon JVM shutdown, but the REPL keeps the JVM alive for a long time.

Config parameters:







Call on a started container. Provided logging was enabled for a container, returns the given log presentation, e.g. as a string

Key Type Description
container-config Map, mandatory The configuration describing the container for which the log should be retrieved


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.