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Connecting with SSH

Tzach Livyatan edited this page Mar 23, 2014 · 2 revisions

SSH is enabled by default on the current builds of OSv.

Accessing Cloud instance over SSH

For EC2 instance, OSv support key-pair authentication. See OSV on EC2 for more information

Accessing a local VM over SSH

User and password are admin/admin. After logging in, you should be greeted with this message:

>ssh -p 2000 admin@
admin@'s password: 


Important note: This should not be used as production configuration. The current host key is not generated per build, and public key authentication was not properly tested yet.

Changing the credentials

Currently, there's no convenient method to update the credentials. In order to change them, one must edit the file mgmt/crash/src/main/resources/crash/, and rebuild the project.

These issues will be addressed in a future releases.