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A trie router for toa.

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  1. Support regexp
  2. Support multi-router
  3. Support suffix matching (package trie)
  4. Support router layer middlewares
  5. Support fixed path automatic redirection
  6. Support trailing slash automatic redirection
  7. Automatic handle 405 Method Not Allowed
  8. Automatic handle 501 Not Implemented
  9. Automatic handle OPTIONS method
  10. Best Performance


const Toa = require('toa')
const Router = require('toa-router')

const router = new Router()
  .get('/:name', function () { // sync handler
    this.body = `${this.method} /${}`
  .get('/thunk', function (done) { // thunk handler
    this.body = 'thunk handler'
  .get('/generator', function * () { // generator handler
    this.body = yield Promise.resolve('generator handler')
  .get('/async', async function () { // async/await handler in Node.js v7
    this.body = await Promise.resolve('async/await handler')
  .otherwise(function () {

  .get(function () {
    this.body = 'Read from:' + this.method + ' ' + this.path
  .post(function () {
    this.body = 'Add to:' + this.method + ' ' + this.path

const app = new Toa()
app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Listened 3000'))


npm install toa-router

Router Pattern Definitions

For pattern definitions, see route-trie.

The defined pattern can contain six types of parameters:

Syntax Description
:name named parameter
:name(regexp) named with regexp parameter
:name+suffix named parameter with suffix matching
:name(regexp)+suffix named with regexp parameter and suffix matching
:name* named with catch-all parameter
::name not named parameter, it is literal :name

Named parameters are dynamic path segments. They match anything until the next '/' or the path end:

Defined: /api/:type/:ID

/api/user/123             matched: type="user", ID="123"
/api/user                 no match
/api/user/123/comments    no match

Named with regexp parameters match anything using regexp until the next '/' or the path end:

Defined: /api/:type/:ID(^\d+$)

/api/user/123             matched: type="user", ID="123"
/api/user                 no match
/api/user/abc             no match
/api/user/123/comments    no match

Named parameters with suffix, such as Google API Design:

Defined: /api/:resource/:ID+:undelete

/api/file/123                     no match
/api/file/123:undelete            matched: resource="file", ID="123"
/api/file/123:undelete/comments   no match

Named with regexp parameters and suffix:

Defined: /api/:resource/:ID(^\d+$)+:cancel

/api/task/123                   no match
/api/task/123:cancel            matched: resource="task", ID="123"
/api/task/abc:cancel            no match

Named with catch-all parameters match anything until the path end, including the directory index (the '/' before the catch-all). Since they match anything until the end, catch-all parameters must always be the final path element.

Defined: /files/:filepath*

/files                           no match
/files/LICENSE                   matched: filepath="LICENSE"
/files/templates/article.html    matched: filepath="templates/article.html"

The value of parameters is saved on the matched.params. Retrieve the value of a parameter by name:

let type = matched.params['type']
let id   = matched.params['ID']

Notice for regex pattern from route-trie:

As mentioned above, you may use regular expressions defining node:

var node = trie.define('/abc/:name([0-9]{2})')
assert(trie.match('/abc/47').node === node)

But due to JavaScript String Escape Notation: '\d' === 'd', trie.define('/abc/:name(\d{2})') === trie.define('/abc/:name(d{2})'). trie.define accept a string literal, not a regex literal, the \ maybe be escaped!

var node = trie.define('/abc/:name(\d{2})')
trie.match('/abc/47')  // null
assert(trie.match('/abc/dd').node === node)

The same for \w, \S, etc.

To use backslash (\) in regular expression you have to escape it manually:

var node = trie.define('/abc/:name(\\w{2})')
assert(trie.match('/abc/ab').node === node)


const Router = require('toa-router')

new Router(options)

  • options.root {String}, optional, default to /, define the router's scope.
  • options.ignoreCase {Boolean}, optional, default to true, ignore case.
  • options.fixedPathRedirect: {Boolean}, default to true. If enabled, the trie will detect if the current path can't be matched but a handler for the fixed path exists. matched.fpr will returns either a fixed redirect path or an empty string. For example when "/api/foo" defined and matching "/api//foo", The result matched.fpr is "/api/foo".
  • options.trailingSlashRedirect: {Boolean}, default to true. If enabled, the trie will detect if the current path can't be matched but a handler for the path with (without) the trailing slash exists. matched.tsr will returns either a redirect path or an empty string. For example if /foo/ is requested but a route only exists for /foo, the client is redirected to /foo. For example when "/api/foo" defined and matching "/api/foo/", The result matched.tsr is "/api/foo".
const router = new Router()
const APIRouter = new Router({root: '/api'})


Returns thunk function.


Define a route with the url pattern.

// support all `http.METHODS`: 'get', 'post', 'put', 'head', 'delete', 'options', 'trace', 'copy', 'lock'...

Router.prototype.get(pattern, handler...)

Router.prototype.put(pattern, handler...), handler...)

Router.prototype.del(pattern, handler...)

And all http.METHODS

Support generator handler and async/await handler:

  .get('/:type/:id', function * () {
    // ...
  .put('/:type/:id', async function () {
    // ...

Support one more handlers:

  .get('/:type/:id', handler1, handler2, handler3)
  .put('/:type/:id', [handler4, handler5, handler6])


Set default route definition that will be used when no other route definition is matched.


Add handler as middleware to this router. They will run before router handler.

  .use(function () {
    console.log('sync middleware')
  .use(function (done) {
    console.log('sync middleware')
  .use(function * () {
    console.log('generator middleware')
    yield 'something'
  .use(async function () {
    console.log('async/await middleware')
    await Promise.resolve('something')
  .get('/abc', function () {
    this.body = 'hello!'


Return a thunk function that wrap the router. We can use this thunk function as middleware.

const app = Toa()

context.params, context.request.params

this.params will be defined with any matched parameters.


The MIT License (MIT)