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Automatic Cycling

tommmooooooo edited this page Sep 30, 2023 · 2 revisions


It is possible to have an entire project with no Automatic Cycling logic. The machine can be manually controlled indefinitely with an operator performing the motions. When automatic cycling logic is written into the project, the Automatic Cycling state has to be started on the HMI with the "Start Auto Cycle" button on the right of the mode screen or the bottom footer buttons



Automatic Cycling can be stopped in the following ways;

  • Using the Stop End of Cycle Request (SEOC). This will Stop the Auto Cycling when the station reaches its IsHome Status


  • Stop Immediately. This will stop the sequence, regardless of where it is.


  • Single Cycle Mode will stop the Auto Cycling when the station reaches its Home Position


Depending on the requirements of the station and the process, it may be necessary to return the station to its Home position before starting Auto Cycling again, but this should be avoided.

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