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Using Gradle

GitHub Action edited this page Jul 21, 2024 · 6 revisions

To start using NB-API, you either need to depend on its plugin version, or shade (include) it inside your plugin.


Plugin and shaded versions have different artifactId. Make sure to correctly choose the one you need!

Option 1) NBT-API as a dependency

Add the following entries to your Gradle build at the correct locations:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "CodeMC"
        url = uri("")

(Get the current VERSION from here)

Add the API as dependency to your plugin.yml:

depend: [NBTAPI]

Option 2) Shading the NBT-API into your plugin

To include NBT-API directly in your plugin, you can use the gradle shadow plugin.

Add the plugin to the build configuration, as shown here:

plugins {
    id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "VERSION"

The latest version of the shadow plugin can be found here.

Add NBT-API to your dependencies:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "CodeMC"
        url = uri("")

(Get the current VERSION from here)


Make sure you're using item-nbt-api as artifactId, never shade the -plugin artifact!

After this you can add the shadowJar configuration to relocate the API package:

shadowJar {
    relocate("de.tr7zw.changeme.nbtapi", "YOUR PACKAGE WHERE THE API SHOULD END UP")

If you want to run the shadowJar task when the build task is executed, you can use this:

build {
Initializing NBT-API early

If you are shading NBT-API, you may call NBT.preloadApi() during onEnable to initialize NBT-API early and check whether everything works. If you omit this step, NBT-API will be initialized on the first call to the API.

public void onEnable() {
    if (!NBT.preloadApi()) {
        getLogger().warning("NBT-API wasn't initialized properly, disabling the plugin");
    // Load other things