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a compilation of useful codes, frequently used in JavaScript, plus much more


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a compilation of many useful codes, frequently used in JavaScript, plus much more.

Check for IE:

I know how It is a big pain in the a$$ to work with IE (our beloved "Internet Explorer"). Hence, here is a function to determine IE version (which returns the IE version if it's IE or returns 0 if it's not) and one boolean variable "isIE" for the sake of life & countless sleepless hours of the Developers.

function:   msieversion
parameter:  NONE
returns:    integer (the version of the IE currently running or 0 if it's not IE)
usage:      var curIEVersion = msieversion(); // 8

variable:   isIE
type:       boolean
usage:      if(isIE) {
                // write IE specific code... X-(
            else {
                // write generic browser code :-)

Random ID generator:

Generate a random string of a defined length (5 by default). To change the default length just change the value of "defaultRandomIdLength" anywhere before calling this function.

function:   randomId
parameter:  charlen (Length of the ID)
returns:    string
usage:      var newID = randomId(10); // "yUuVpC6E4q"

Note: you can add any additional characters in the "randomCharset" variable if you want them to be included in the generated id

e.g.:      randomCharset += 'áāćÃȱɜ';

Unique Random ID generator:

This function will generate an unique random string of a defined length, each time it's called.

function:   uniqueRandomId
parameter:  charlen (Length of the ID)
returns:    string
            var newID1 = uniqueRandomId(10); // "SBs58FoVLm"
            var newID2 = uniqueRandomId(10); // "3i6fG6B1BN"
            var newID3 = uniqueRandomId(10); // "RxXqQi8STj"

Arrray functions

Extra Array functions not available always


Determines if an object is an Array type. This one really helps/kills me to understand.

function:   isArray
parameter:  o (a javascript object)
returns:    boolean (whether the given object is an Array)
            var arr = [1, 2, 3];
            var noArr = "Abcd";
            var result1 = isArray(arr); // true
            var result2 = isArray(noArr); // false


Loops through each element of an array & perform a handler operation.

NOTE: this function does not modify the original array.

function:   Array.forEach
parameter:  handler (the handler function)
                parameter:  elem    (Each Element)
                            index   (Current Index)
                            arr     (Whole Array)
            thisArg (optional "this" value passed to handler function)
returns:    array (the original array. It can be used as a chain command. e.g. [1, 2, 3].forEach(...).forEach(...))
            var container = $("#SomeDivToShow")
            var Arr = [25, 20, 38];
            Arr.forEach(function(elem, i, arr){
                $("<span>").text(i.toString()+': '+elem.toString()).appendTo(this);
            }, container);

#####Result alt tag


Loops through each element of an array & performs a handler operation with filter conditions. This function does not take null/empty array elements into consideration & hence, they are filtered out by default. The filter handler function must return 1. true or 2. a non-zero (0) number or 3. a non-null object to determine, whether the array object in the current loop, should be included in the output Array.

NOTE: this function does not modify the original array.

function:   Array.filter
parameter:  handler (the handler function)
                parameter:  elem    (Each Element)
                            index   (Current Index)
                            arr     (Whole Array)
            thisArg (optional "this" value passed to handler function)
returns:    array (the array after the filtration completes)
            var container = $("#SomeDivToShow")
            var Arr = [25, 20, 38, 40, 93, 61, 34, 58];
            container.append("<h5>Array: ["+Arr.join(', ')+"]</h5>");
            // Filters all odd numbers
            container.append("<h5>Odd Numbers</h5>");
            Arr.filter(function(elem, i, arr){
                return elem % 2;
            }).forEach(function(elem, i, arr){
                $("<span>").text((i+1).toString()+': '+elem.toString()).appendTo(this);
            }, container);
            // Filters all even numbers
            container.append("<h5>Even Numbers</h5>");
            Arr.filter(function(elem, i, arr){
                return ((elem % 2) === 0);
            }).forEach(function(elem, i, arr){
                $("<span>").text((i+1).toString()+': '+elem.toString()).appendTo(this);
            }, container);

#####Result alt tag

filterFirst & filterLast

Works the same way as filter, but returns the first element that matches, instead of an array.

NOTE: this function does not modify the original array.

function:   Array.filterFirst & Array.filterLast
parameter:  handler (the handler function)
                parameter:  elem    (Each Element)
                            index   (Current Index)
                            arr     (Whole Array)
            thisArg (optional "this" value passed to handler function)
returns:    array (the array after the filtration completes)
usage:      var container = $("#SomeDivToShow")
            var Arr = [25, 20, 38, 40, 93, 61, 34, 58];
            container.append("<h5>Array: ["+Arr.join(', ')+"]</h5>");
            // Filters First odd numbers
            container.append("<h5>First Odd Numbers</h5>");
            var resultOdd = Arr.filterFirst(function(elem, i, arr){
                return elem % 2;
            // Filters First even numbers
            container.append("<h5>First Even Numbers</h5>");
            var resultEven = Arr.filterFirst(function(elem, i, arr){
                return ((elem % 2) === 0);

#####Result alt tag


Apply custom functions on each element of an Array. As depicted in

NOTE: this function modifies the original array

parameter:  handler (the handler function)
                parameter:  elem    (Each Element)
                            index   (Current Index)
                            arr     (Whole Array)
            thisArg (optional "this" value passed to handler function)
returns:    array (the array after the mapping completes)
usage:      var container = $("#SomeDivToShow")
            var Arr = [25, 20, 38, 40, 93, 61, 34, 58];
            container.append("<h5>Array: ["+Arr.join(', ')+"]</h5>");
            container.append("<h5>Array after mapping: [", i, arr){
                return ((elem % 2) ? (elem * 2) : (elem * 5));
            }).join(', ')+"]</h5>");

#####Result alt tag

indexOf, lastIndexOf, iIndexOf & iLastIndexOf

Get the 0 based index of the occurrence of an item in an Array. -1 is returned if not found. lastIndexOf searches the Array from tail-end.

iIndexOf & iLastIndexOf are the case-insensitive version.

function:   Array.indexOf, Array.lastIndexOf, Array.iIndexOf & Array.iLastIndexOf
parameter:  searchItem (an item to search. May be number or string or an object etc.)
returns:    int (the 0 based index if found, -1 instead)
usage:      var container = $("#SomeDivToShow")
            var Arr = [25, 20, 38, 40, 93, 61, 20, 34, 58];
            container.append("<h4>Searching Array of numbers</h4>");
            container.append("<h5>Array: ["+Arr.join(', ')+"]</h5>");
            // Find First occurrence
            var searchItem = 20;
            container.append("<h5>indexOf ("+searchItem.toString()+"): "+Arr.indexOf(searchItem).toString()+"</h5>");
            container.append("<h5>indexOf ("+(50).toString()+"): "+Arr.indexOf(50).toString()+"</h5>");
            // Find Last occurrence
            container.append("<h5>lastIndexOf ("+searchItem.toString()+"): "+Arr.lastIndexOf(searchItem).toString()+"</h5>");
            Arr = ["Apple", "Banana", "Grape", "Mango"];
            container.append("<h4>Searching Array of strings</h4>");
            container.append("<h5>Array: ["+Arr.join(', ')+"]</h5>");
            // Exact string search
            var searchItem = "Banana";
            container.append("<h5>indexOf ("+searchItem+"): "+Arr.indexOf(searchItem).toString()+"</h5>");
            // Case-insensitive string search
            searchItem = "grApE";
            container.append("<h5>iIndexOf ("+searchItem+"): "+Arr.iIndexOf(searchItem).toString()+"</h5>");

#####Result alt tag


a compilation of useful codes, frequently used in JavaScript, plus much more







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