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Cross-lingual Fact-to-Text Alignment and Generation for Low-Resource Languages


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XAlign: Cross-lingual-Fact-to-Text-Alignment-and-Generation-for-Low-Resource-Languages

In this work, we propose the creation of cross-lingual fact-to-text dataset, XAlign accepted at WebConf-2022 poster-demo track. It consist of English WikiData triples/facts mapped to sentences from low resources Wikipedia.

We explored two different unsupervised methods to solve cross-lingual alignment task based on:

  • Transfer learning from NLI
  • Distant supervision from another English-only dataset

This repository consists of steps for executing the cross-lingual alignment approaches and finetuning mT5 for data-to-text generation on XAlign. One can find more details, analyses, and baseline results in our paper.


Install the required packgaes as follow:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Dataset releases

  • v2.0 (Sep 2022): Extended to four additional languages: Punjabi (pa), Malayalam (ml), Assamese (as) and Oriya (or).
  • v1.0 (Apr 2022): Introduced the cross-lingual data-to-text into 8 langauges: Hindi (hi), Marathi (mr), Gujarati (gu), Telugu (te), Tamil (ta), Kannada (kn), Bengali (bn), and monolingual dataset in English (en).

Data Fields

Each record consist of the following entries:

  • sentence (string) : Native language wikipedia sentence. (non-native language strings were removed.)
  • facts (List[Dict]) : List of facts associated with the sentence where each fact is stored as dictionary.
  • language (string) : Language identifier.

The facts key contains list of facts where each facts is stored as dictionary. A single record within fact list contains following entries:

  • subject (string) : central entity.
  • object (string) : entity or a piece of information about the subject.
  • predicate (string) : relationship that connects the subject and the object.
  • qualifiers (List[Dict]) : It provide additional information about the fact, is stored as list of qualifier where each record is a dictionary. The dictionary contains two keys: qualifier_predicate to represent property of qualifer and qualifier_object to store value for the qualifier's predicate.

Data Instances

Example from English

  "sentence": "Mark Paul Briers (born 21 April 1968) is a former English cricketer.",
  "facts": [
      "subject": "Mark Briers",
      "predicate": "date of birth",
      "object": "21 April 1968",
      "qualifiers": []
      "subject": "Mark Briers",
      "predicate": "occupation",
      "object": "cricketer",
      "qualifiers": []
      "subject": "Mark Briers",
      "predicate": "country of citizenship",
      "object": "United Kingdom",
      "qualifiers": []
  "language": "en"

Example from one of the low-resource languages (i.e. Hindi)

  "sentence": "बोरिस पास्तेरनाक १९५८ में साहित्य के क्षेत्र में नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता रहे हैं।",
  "facts": [
      "subject": "Boris Pasternak",
      "predicate": "nominated for",
      "object": "Nobel Prize in Literature",
      "qualifiers": [
          "qualifier_predicate": "point in time",
          "qualifier_object": "1958"
  "language": "hi"

Gold standard Test dataset

We manually annotated the test dataset across 8 languages with the help of crowd-sourced annotators.

Language #Count #Word count (avg/min/max) #Facts/sentence (avg/min/max)
Hindi 842 11.1/5/24 2.1/1/5
Marathi 736 12.7/6/40 2.1/1/8
Telugu 734 9.7/5/30 2.2/1/6
Tamil 656 9.5/5/24 1.9/1/8
English 470 17.5/8/61 2.7/1/7
Gujarati 530 12.7/6/31 2.1/1/6
Bengali 792 8.7/5/24 1.6/1/5
Kannada 642 10.4/6/45 2.2/1/7
Oriya 529 13.4/5/45 2.4/1/7
Assamese 637 16.22/5/72 2.2/1/9
Malayalam 615 9.2/6/24 1.8/1/5
Punjabi 529 13.4/5/45 2.4/1/7

Train and validation dataset (automatically aligned)

We have automatically created a large collection of well aligned sentence-fact pair across languages using the best cross-lingual aligner evaluated on gold standard test datasets.

Language #Count #Word Count (avg/min/max) #Facts/sentence (avg/min/max)
Hindi 56582 25.3/5/99 2.0/1/10
Marathi 19408 20.4/5/94 2.2/1/10
Telugu 24344 15.6/5/97 1.7/1/10
Tamil 56707 16.7/5/97 1.8/1/10
English 132584 20.2/4/86 2.2/1/10
Gujarati 9031 23.4/5/99 1.8/1/10
Bengali 121216 19.3/5/99 2.0/1/10
Kannada 25441 19.3/5/99 1.9/1/10
Oriya 14333 16.88/5/99 1.7/1/10
Assamese 9707 19.23/5/99 1.6/1/10
Malayalam 55135 15.7/5/98 1.9/1/10
Punjabi 30136 32.1/5/99 2.1/1/10

Cross-lingual Alignment Approaches

1) Transfer learning from NLI

Before executing the code, download the XNLI dataset from here.

To execute the mT5 based approach, follow the steps:

$ cd XNLI-based-models/finetune_mt5

Copy (downloaded before) to ./datasets and unzip. Finally execute the command:

$ python --epochs 5 --gpus 1 --batch_size 16 --max_seq_len 200 --learning_rate 1e-3 --model_name google/mt5-large --fp16 0

To execute the MuRIL or XLM-RoBERTa based approaches, follow the steps:

$ cd XNLI-based-models/finetune_multilingual_encoder_models

Copy (downloaded before) to ./datasets and unzip.Finally execute the command:

$ python --epochs 5 --gpus 1 --batch_size 32 --max_seq_len 200 --learning_rate <lr> --model_name <model_name> --fp16 1


  • model_name can be 'google/muril-large-cased' or 'xlm-roberta-large'
  • learning_rate must be '1e-5' for 'xlm-roberta-large' or '2e-5' for 'google/muril-large-cased'

2) Distant supervision using KELM dataset

Before executing the code, download the multi-lingual KELM dataset from here.

To execute the mT5 based approach, follow the steps:

$ cd distant_supervision/finetune_mt5

Copy (downloaded before) to ./datasets directory and unzip. Finally execute the command:

$ python --epochs 5 --gpus 1 --batch_size 16 --max_seq_len 200 --learning_rate 1e-3 --model_name google/mt5-large --fp16 0

To execute the MuRIL or XLM-RoBERTa based approaches, follow the steps:

$ cd distant_supervision/finetune_multilingual_encoder_models

Copy (downloaded before) to ./datasets directory and unzip. Finally execute the command:

$ python --epochs 5 --gpus 1 --batch_size 32 --max_seq_len 200 --learning_rate <lr> --model_name <model_name> --fp16 1


  • model_name can be 'google/muril-large-cased' or 'xlm-roberta-large'
  • learning_rate must be '1e-5' for 'xlm-roberta-large' or '2e-5' for 'google/muril-large-cased'

Cross-lingual Alignment Results

Following are the F1-score for cross-lingual alignment over gold standard test datasets.

Hindi Marathi Telugu Tamil English Gujarati Bengali Kannada Average
KELM-style 49.3 42.6 36.8 45.1 41.0 37.2 43.6 33.8 41.1
WITA-style 50.7 57.4 51.7 45.9 60.2 50.0 53.5 53.0 52.8
Stage-1 + TF-IDF 75.0 68.5 69.3 71.8 73.7 70.1 78.7 64.7 71.5
Distant Supervision based approaches
MuRIL-large 76.3 68.4 74.0 75.5 70.5 78.5 62.4 67.7 71.7
XLM-Roberta-large 78.1 69.0 76.5 73.9 76.5 78.5 66.9 72.4 74.0
mT5-large 79.0 71.4 77.6 78.6 76.6 80.0 69.8 70.5 75.4
Transfer Learning based approaches
MuRIL-large 71.6 71.7 76.5 75.1 73.4 78.7 79.5 71.8 74.8
XLM-Roberta-large 77.2 76.7 78.0 81.2 79.0 80.5 83.1 72.7 78.6
mT5-large 90.2 83.1 84.1 88.6 84.5 85.1 75.1 78.5 83.7

Cross-lingual Data-to-Text Generation

Before procedding, copy (available upon request) to data-to-text-generator/mT5-baseline/datasets folder and unzip.

To finetune the best baseline on the XAlign, follow the steps:

$ cd data-to-text-generator/mT5-baseline
$ python --epochs 30 --gpus 1 --batch_size 2 --src_max_seq_len 250 --tgt_max_seq_len 200 --learning_rate 1e-3 --model_name google/mt5-small --online_mode 0 --use_pretrained 1 --lang hi,mr,te,ta,en,gu,bn,kn --verbose --enable_script_unification 1 

To evaluate the trained model, follow the steps:

$ cd data-to-text-generator/mT5-baseline
$ python --epochs 30 --gpus 1 --batch_size 4 --src_max_seq_len 250 --tgt_max_seq_len 200 --learning_rate 1e-3 --model_name google/mt5-small --online_mode 0 --use_pretrained 1 --lang hi,mr,te,ta,en,gu,bn,kn enable_script_unification 1 --inference

Cross-lingual Data-to-Text Generation Results

BLEU obtained on the Test dataset on XAlign.

Hindi Marathi Telugu Tamil English Gujarati Bengali Kannada Average
Baseline (fact translation) 2.71 2.04 0.95 1.68 1.01 0.64 2.73 0.45 1.53
GAT-Transformer 29.54 17.94 4.91 7.19 40.33 11.34 30.15 5.08 18.31
Vanilla Transformer 35.42 17.31 6.94 8.82 38.87 13.21 35.61 3.16 19.92
mT5-small 40.61 20.23 11.39 13.61 43.65 16.61 45.28 8.77 25.02


  • Tushar Abhishek
  • Shivprasad Sagare
  • Bhavyajeet Singh
  • Anubhav Sharma
  • Manish Gupta
  • Vasudeva Varma


One can cite our paper as follows:

  title={XAlign: Cross-lingual Fact-to-Text Alignment and Generation for Low-Resource Languages},
  author={Abhishek, Tushar and Sagare, Shivprasad and Singh, Bhavyajeet and Sharma, Anubhav and Gupta, Manish and Varma, Vasudeva},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00291},


Cross-lingual Fact-to-Text Alignment and Generation for Low-Resource Languages








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