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Free TON Recurring Payments System


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Free TON subscriptions

Project Github:

Off-chain demo Github:

Off-chain demo site:

Root address in devnet: 0:61688335efeaffefc7b855e4e814dd6c7a2e768ebdf3bf0eef45004ce166c791

DeBot for Service address in devnet: 0:3a4dfa2c931767f706b1a94a22699117bc8ea361a60f2ff3bccc70cd3827c456

DeBot for User address in devnet: 0:a8d4f71427003c3e75d5047003da399da2809450d7c783f5311d2837de324425

TG: @Abionics, @get_username

Sample addresses for subscription in devnet:

  • 0:cdc57c70548720a965c09415192c1bfed6d3a29dc7641f17ca7392196882c457
  • 0:8c54901b4bf87e835a2da920c8f4a5995bf82ab380e96bf9d7b952dba6d63180

Key features:

  • On-chain and off-chain subscriptions
  • Many subscription plans for each services
  • Custom configuration of each subscription plan
  • Infinity amount of services and users, no mapping
  • On-chain and off-chain demos
  • Native Ton and TIP3 tokens support

Build and run


Setup environment

make setup

After this copy path to solc binary file to compiler.path, path to tvm linker binary file to linker.path

Install python requirements for tests:

pip install -r test/ts4/requirements.txt

Compile and test:

make compile
make tests

View all make instructions:

make help


make deploy

On-chain and off-chain usage

To subscribe on-chain, user should pass only address and set pubkey to 0

To subscribe on-chain, user should pass only pubkey and set address to 0

Also, this should be used if user want to see all his subscription via user profile


Infinity amount of services can be deployed from root contract. To deploy new service use createService method in root

function createService(
    address owner,
    string title,
    string description,
    string url

Each service can create many subscription plans. To deploy new subscription plans use createSubscriptionPlan method in service. Subscription plan can have max count of subscribers

function createSubscriptionPlan(
    mapping(address /*root*/ => uint128 /*amount*/) tip3Prices,  // mapping TIP3 prices, use address(0) for native Ton price
    string title,  // title info
    uint32 duration,  // duration info in seconds
    string description,  // description info
    string termUrl,  // link to usage terms
    uint64 limitCount  // max count of subscribers, use 0 for unlimited

User can easily subscribe or extend subscription plan. He must not remember if subscription already exists. If user want to subscribe, he should create a payload in service via buildSubscriptionPayload function, and then pass this payload depends on payment method.

Pass only user or pubkey value see more here, set autoRenew if you need reminds for renewal. If user wants to pay via TIP3 tokens, he should transfer this right amount of tokens and payload to service. If user wants to pay via Ton, he should call subscribeNativeTon method in service. In any exception, TIP3 or Ton tokens will be returned. See functions below

function buildSubscriptionPayload(
    uint32 subscriptionPlanNonce,  // nonce of subscription plan
    address user,  // pass address only if use on-chain, otherwise address(0)
    uint256 pubkey,  // pass pubkey only if use off-chain, otherwise 0
    bool autoRenew
function subscribeNativeTon(TvmCell payload)

User can unsubscribe from plan in any time. Unsubscription means that user don't want to renew this plan anymore, but subscription will be active until plan duration will be ended because user already paid for all this duration. To unsubscribe user should build payload via buildUnsubscribePayload in subscription plan and pass it to unsubscribe

function buildUnsubscribePayload(address user, uint256 pubkey)
function unsubscribe(TvmCell payload)

Owner of service can deactivate and activate again any subscription plan by calling corresponding method in subscription plan. Also, owner can change TIP3 and Ton prices of subscription plan

function activate()
function deactivate()
function changeTonPrice(uint128 price)
function changeTip3Prices(mapping(address => uint128) tip3Prices)

There is a fee for using the service. This fee defined in root and can be changed be root owner. Owner of service can withdrawal Ton or TIP3 income in any time by calling corresponding method in service. To withdrawal TIP3 income owner should specify root of that he want to withdrawal

function withdrawalTonIncome()
function withdrawalTip3Income(address tip3Root)


diagram-deploy-service.png diagram-deploy-subscription-plan.png diagram-subscribe-native-ton.png


To run tests use:

make tests

There are two test files: for contracts and for on-chain demo. Test is written on python using unittest library


Off-chain demo

Off-chain demo Github:

Off-chain demo site:


  1. Service generates a random temporary key and passes it to the user via WebSockets
  2. User input this value in Surf DeBot (QR code or manually)
  3. DeBot shows user domain of the Service he is trying to access and asks to sign payload with his private key. Payload contains user public key, Service domain, and temp key from backend
  4. After payload signing, hash of payload and user public key sends to Service vai https request.
  5. Service check signature with pubkey
  6. Checks if user with such public key has active matching subscriptions
  7. Service grants JWT token to user via websockets, which will provide access to the private methods of service API

Important: for off-chain plans user subscriptions must be created only by user pubkey


On-chain demo

Everyone can easily integrate on-chain service with subscriptions. To do this, your contract should implement IOnchain.sol class. There is a demo of such service, that give 10 tokens to everyone who has a subscription

Important: for on-chain plans user subscriptions must be created by user address


TonClick for Services Debot

DeBot allows creating and managing service accounts

  • Deploy new Service Account
  • Deploy new Subscription Plan with list of prices TIP3 tokens and native TON
  • Edit and deactivate Service subscription plans


TonClick for Users Debot

  • Subscribe to plans
  • Manage active subscriptions
  • Login to off-chain services via public key



Free TON Recurring Payments System








  • Solidity 80.4%
  • Python 15.8%
  • JavaScript 3.2%
  • Makefile 0.6%