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TON Actions.Notifon

Free TON Notification Provider


  • Supported endpoint types: HTTP, Telegram, Email, Firebase Cloud Messages(FCM).
  • Horizontally scalable
  • Customizable retry policy for failed requests
  • Multiple endpoints per user support
  • Optional message decryption for specified endpoints
  • DeBot parameters
    • help
    • add/remove/clear/list endpoints
    • get/set/remove secret key
  • Frontend client-side application
    • Server Status
    • Test HTTP consumers
    • Test message sender
  • Configure all the service parameters in just one .env file
  • Easy to integrate with Grafana(Prometheus /metrics endpoint)
    • Application resources (MEM, CPU, etc)
    • Message Queues statistics
  • Docker supported
  • Sentry integration

Quick start

Minimal configuration (.env file)

To self-launching need to have:

Yor can ask or to register your provider.

💡 If you run application just for local development or testing you may ask register http://localhost/endpoint as endpoint or use 'devnull' provider to avoid port forwarding and ssl generation etc.


Run from sources

💡 Uses an in-memory queue and Sqlite database. So the processing state is not saved on disk, and not committed Kafka messages can be processed repeatedly after restarting


💡 Uses an in-memory queue and Sqlite database. So the processing state is not saved on disk, and not committed Kafka messages can be processed repeatedly after restarting

Docker compose (Production-ready solution)

💡 Uses postgresql, redis, rabbitmq to store state and organize retry policy


Retry policies

All messages from Kafka consuming and publishing to separate provider queues. Each queue has its own delivery and retries, so we can be sure that all messages will be delivered. The default retry policy is 144 times at 10 minute intervals. Configure retry policy with RetryPolicyOptions__Count and RetryPolicyOptions__Interval variables.


Notifon is a scalable application and can be run on as many replicas as you like. See docker-compose.cluster.yaml and try clustered instance docker-compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f docker-compose.cluster.yaml up -d

Endpoint configuration

In general services require token and another props to accept payloads. The Notifon app is able to deliver messages to various endpoints with two main approaches. First one is using user tokens which provided as endpoint parameters during registration in the Notification DeBot. And second, if user tokens weren't provided used application tokens, can be set via environment variables. If no tokens were provided at all, then messages will not be delivered.

Environment variables

Variable Description Default
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT Set logging levels and etc.(Staging, Production) Development
COMING_SOON Disable accepting DeBot command false
App__Name App Name Notifon
App__Url App Url
App__Github Github repository link
App__Telegram Telegram support link
App__ServicePurpose Main page title Free TON Notification Provider
App__ServiceDescription More service description for main page Catching messages from the blockchain and send them to various endpoints
App__NotificationDeBot Surf Notification DeBot address
Kafka__Host Required!!! Kafka host or ip ask TonLabs not set
Kafka__UserName Required!!! Kafka Username ask TonLabs not set
Kafka__Password Required!!! Kafka Parssword ask TonLabs not set
Kafka__Topic Required!!! Kafka Toptoc ask TonLabs not set
Telegram__BotToken Default token for telegram provider not set
MailGun__ApiKey Default Mailgun Api Key not set
MailGun__Domain Default Mailgun Domain not set
MailGun__From Default From address not set
MailGun__Subject Default Email subject not set
Redis__Configuration Redis configuration not set
RabbitMq__Host RabbitMq host address not set
RabbitMq__Username RabbitMq user name not set
RabbitMq__Password RabbitMq password not set
ConnectionStrings__PostgreSql PostgreSql connection string not set
RetryPolicy__Count Retry count (0-no retries) 144
RetryPolicy__Interval Retry interval (TimeSpan format) 00:10:00
Sentry__Dsn Sentry Dsn (see: not set
TonClientNetwork__Endpoints__0 Use for message decription and sending not set (main network entripoints)
TonClientNetwork__Endpoints__1 Set free ton network endpoints not set
TonClientNetwork__Endpoints__N Incriminate number to add another endpoints not set
TonClientNetwork__MessageRetriesCount The number of automatic message processing retries not set
TonClientNetwork__MessageRetriesCount The number of automatic message processing retries not set

Firebase Cloud Messaging configure

See docs

Just get keys and config and mount them into the docker container or place in src/Notifon.Server folder. Mounting example in docker-compose.cluster.yaml

Keys file

Create and mount file with your keys firebase-key.json:

    "type": "service_account",
    "project_id": "project_id",
    "private_key_id": "private_key_id",
    "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nprivate_key\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
    "client_email": "client_email",
    "client_id": "client_id",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_x509_cert_url": ""

App config file

Create and mount file with your app config and vapidKey firebase-config.json:

    "config": {
        "apiKey": "AIzaSyBRtA8KuKWMEohjxo9L7ZoTaP3CCRJie_g",
        "authDomain": "",
        "projectId": "notifon-be3df",
        "storageBucket": "",
        "messagingSenderId": "858600272109",
        "appId": "1:858600272109:web:8cfe6742ba84116a35dce4",
        "measurementId": "G-QQHHEP62YM"
    "vapidKey": "BBB38sWK51da-UgyaafKaySrJKiu8k_4UPV-2k4vv2roOpg5jjWM7ULxxuFEfA8rY7CVDr-_WHZVCg7b6d4pTlg"


  • Make sure that .Net 5.0 is installed (
  • Make sure you have ssh access to the server and rsync is installed
  • Create minimal .env file on server app directory
  • Edit Server and ServerPath properties in Notifon.Deploy.proj or pass them as arguments

Sample commands for deploy:

  • Deploy and run app on YOU_SERVER: dotnet build .\Notifon.Deploy.proj -p:Server:YOU_NAME@YOU_SERVER -p:ServerPath=~/app

  • Build and push image then deploy and run app: dotnet build .\Notifon.Deploy.proj -t:Push,Deploy -p:Server:YOU_NAME@YOU_SERVER -p:ServerPath=~/app -p:ImageName=[registry/]app_image_name

Application Architectural Diagram

There is an application architectural diagram:

alt text


  • Helm chart for easy Kubernetes deployment
  • Plugin architecture for providers
  • DeBot interaction from app
  • Docker versioning


No description or website provided.








  • C# 78.3%
  • HTML 12.6%
  • Solidity 6.1%
  • Dockerfile 1.3%
  • Other 1.7%