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MREG CLI Build Status

mreg-cli is a command line interface for the MREG API.


Options can be set in ~/.config/mreg-cli.conf. A typical config file looks like this:


General usage

Commands in mreg-cli take on the form of a fairly standard command line interface:

host add me@example.con -hinfo Linux -comment "My host"

Here we are using the host add command to add a new host. The command takes a number of arguments, which are positional. The arguments in this case is a name and an ip address, followed by a contact and some optional arguments. The optional arguments are specified with a flag, followed by the value. The optional arguments can be specified in any order, but the positional arguments must be specified in the order they are defined in the command.


mreg-cli support output filtering via the operators | and |!. The | operator is used to filter the output to only show the lines matching the text specified after the operator. Using |! will show the lines not matching the text specified after the operator. The filter text is a standard python regular expression. Some examples:

mreg> host info
A_Records     IP                           MAC
TTL:          (Default)
TXT:          v=spf1 -all
mreg> host info | example
mreg> host info | me.*com
mreg> host info |! me.*com
A_Records     IP                           MAC
TTL:          (Default)
TXT:          v=spf1 -all

Forcing commands

A number of commands take a -force flag. This flag is typically required when the operation will fail internal validation. However, please note that -force is emphatically not a "I know what I'm doing" flag. It is a "I know what I'm doing and I'm willing to take responsibility for the consequences" flag. If you're not sure what you're doing, don't use -force.

As an example, you may add a host to a network unknown to mreg, or a frozen network. You may want to assiciate a mac address to a host or an IP that already has a mac address associated with it. All of these examples will cause a validation failure, but you may bypass this failure by using -force. This is fine if you for example are certain the new mac address is supposed to replace the old one, but if you mistakenly associate a mac address to the wrong host, you may cause the host to be unreachable on the network. -force exists to alert you that you are doing something that may have unintended consequences, and you should be sure you know what you are doing before using it.

Command set


   host add <name> <ip/net> <contact> [-hinfo <hinfo>] [-comment <comment>]
       Add a new host with the given name, ip or subnet and contact. hinfo and comment
       are optional.

!!!note Force is required when adding a host with an ip in a subnet not controlled by MREG or in a frozen subnet.

   host remove <name|ip>
       Remove host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is removed.
   host info <name|ip>
       Print information about host. If <name> is an alias the cname hosts info is shown.
   host rename <old-name> <new-name>
       Rename host. If <old-name> is an alias then the alias is renamed.
   host set_comment <name> <comment>
       Set comment for host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is updated.
   host set_contact <name> <contact>
       Set contact for host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is updated.


The API doesn't differentiate between ipv4 and ipv6, so A/AAAA are only different on the client side.
Require force if the host already has A/AAAA record(s), or if the ip is in a subnet not controlled by MREG.

   host a_add <name> <ip|subnet>
       Add an A record to host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.
   host a_change <name> <old-ip> <new-ip-or-subnet>
       Change A record. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.
   host a_remove <name> <ip>
       Remove A record from host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.
   host a_show <name>
       Show hosts ipaddresses. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.
   host aaaa_add <name> <ipv6>
       Add an AAAA record to host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.
   host aaaa_change <name> <old-ipv6> <new-ipv6>
       Change AAAA record. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.
   host aaaa_remove <name> <ipv6>
       Remove AAAA record from host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.
   host aaaa_show <name>
       Show hosts ipaddresses. If <name> is an alias the cname host is used.


   host cname_add <existing-name> <new-alias>
       Add a CNAME record to host. If <existing-name> is an alias the cname host is used as
       target for <new-alias>.
   host cname_remove <name> <alias-to-delete>
       Remove CNAME record.
   host cname_show <name>
       Show CNAME records for host. If <name> is an alias the cname hosts aliases are shown.


   host hinfo_remove <name>
       Remove hinfo for host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is updated.
   host hinfo_set <name> <hinfo>
       Set hinfo for host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is updated.
   host hinfo_show <name>
       Show hinfo for host. If <name> is an alias the cname hosts hinfo is shown.


All LOC commands require force.

   host loc_remove <name>
       Remove location from host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is updated.
   host loc_set <name> <loc>
       Set location of host. If <name> is an alias the cname host is updated.
   host loc_show <name>
       Show location of host. If <name> is an alias the cname hosts LOC is shown.


   host naptr_add <name> <preference> <order> <flagg> <service> <regexp> <replacement>
       Add a NAPTR record to host.
   host naptr_remove <name> <replacement>
       Remove NAPTR record.
   host naptr_show <name>
       Show all NAPTR records for host.


   host ptr_change <ipv4|ipv6> <old-name> <new-name>
       Move PTR record from <old-name> to <new-name>.
   host ptr_remove <ipv4|ipv6> <name>
       Remove PTR record from host.
   host ptr_set <ipv4|ipv6> <name>
       Create a PTR record for host.
   host ptr_show <ipv4|ipv6>
       Show PTR record matching given ip (empty input shows all PTR records).


Require force if a host with target-name doesn't exist.

   host srv_add <service-name> <pri> <weight> <port> <target-name>
       Add SRV record.
   host srv_remove <service-name>
       Remove SRV record.
   host srv_show <service-name>
       Show SRV records for the service.


   host sshfp_add <name> <algorithm> <hash_type> <fingerprint>
       Add SSHFP record for the host.

   host sshfp_remove <name> <fingerprint>
       Remove SSHFP record with a given fingerprint from the host.
       A missing fingerprint removes all SSHFP records for the host.

   host sshfp_show <name>
       Show SSHFP records for the host.


   host ttl_remove <name>
       Remove explicit TTL for host. If <name> is an alias the alias host is updated.
   host ttl_set <name> <ttl>
       Set ttl for host. Valid values are 300 <= TTL <= 68400 or "default". If <name> is an
       alias the alias host is updated.
   host ttl_show <name>
       Show ttl for host. If <name> is an alias the alias hosts TTL is shown.


   host txt_add <name> <text>
       Add a txt record to host. <text> must be enclosed in double quotes if it contains more
       than one word.
   host txt_remove <name> <text>
       Remove TXT record for host matching <text>.
   host txt_show <name>
       Show all TXT records for host.


   dhcp assoc <name|ip> <mac-addr>
       Associate MAC address with host. If host got multiple A/AAAA records an IP must be
       given instead of name.
   dhcp disassoc <name|ip>
       Disassociate MAC address with host/ip. If host got multiple A/AAAA records an IP must be
       given instead of name


   subnet create <subnet> <description> <vlan> <dns_delegated> <category> <location> <frozen>
       Create a new subnet
   subnet import <file>
       Import subnet data from <file>.
   subnet info <subnet>
       Display subnet info
   subnet list_unused_addresses <subnet>
       Lists all the unused addresses for a subnet
   subnet list_used_addresses <subnet>
       Lists all the used addresses for a subnet
   subnet remove <subnet>
       Remove subnet
   subnet set_category <subnet> <category_tag>
       Set category tag for subnet
   subnet set_description <subnet> <description>
       Set description for subnet
   subnet set_dns_delegated <subnet>
       Set that DNS-administration is being handled elsewhere.
   subnet set_frozen <subnet>
       Freeze a subnet.
   subnet set_location <subnet> <location_tag>
       Set location tag for subnet
   subnet set_reserved <subnet> <number>
       Set number of reserved hosts.
   subnet set_vlan <subnet> <vlan>
       Set VLAN for subnet
   subnet unset_dns_delegated <subnet>
       Set that DNS-administration is not being handled elsewhere.
   subnet unset_frozen <subnet>
       Unfreeze a subnet.


   zone create <zone-name> (<nameservers>)
       Create new zone.
   zone delete <zone-name>
       Delete a zone
   zone set_ns <zone-name> (<nameservers>)
       Update nameservers for an existing zone.
   zone set_soa <zone-name> (<primary_ns> <email> <serialno> <refresh> <retry> <expire> <ttl>)
       Updated the SOA of a zone.


The CLI also provides these miscellaneous functions:

List available commands without a argument, or display detailed help for a command or for a specific option of a command.

help <cmd>
<cmd> help <option>

shell <cmd>: Run a bash command.

source <file-name> [--exit]: Read commands from a file. If --exit is supplied then it'll stop executing on error.