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VTEX Notes

About this repo:

This is a study repository about VTEX IO based on lessons taken from VTEX. The goal of this repo is to provide useful examples of various implementations using all technologies provided by VTEX IO. It implements a store and its support structures to illustrate how more advanced builds can be made.

You will find different projects in this repository. Each of them is a separate example repository cloned from VTEX public github account. Each of them is needed for this example store to properly work and they are all contained in this single repository for the sake of simplicity of the overall example outcome.

These are the projects here contained and its purposes:

Project Description
minimum-boilerplate-theme The Store Theme. It holds the store frontend and examples on how to manipulate native and custom blocks as well as its styles and structures.
store-block-template A custom block. It shows how to create a custom component to be later used in a store theme project. It also contains examples of how to consume internal VTEX APIs, how to expose configurations in Site Editor and how to handle localization for VTEX IO apps.
service-course-template A template project containing examples of a service implementation. It holds examples on consuming VTEX clients for manipulating Master Data registries as well as receiving calls and handling them by implementing clients, resolvers, handlers and clients.
events-example A mock project to generate test events for service-course-template.
react-app-template A template containing an admin app example. Showing how to add items to admin menu, handle menu search and service integration.
service-example A service example on how to use VTEX implemented services as dependencies.

Useful Links

🌟 Learning Course

Store Theme Example







Minimum Boilerplate

CSS Handles

Demo Store Theme

Store Block Template

Store Theme

Customizing Styles

Service Template

Store GraphQL - REST API GraphQL Abstractions

GraphQL Example


React App Template

App Whitelist Form

VTEX Design System (For developing admin interfaces)


Test Tools

Other References:

Useful Commands

Command Description
npm i -g vtex installs vtex toolbelt
vtex login {accountName} logs to a specific account
vtex whoami shows workspace and login information
vtex use workspace-name creates and switches to a workspace
vtex list lists dependencies, installed apps and liked apps in current workspace
vtex unlink --all clears all links
vtex workspace reset clears current workspace content
vtex link -c links current folder code and assets to logged workspace
vtex browse open workspace in browser at address: https://{workspace}-{accoutnName}
vtex local token Shows your personal VTEX JWT development token


⭐ In VTEX IO, the accounts have three types of workspaces, as follows: master, producton and development.

  • Workspaces are exact copies of your site front. They share the backend information, but have front configuration segregation. Meaning that everything that is under CMS will be unique to the workspace, but information such as price, catalog, and everything else will be the same for all workspaces.
  • Development Workspace: you can link, install, and publish apps in this workspace. It is not available to common customers, meaning one should need to login to VTEX to see it.
vtex publish
vtex install [{vendor}.{appName}@{version}]
  • Production Workspace: Can be used with VTEX A/B Testing tools and can be promoted to master. Can't be linked and can be available to common customers.
vtex use {WorkspaceName} --production
  • Master Workspace: Unique workspace that serves the store front for customers. Only one master can exist at the same time.

⭐ Enable CSS Inspector by adding ?__inspect at the end of url, like so:

⭐ Disable Server Side Rendering by adding ?__disableSSR at the end of url, like so:
  • This can help debugging to isolate probable root cause of problems that might break page loading entirely.

⭐ Store Theme

  • Link minimum-boilerplate-theme

⭐ Custom Blocks

  • To see the countdown block working properly, first link the store-block-template as it is a minimum-boilerplate-theme dependency

⭐ Services

  • To see the service-course-template service working properly, first link the events-example Additionally, you need to access the health check url to start generating events

  • VTEX IO Services are a way to provide a complete customization environment. By creating services, one can create back-end hosted on VTEX
  • VTEX IO supports services written in node or dotnet
  • Services run in Kubernets
  • One can expose internal or external routes supporting rest or graphql
  • Events are isolated by workspace
  • service/node/
    • handlers handles incoming external HTTP calls
    • event handles internal events
    • clients manipulate internal resources
    • resolvers handles graphql calls
  • All clients export a function that receives an object of type Context
  • GraphQL is the only interface between service apps and front end apps
    • Testing your GraphQL resolvers: Testing your GraphQL resolvers
      query ($topN: Int) {
         productList(topN: $topN){

      query ($slug: String) {
         productInfo(slug: $slug){

⭐ Admin Apps

  • Menu item definition:
    • navigation.json defines the menu items that will be added to the admin site menu

    • routes.json defines the component mappings for each menu item defined in the navigation.json file

    • both files should work in tandem with their items being related through the path node from each file

      the path in navigation.json should be like /admin/{{your_path}}

      and the path in routes.json should be like /admin/app/{{your_path}}

Performance Tips

__fold__ block

  • the fold block sets a lazy load threshold. Whatever is below the __fold__ block will load after the page load is complete and are within scroll frame.


  • Menus load in every page. That makes them a major performance concern, since they have a site wide impact.
  • One technique to reduce menu loading time in VTEX IO is to define its items as props instead of children blocks.
  • In cases where one might have sub menus declared, the above tip might not work. But one can still use it on the menu leaf items (the last elements on the menu tree). Also, the sub menu items load can be deferred.


  • Images can have its size significantly reduced before being uploaded by using tools such as Squoosh.
  • We can also tell VTEX IO to resize images at the server side using VTEX IO server side rendering features. To do that, set the width or maxWidth props in the image blocks such as product-image, product-summary-image and image.
  • It also helps to use all images from store assets instead to use external sources. That way, the image is served by VTEX CDN.


  • Search behavior can also impact on site performance. One can configure the component context prop to improve its performance. "skusFilter": "FIRST_AVAILABLE" returns the first skus available instead of all available and "simulationBehavior": "skip" skips price simulation, consuming cached price for each sku.

Tools and other tips

  • Lighthouse
    • Google dev performance tool
  • Page Speed Insights
    • Same as lighthouse, but for more standardized connection parameters since it's not executed in dev's machine, but in a server with control over connection and context variables
    • Take a look at the Lighthouse Scoring Calculator to check what is the metric that could bring the biggest gain on performance
    • Performance concepts and techniques documentation
    • Each metric in lighthouse has a different way to be improved
    • Article about speed measurement
    • One can add the __disablePixels queryString in order to deactivate VTEX' native GTM implementation. This is useful to measure performence metrics without interference from third party code
      • https://{your domain}.com/?__disablePixels

  • Browser Performance Tab
    • Use this on a incognito window
    • One can simulate the load of the page by using the performance tab on the browser dev tools. This will generate a load report that can be used to identify how each metric might be impacted during load and what files might be the offenders.
  • VTEX Performance Settings
    • VTEX has exposed many configurations regarding performance tweaks
    • ❗ Test these features before deploying. These features should be used with caution. Since they are in CMS section of the admin, they should be applied to the workspace only.
      • One can test these configurations by enabling them in a production workspace
      • To access and test a production workspace, one can set the workspace query string variable to the name of one's validation production workspace.
      • Also, the v query string variable can be used to set a different random number to invalidate the cache of the workspace
      • https://{your domain}.com/?workspace={workspace name}&v={arbitrary number}

  • React Dev Tools
    • Profiler
    • The profiler can show what components are taking most time to load.
    • Gaps mean potential performance opportunities
    • Use this profiler assessment in production workspaces
  • API Access with Local Token
    • Run vtex local token
    • Place the retrieved token in the VtexIdclientAutCookie HTTP header to authenticate API calls


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