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⛏️ Collection of string related functions in php. ⛏️

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⛏️ stringhelper ⛏️


this package is a collection of various helpers for string manipulation, validation, and utility functions designed to simplify the life of php developers. it streamlines tasks like checking variable existence, comparing values, and handling dates, urls, and emails. this tool enhances efficiency by offering concise, reusable methods for everyday coding challenges.


composer require vielhuber/stringhelper



// check existence
if (__x($var)) {

// check non-existence
if (__nx($var)) {

// check existence (bulletproof)
if (__fx(fn() => $var)) {

// check non-existence (bulletproof)
if (__fnx(fn() => $var)) {


// php has a lot of pitfalls, when comparing loosely
if( 0 == 'true' ) // true
if( 0 == 'str' ) // true
if( 'null' == null ) // false
if( '0' == null ) // false
if( '0' == true ) // false
if( '0' == false ) // true
if( 'false' == true ) // true
if( 'false' == false ) // false
if( new stdClass == true ) // true
if( [] == false ) // true
if( [] == null ) // true
if( [''] == [] ) // false
if( [''] == [0] ) // true
if( 0 == '' ) // true
if( 0 == ' ' ) // true
if( -1 == true ) // true
if( '-1' == true ) // true

// this non-strict equality is symmetric, but not transitive
$a = ''; $b = 0; $c = 'oh';
$a == $b; // true
$b == $c; // true
$c == $a; // false

// to overcome this issue, we...

// ...use strict comparison when possible
if( $var === 'foo' )


// ...use loose comparison when appropriate
if( $_GET['number'] == 1337 )


// ...check for truthness / falsiness with these helper methods
if( __true($var) )


if( __false($var) )


// be aware, that __true is not always the logic negation of __false
__true(null) // false
__false(null) // false


// get variable if exists, otherwise null
__v( $var )

// get variable if exists, otherwise 'default'
__v( $var, 'default' )

// get first variable that exists, otherwise null
__v( $var1, $var2, $var3 )

// get variable if exists, otherwise the empty object
__e( $var )
__e( $var, 'default' )
__e( $var1, $var2, $var3 )


// loop only if exists
foreach (__e($array) as $array__key => $array__value) {


// if you are unsure, if a variable is even set before checking its existence,
// simply prefix it with the stfu-operator @
if( __x(@$var) )
if( __nx(@$var) )
if( __true(@$var) )
if( __false(@$var) )
if( @$var === 'foo' )
if( @$_GET['number'] == 1337 )
echo __v(@$var)
foreach( __e(@$array) as $array__key=>$array__value)

A short note on the usage of @: In this concept we use @-operator that hides errors. We are aware of its potential misuse and also of its benefits.

Be careful when using @$a['undefined'], there can be 2 possible errors: a missing variable or a missing index. In both cases, we intentionally prevent the parser from stopping and catch the resulting null value. Be aware: If $a is a string, @$a['undefined'] evaluates to $a[0] since php coerces 'undefined' to 0 and therefore exists.

Another general rule of thumb: Don't use the operator before function calls (@__x($a['undefined']).

A caveat is that the @-operator does not catch any fatal runtime errors since PHP 8 anymore.
For that there is also another more sophisticated way of checking the existence of variables:

If $var is totally undefined, the following expressions evaluate correctly to false:


Be aware that arrow functions are only available from php 7.4; Prior versions should use:

__fx(function () use (&$var) {
    return $var['foo']['bar']['baz'];


// consider the following laravelish code
class Person
    public $id;

    function __construct($id)
        $this->id = $id;

    static function find($id)
        // mock example (normally lookup in database)
        if( $id === 1 || $id === 2 )
            return new Person($id);
            return null;
    function getAddress()
        if( $this->id === 1 )
            return new Address();
            return null;
class Address
    function getCountry()
        return new Country();
class Country
    function getName()
        return 'Germany';
echo Person::find(1)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName(); // 'Germany'
echo Person::find(2)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName(); // fails because person with id 2 has no address
echo Person::find(3)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName(); // fails because person with id 3 does not even exist

// due to the fact that the null propagating method call operator
// ( is still a rfc, we cannot write
echo Person::find(3)?->getAddress()?->getCountry()?->getName(); // null

// we therefore return a null model object
class Person
    public $id;

    function __construct($id)
        $this->id = $id;

    static function find($id)
        if( $id === 1 || $id === 2 )
            return new Person($id);
            return __empty();
    function getAddress()
        if( $this->id === 1 )
            return new Address();
            return __empty();
class Address
    function getCountry()
        return new Country();
class Country
    function getName()
        return 'Germany';

// this empty helper object is quite useful for returning an empty class which is callable with undefined functions

// we can no conveniently call those chains...
echo Person::find(1)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName(); // 'Germany'
echo Person::find(2)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName(); // ''
echo Person::find(3)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName(); // ''

// ...check for existence...
if( __x(Person::find(1)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName()) )


// ...check for strict equality...
if( Person::find(1)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName() === 'Germany' )


// ...get a value...
echo __v( Person::find(1)->getAddress()->getCountry()->getName(), 'default' );

// ...and loop when possible
foreach( Person::find(1)->getAddress()->getCountry() as $value )



there are also some other neat little helpers available.

// check if all variables exist
if( __x_all('foo', 'bar', null) ) // false
if( __x_all(['foo', 'bar', null]) ) // false
if( __x_all('foo', 'bar', 'baz') ) // true
if( __x_all(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) ) // true
if( __nx_all('foo', 'bar', null) ) // true
if( __nx_all('foo', 'bar', 'baz') ) // false

// check if one variable exists
if( __x_one('foo', 'bar') ) // true
if( __x_one('', null) ) // false
if( __x_one(['foo', 'bar']) ) // true
if( __x_one(['', null]) ) // false
if( __nx_one('foo', 'bar') ) // false
if( __nx_one('', null) ) // true

// check truthness of all variables
if( __true_all(true, true, true) ) // true
if( __true_all([true, true, null]) ) // false
if( __true_all(true, '1') ) // true
if( __true_all([true, false]) ) // false
if( __false_all('foo', 'bar', null) ) // false
if( __false_all(false) ) // true

// check truthness of one variable
if( __true_one(true, true, true) ) // true
if( __true_one([true, true, null]) ) // true
if( __true_one(true, '1') ) // true
if( __true_one([true, false]) ) // true
if( __false_one('foo', 'bar', null) ) // false
if( __false_one(false) ) // true

// cookies
__cookie_set('cookie_name', 'cookie_value') // set cookie for 30 days
__cookie_set('cookie_name', 'cookie_value', 7) // set cookie for 7 days
__cookie_set('cookie_name2', ['can also', 'store', 'arrays'], 7)
__cookie_set('cookie_name3', 'cookie_value', 7, [
    'path' => '/',
    'domain' => '',
    'samesite' => 'None',
    'secure' => true,
    'httponly' => false
]) // more options like SameSite (also works with PHP<7.3)
__cookie_exists('cookie_name') // true
__cookie_get('cookie_name') // 'cookie_value'
__cookie_get('cookie_name2') // ['can also', 'store', 'arrays']

// anonymize ipv4/ipv6 addresses
__anonymize_ip('') // 207.142.131.XXX
__anonymize_ip('001:0db8:0000:08d3:0000:8a2e:0070:7344') // 2001:0db8:0000:08d3:0000:8a2e:XXXX:XXXX
__anonymize_ip() // anonymizes ip from $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']

// show password strength (1-3)
__password_strength('3iu') // 1
__password_strength('3iurehkHEDJ') // 2
__password_strength('3iurehkHEDJK§$R$A') // 3

// calculate distance in meters between two lat/lng points with the haversine formula
__distance_haversine([48.576809, 13.403207], [48.127719, 11.575344]) // 143999

// checks if string is a valid url (also works with umlauts and without external lib like idna)
__validate_url('') // true

// check if string is a valid email (also works with umlauts and without external lib like idna)
__validate_email('') // true

// checks if a date is valid (string in english/german, timestamp or date format)
__validate_date('2000-01-01') // true
__validate_date('01.01.2000') // true
__validate_date('29.02.2001') // false
__validate_date(new DateTime('2000-01-01')) // true
__validate_date(946713600) // true

// checks if a string is a valid date format
__validate_date_format('d.m.Y') // true
__validate_date_format('Y-m-d') // true
__validate_date_format('01.m.Y') // true
__validate_date_format('foo') // false

// checks if a string is a valid date modifier
__validate_date_mod('+6 months') // true
__validate_date_mod('foo') // false

// simple date helper
__date('2000-01-01') // 2000-01-01
__date('2000-01-01', 'd.m.Y') // 01.01.2000
__date('2001-02-29', 'd.m.Y') // null; returns null if date is invalid, otherwise formatted date
__date('2000-01-01', '+6 months') // 2000-07-01; allows date modifications
__date('2000-01-01', 'd.m.Y', '+6 months') // 01.07.2000
__date('01.01.2000') // 2000-01-01; also accepts other formats
__date('01.01.20') // 2020-01-01; correctly interprets some german variants
__date('now') // 2019-05-28; also accepts strings
__date('2019-12-02 12:00:00', 'd.m.Y H:i:s') // 02.12.2019 12:00:00
__date('2019-12-02T12:00:00', 'd.m.Y H:i:s') // 02.12.2019 12:00:00
__date() // 2019-05-28
__date('') // null
__date(null) // null
__date('d.m.Y',null) // null
$unknown = null; __date($unknown) // null
__date(strtotime('2000-01-01'), 'd.m.Y') // 01.01.2000; also accepts timestamps
__date(strtotime('2000-01-01'), 'd.m.Y', '+6 months') // 01.07.2000
__date(new DateTime('2000-01-01'), 'd.m.Y') // 01.01.2000; also accepts datetime objects
__date('d.m.Y') // 01.01.2000; you can even switch arguments (they are sorted magically)
__date('d.m.Y', 'now') // 2019-05-28
__date('+6 months') // 2019-11-28

// outputs a valid formatted value for input datetime-local
__datetime('01.01.2000') // 2000-01-01T00:00
__datetime('01.01.2000 18:00') // 2000-01-01T18:00

// set time of date as string to begin of day
__date_reset_time('2000-01-01 16:30:00') // 2000-01-01 00:00:00
__date_reset_time('2000-01-01') // 2000-01-01 00:00:00
__date_reset_time('01.01.2000') // 2000-01-01 00:00:00

// get age from date
__age_from_date('2000-01-01') // 20
__age_from_date('2000-01-01', '2010-01-01') // 10
__age_from_date_weeks('2000-01-01') // 1083
__age_from_date_weeks('2000-01-01', '2010-01-01') // 521
__age_from_date_days('2000-01-01') // 7587
__age_from_date_days('2000-01-01', '2010-01-01') // 3653

// remove useless zero digits from decimals
__remove_zero_decimals(1337) // 1337
__remove_zero_decimals('1337') // 1337
__remove_zero_decimals('1337.40') // 1337.4
__remove_zero_decimals('1337,40') // 1337.4
__remove_zero_decimals(1337.0) // 1337
__remove_zero_decimals(1337.4) // 1337.4
__remove_zero_decimals(1337.42) // 1337.42
__remove_zero_decimals(1337.424) // 1337.424

// remove leading zeros
__remove_leading_zeros('01337') // 1337

// normalizes phone numbers (din, germany)
__phone_normalize('(0)89-12 456 666') // +49 89 12456666
__phone_tokenize('(0)89-12 456 666') // ['country_code' => '49', 'area_code' => '89', 'number' => '12456666']
__phone_country_codes() // ['49', ...]
__phone_area_codes() // ['89', '151', ...]
__phone_area_codes_landline() // ['89', ...]
__phone_area_codes_mobile() // ['151', ...]
__phone_is_landline('(0)89-12 456 666') // true
__phone_is_mobile('(0)89-12 456 666') // false

// parse cumulated mail string (RFC5322)
__email_tokenize_str2arr('Max Mustermann <>;')
// [['email' => '', 'name' => 'Max Mustermann'],['email' => '', 'name' => null]];
__email_tokenize_arr2str([['email' => '', 'name' => 'Max Mustermann'],['email' => '', 'name' => null]]);
// 'Max Mustermann <>;'

// normalize url
__url_normalize('') //
__url_normalize('') //

// minify html
__minify_html('<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>shortest valid html5 document</title>
<p>yay</p>') // <!DOCTYPE html><title>shortest valid html5 document</title><p>yay</p>

// proper string to domdocument and domdocument to string conversion (respects original structure and fixes lots of caveats)
__dom_to_str(__str_to_dom('<ul><li></li><li></li></ul>')) // <ul><li></li><li></li></ul>
__dom_to_str(__str_to_dom('<custom-component @click.prevent="foo()"></custom-component>')) // <custom-component @click.prevent="foo()"></custom-component>

// translate strings
__translate_google('Sein oder Nichtsein; das ist hier die Frage.', 'de', 'en', '**API Key**') // To be or not to be; that is the question.
__translate_microsoft('Sein oder Nichtsein; das ist hier die Frage.', 'de', 'en', '**API Key**') // Being or not being; that is the question here.
__translate_deepl('Sein oder Nichtsein; das ist hier die Frage.', 'de', 'en', '**API Key**') // To be or not to be; that is the question here.

// work conveniently with all major ai apis
$ai = __ai(
    service: 'chatgpt', // chatgpt|claude|gemini
    model: 'gpt-4o', // gpt-4o|claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620|gemini-1.5-flash|...
    temperature: 0.7, // controls the randomness of the text generated
    api_key: '**API Key**'
$ai->ask('Wer wurde 2018 Fußball-Weltmeister?');
  // ['response' => 'Frankreich.', 'success' => true]
$ai->ask('Was ist auf dem Bild zu sehen?', 'lorem.jpg');
  // ['response' => 'Auf dem Bild ist eine Katze zu sehen.', 'success' => true]
$ai->ask('Wie lautet das erste Wort in der PDF?', 'lorem.pdf');
  // ['response' => 'Das erste Wort lautet "Lorem".', 'success' => true]
$ai->ask('Fasse die folgenden Dokumente zusammen.', ['1.pdf','2.jpg']);
  // ['response' => '...', 'success' => true]
$ai = __chatgpt(
    session_id: $ai->session_id // submit session to continue a conversation afterwards ($ai->session_id)
$ai->ask('Was habe ich vorher gefragt?');
  // ['response' => 'Du hast gefragt: "Wie lautet das erste Wort in der PDF?"', 'success' => true]
$ai->cleanup(); // (remotely) deletes the data of the current session
$ai->cleanup_all(); // (remotely) deletes all data

// remove emojis from string
__remove_emoji('Lorem 🤷 ipsum ❤ dolor 🥺 med') // Lorem  ipsum  dolor  med

// remove accents from string
__remove_accents('Ǻºĺ') // Cool
__remove_accents('Äťśçĥ') // Ätsch
__remove_accents('Äťśçĥ', true) // Aetsch

// remove non printable chars from string
___remove_non_printable_chars('foo�bar') // foobar

// string to slug (sanitize string)
__slug('This string will be sanitized!') // this-string-will-be-sanitized

// generate a random string
__random_string() // edPhi34d
__random_string(10) // abCa321aC6
__random_string(16, 'idkfa') // idifafafifaifafk

// shuffle array (no reference)
__shuffle(['foo','bar','baz']); // ['bar','baz','foo']

// shuffle associative array and preserve keys
__shuffle_assoc(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz', 'baz' => 'foo']) // ['bar' => 'baz', 'baz' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'bar']

// sort with umlauts (DIN-5007-2)
$arr = ['äther', 'Äther2', 'Ü12.pdf', 'Ü2.pdf'];
usort($arr, function($a, $b) { return __mb_strcmp($a, $b); }); // ['Äther2', 'Ü12.pdf', 'Ü2.pdf', 'äther']
usort($arr, function($a, $b) { return __mb_strcasecmp($a, $b); }); // ['äther', 'Äther2', 'Ü12.pdf', 'Ü2.pdf']
usort($arr, function($a, $b) { return __mb_strnatcmp($a, $b); }); // ['Äther2', 'Ü2.pdf', 'Ü12.pdf', 'äther']
usort($arr, function($a, $b) { return __mb_strnatcasecmp($a, $b); }); // ['äther', 'Äther2', 'Ü2.pdf', 'Ü12.pdf']

// array order sort by many
$arr = [['a' => 17, 'b' => 42], ['a' => 13, 'b' => 19]]
usort($arr, __array_multisort([ ['a', 'asc'], ['b', 'asc'] ])) // [['a' => 13, 'b' => 19], ['a' => 17, 'b' => 42]]
usort($arr, __array_multisort(function($v) { return [ [$v['a'], 'asc'], [$v['b'], 'asc'] ]; })) // [['a' => 13, 'b' => 19], ['a' => 17, 'b' => 42]]
collect($arr)->sort( __array_multisort([ ['a', 'asc'], ['b', 'asc'] ]) ) // can also be used by laravel collections
// considers umlauts (DIN-5007-2)
$arr = [['foo' => 'zoo'], ['foo' => 'Äther']]
usort($arr, __array_multisort([['foo', 'asc']])) // [['foo' => 'Äther'], ['foo' => 'zoo']]

// array group by
$a = ['a' => 17, 'b' => 42, 'c' => 'foo']
$b = ['a' => 19, 'b' => 20, 'c' => 'bar']
$c = ['a' => 17, 'b' => 42, 'c' => 'baz']
$arr = [$a, $b, $c]
__array_group_by($arr, 'a') // [17 => [$a, $c], 19 => [$b]]
__array_group_by($arr, 'a', 'b') // [17 => [42 => [$a, $c]], 19 => [20 => [$b]]]
__array_group_by($arr, function($v) { return $v['a']; }) // [17 => [$a, $c], 19 => [$b]]
__array_group_by($arr, function($v) { return $v['a']; }, function($v) { return $v['b']; }) // [17 => [42 => [$a, $c]], 19 => [20 => [$b]]]
$arr = collect([collect($a), collect($b), collect($c)])
__array_group_by($arr, function($v) { return $v->get('a'); })  // can also be used by laravel collections

// array group by aggregate
$a = ['a' => 17, 'b' => 42, 'c' => 'foo']
$b = ['a' => 19, 'b' => 20, 'c' => 'bar']
$c = ['a' => 17, 'b' => 42, 'c' => 'baz']
$arr = [$a, $b, $c]
__array_group_by_aggregate($arr, 'a', [
    'b' => function($a, $b) { return $a+$b; },
    'c' => function($a, $b) { return $a.', '.$b; },
]) // [['a' => 17, 'b' => 84, 'c' => 'foo, baz'], ['a' => 19, 'b' => 20, 'c' => 'bar']]
__array_group_by_aggregate($arr, ['a','b'], [
    'c' => function($a, $b) { return $a.', '.$b; },
]) // [['a' => 17, 'b' => 42, 'c' => 'foo, baz'], ['a' => 19, 'b' => 20, 'c' => 'bar']]

// array unique (that works with multidimensional arrays)
__array_unique([1,2,2]) // [1,2]
__array_unique([['foo'=>'bar'],['bar'=>'baz'],['foo'=>'bar']]) // [['foo'=>'bar'],['bar'=>'baz']]

// recursively change values of array of arrays (only leaf nodes)
__array_map_deep(['foo','bar'=>['baz','gnarr']], function($a) { return $a.'!'; }) // ['foo!','bar'=>['baz!','gnarr!']]
__array_map_deep([[[[[[[[[[[[[[[true]]]]]]]]]]]]]]], function($a) { return !$a; }) // [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[false]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[42 => 'no', 7 => 'ok']]]]]]]]]]]]]]],
    function ($value, $key) { return $key === 42 ? $value : $value . '!'; }
) // [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[42 => 'no', 7 => 'ok!']]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
    function($value,$key,$key_chain) { return in_array('bar',$key_chain)?$value.'!':$value; }
) // ['foo'=>['bar'=>'baz!'],'bar'=>['baz'=>'gnarr!'],'gnarr'=>['foo'=>'gnaz']]
$output = [];
    function($value,$key,$key_chain) use(&$output) { $output[] = $value.': '.implode('.',$key_chain); }
echo implode(' - ', $output) // ok1:, ok2:, ok3: 8
__array_map_deep(['foo','bar'=>(object)['baz','gnarr']], function($a) { return $a.'!'; }) // ['foo!','bar'=>(object)['baz!','gnarr!']]
__array_map_deep(['foo','bar'=>json_encode(['baz','gnarr'])], function($a) { return $a.'!'; }) // ['foo!', 'bar'=>json_encode(['baz!', 'gnarr!'])]

// recursively change values of array of arrays (with parent nodes; be careful when changing the array structure)
__array_map_deep_all(['foo'=>'bar','bar'=>['baz'=>'gnarr','gnarr'=>'baz']], function($value, $key, $key_chain) {
    if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists('baz', $value) && $value['baz'] === 'gnarr') {
        $value['gnarr'] = 'baz2';
    return $value;
}) // ['foo'=>'bar','bar'=>['baz'=>'gnarr','gnarr'=>'baz2']]

// array walk recursive (with parent nodes; be careful when changing the array structure)
$arr = ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => ['baz' => 'gnarr', 'gnarr' => 'baz']]
__array_walk_recursive_all($arr, function (&$value, $key, $key_chain) {
    if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists('baz', $value) && $value['baz'] === 'gnarr') {
        $value['gnarr'] = 'baz2';
$arr // ['foo'=>'bar','bar'=>['baz'=>'gnarr','gnarr'=>'baz2']]

// array filter recursive
    ['foo' => ['foo' => ['foo' => ['foo' => ['foo' => []]]]]],
    function($value, $key, $key_chain) { return $key === 'foo' && empty($value); }
) // []

// array map for keys
__array_map_keys(function($k) { return $k.'!'; }, ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']) // ['foo!' => 'bar', 'bar!' => 'baz']

// ask question on cli
$answer = __ask('What\'s your name?') // free input
$answer = __ask('Choose your destiny:
[1] red pill
[2] blue pill', [1,2]) // only accept specific chars/integers

// show progress on cli
echo 'Searching for TOE (theory of everything)...'.PHP_EOL;
$i = 0;
while($i <= 100) {
    __progress($i, 100, 'Loading...', 75, '#');
    usleep($i < 90 ? 10000 : 250000);
echo PHP_EOL.'Answer: 42';
Searching for TOE (theory of everything)...
Loading... [############################################################################] 100%
Answer: 42

// simple multibyte version of sprintf
sprintf('%7.7s', 'mäh') // '   mäh'
__mb_sprintf('%7.7s', 'mäh') // '    mäh'

// encode arbitrary data to string
$data = ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz'];
$str = __encode_data($data) // 'YToyOntzOjM6ImZvbyI7czozOiJiYXIiO3M6MzoiYmFyIjtzOjM6ImJheiI7fQ=='
__decode_data($str) // ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']
// support for multiple arguments
__decode_data(__encode_data(['foo', 'bar'])) // ['foo', 'bar']);
__decode_data(__encode_data('foo', 'bar')) // ['foo', 'bar']);
// this can be useful to enrich form fields with additional data
echo '<input name="foo['.__encode_data($data).']" value="bar" />';
__decode_data(array_key_first($_POST['foo'])) // ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']
// this can also be useful to create a poor mans index
foreach($a as $a__value) { $index[__encode_data($a__value['foo'],$a__value['bar'])] = null; }
foreach($b as $b__value) { if(array_key_exists(__encode_data($b__value['foo'],$b__value['bar']),$index)) { /* ... */ } }

// generate uuid/guid v4
__uuid() // 19028aea-ccb6-4b32-9e5d-1243c3a77bb1

// validate uuid v4
__validate_uuid('19028aea-ccb6-4b32-9e5d-1243c3a77bb1') // true
__validate_uuid('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000') // false
__validate_uuid('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', false) // true (weak check)

// create lexicographically ordered string ids like in firebase
__pushId() // -LMsSyccg4OavBCZxRAA

// strip string
__strip('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.', 12) // Lorem ipsum...

// strip numeric (0-9.,)
__strip_numeric('the answer is 42.00') // the answer is

// strip non-numeric (all except 0-9.,)
__strip_nonnumeric('the answer is 42.00') // 42.00

// strip digit (0-9)
__strip_numeric('the answer is 42.00') // the answer is

// strip non-digit (all except 0-9)
__strip_nondigit('the answer is 42') // 42

// strip non-chars (all except a-z and umlauts)
__strip_nonchars('the Änswer is 42.-+&!foo') // the Änswer is foo

// strip whitespace
__strip_whitespace('the answer is 42') // theansweris42
__strip_whitespace('the     answeris42') // theansweris42

// strip whitespace (collapsed)
__strip_whitespace_collapsed('the answer is 42') // the answer is 42
__strip_whitespace_collapsed('the     answer             is 42 ') // the answer is 42

// strip specific tags (optionally with content) of html string
__strip_tags('<p>foo</p><iframe src="#"></iframe><script>alert();</script><p>bar</p>', 'script') // <p>foo</p><iframe src="#"></iframe>alert();<p>bar</p>
__strip_tags('<p>foo</p><iframe src="#"></iframe><script>alert();</script><p>bar</p>', ['iframe','script'], true) // <p>foo</p><p>bar</p>

// split string by new line
baz') // ['foo','bar','baz']

// add space after every 4th character (first remove whitespace, do it bytesafe, don't add a trailing space like chunk_split)
__split_whitespace('DE07123412341234123412', 4) // 'DE07 1234 1234 1234 1234 12'
__split_whitespace(' föö bäär ', 3) // 'föö bää r'

// remove empty lines

baz') // foo\nbar\nbaz

// remove new lines
baz') // foobarbaz
baz', ' ') // foo bar baz

// reverse of nl2br
__br2nl('foo<br/>bar') // foo

// truncate/trim long strings
__truncate_string('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer.', 20); // Lorem ipsum dolor ...
__truncate_string('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer.', 20, '…'); // Lorem ipsum dolor …

// trim whitespace (including &nbsp; and line breaks)
__trim_whitespace('      string including nasty whitespace chars  ') // 'string including nasty whitespace chars'

// trim every item in array
baz']) // ['foo','bar','baz']

// trim every line in multiline array
baz ') // foo

// trim like it should be:
// - works recursively
// - works with whole words
__trim('<br><br/><p></p>foo bar baz<br/><br/><br><br/>', ['<br/>','<br>','<p></p>']) // foo bar baz
__ltrim('<br><br/><p></p>foo bar baz<br/><br/><br><br/>', ['<br/>','<br>','<p></p>']) // foo bar baz<br/><br/><br><br/>
__rtrim('<br><br/><p></p>foo bar baz<br/><br/><br><br/>', ['<br/>','<br>','<p></p>']) // <br><br/><p></p>foo bar baz

// remove keys from associative array
__arr_without(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz', 'baz' => 'foo'], ['bar', 'baz']) // ['foo' => 'bar']

// reverse string (grapheme safe, works also without intl extension)
__strrev('hello❤️world') // dlrow❤️olleh

// check if string is json
__string_is_json('[]') // true
__string_is_json('{"foo":"bar"}') // true
__string_is_json('["foo" => "bar"]') // false
__string_is_json([]) // false
__string_is_json((object)[]) // false

// check if string is html
__string_is_html('foo') // false
__string_is_html('<p>foo</p>') // true
__string_is_html('foo bar') // false
__string_is_html('foo&nbsp;bar') // true

// check if string is serialized
__is_serialized('a:1:{s:3:"foo";s:3:"bar";}') // true
__is_serialized('idkfa') // false
__is_serialized('b:0;') // true
__is_serialized('a:1:{s:3:\"foo\";s:3:\"bar\";}') // false
__is_serialized('a:1:{42}') // false

// check if string is base64 encoded
__is_base64_encoded('dGhpcyBpcyBjb29sIHN0dWZm') // true
__is_base64_encoded('#ib3498r') // false
__is_base64_encoded('al3Vna##2dqa#Gdm') // false
__is_base64_encoded((object)[]) // false

// check if variable is of laravel type 'Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder'
__is_eloquent_builder($var) // true|false

// extract part from string
__extract('<a href="#foo">bar</a>','href="','">') // #foo
__extract('<a href="#foo">bar</a>','">','</a') // bar

// find all occurences of substring in string
__strposx('bar foo baz foobar', 'foo') // [4,12]

// find nth occurence of substring in string
__strposnth('bar foo baz foobar', 'foo', 2) // 12

// check if key is first/last key in foreach loop
$array = ['foo','bar'];
foreach($array as $array__key=>$array__value)
    if( __fkey($array__key, $array) ) { }
    if( __lkey($array__key, $array) ) { }

// get last item of array
__last(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) // 'baz'

// get first item of array
__first(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) // 'foo'
__first(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']) // 'bar'

// get first key of array
__first_key(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']) // 'foo'

// get random element from array
__rand(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) // 'bar'

// remove first/last item of array (and reindex array)
__remove_first(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) // ['bar','baz']
__remove_last(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']) // ['foo','bar']

// uppercase helpers (mb safe)
__first_char_is_uppercase('Foo') // true
__first_char_is_uppercase('bar') // true
__set_first_char_uppercase('baz') // Baz
__set_first_char_uppercase('übel') // Übel

// convert array to object
__array_to_object(['foo']) // {0: 'foo'}
__array_to_object(['foo','bar']) // {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}
__array_to_object(['foo' => 'bar']) // {foo: 'bar'}
__array_to_object(['foo','bar' => ['foo','bar']]) // {0: 'foo', bar: {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}}

// convert object to array
__object_to_array((object)['foo']) // ['foo']
__object_to_array((object)['foo','bar']) // ['foo','bar']
__object_to_array((object)['foo' => 'bar']) // ['foo' => 'bar']
__object_to_array((object)['foo','bar' => (object)['foo','bar']]) // ['foo', 'bar' => ['foo','bar']]

// convert variable to array
__array() // []
__array('foo') // ['foo']
__array(['foo']) // ['foo']
__array(['foo','bar']) // ['foo','bar']
__array((object)['foo','bar']) // ['foo','bar']
__array((object)['foo','bar' => (object)['foo','bar']]) // ['foo', 'bar' => ['foo','bar']]

// convert variable to object
__object() // {}
__object('foo') // {0: 'foo'}
__object(['foo']) // {0: 'foo'}
__object(['foo','bar']) // {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}
__object(['foo' => 'bar']) // {foo: 'bar'}
__object((object)['foo','bar']) // {0: 'foo',1: 'bar'}
__object(['foo','bar' => ['foo','bar']]) // {0: 'foo', bar: {0: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}}

// check if item can be looped (is a non empty array, object or collection)
__can_be_looped([1,2]) // true
__can_be_looped((object)[1,2]) // true
__can_be_looped([]) // false

// generate nested foreach loop of n levels
$a = [1, 2]; $b = [3, 4]; $c = [5, 6]; $output = [];
$fn = function ($x, $y, $z) use (&$output) { $output[] = $x . '' . $y . '' . $z; };
__foreach_nested($a, $b, $c, $fn);
// same as foreach($a as $a__value) { foreach($b as $b__value) { foreach($c as $c__value) { $fn($x, $y, $z); } }
// ['135', '136', '145', '146', '235', '236', '245', '246']

// removes recursively all items from array or object or collection that are considered empty (indexes are not reindexed)
$arr = [0 => ['foo',0,'0',null,''], null, 2 => [['',''],[null]]];
__remove_empty($arr) // [0 => ['foo',0,'0']]
__remove_empty($arr, [0,'0']) // [0 => ['foo']] (provide additional values that are considered empty)
__remove_empty($arr, null, function ($value) {
    return (is_array($value) && empty($value)) || (is_string($value) && $value === '');
}) // [0 => ['foo',0,'0',null], null, 2 => [1 => [null]]] (provide a callback function)

// remove item from array or object and fill up gaps (if numeric keys are available)
__remove_by_key([0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => 'baz'], 1) // [0 => 'foo', 1 => 'baz']
__remove_by_key(['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2, 'baz' => 3], 'foo') // ['bar' => 2, 'baz' => 3]
__remove_by_key((object)[0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => 'baz'], 1) // (object)[0 => 'foo', 1 => 'baz']
__remove_by_value([0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => 'baz'], 'bar') // [0 => 'foo', 1 => 'baz']
__remove_by_value(['foo' => 1, 'bar' => 2, 'baz' => 3], 1) // ['bar' => 2, 'baz' => 3]
__remove_by_value((object)[0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => 'baz'], 'bar') // (object)[0 => 'foo', 1 => 'baz']

// get max array depth
__arr_depth(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => ['baz' => ['gnarr' => 'gnaz']]]) // 3

// (conditional) append/prepend to array
__arr_append(['foo'], 'bar') // ['foo','bar']
__arr_prepend(['bar'], 'foo') // ['foo','bar']
__arr_append(['foo'], 'bar', 42%7 === 0) // ['foo','bar']
__arr_prepend(['bar'], 'foo', 0%1 === 1) // ['foo']
__arr_append(__arr_append(__arr_append([], 'foo'), 'bar', false), 'baz') // ['foo','baz']

// turn values of array "inside out"
// this is useful when working with html forms
<li><input type="text" name="data[option1][]" /><input type="text" name="data[option2][]" /></li>
<li><input type="text" name="data[option1][]" /><input type="text" name="data[option2][]" /></li>
<li><input type="text" name="data[option1][]" /><input type="text" name="data[option2][]" /></li>
<li><input type="text" name="data[option1][]" /><input type="text" name="data[option2][]" /></li>
    'option1' => [0 => 'foo', 1 => 'bar', 2 => 'baz', 3 => ''],
    'option2' => [0 => 'bar', 1 => 'baz', 2 => 'foo', 3 => null]
    0 => ['option1' => 'foo','option2' => 'bar'],
    1 => ['option1' => 'bar','option2' => 'baz'],
    2 => ['option1' => 'baz','option2' => 'foo']

// converts recursively nested arrays into objects
// this is useful when working with state in vue/redux
// objects are automatically keyed by id (if property "id" is available)
__arrays_to_objects(['foo' => ['bar','baz'], 'bar' => [(object)['id' => 7, 'name' => 'foo'], (object)['id' => 42, 'name' => 'bar']]])
// { 'foo': { 0: 'bar', 1: 'baz' }, 'bar' => { 7: { 'id': 7, 'name': 'foo' }, 7: { 'id': 42, 'name': 'bar' } } }

// highlight strings
__highlight('that is a search string', 'is') // that <strong class="highlight">is</strong> a search string
__highlight('abc def geh ijk lmn opq rst abc def geh ijk lmn opq rst', 'ijk', true, 5) // '... geh <strong class="highlight">ijk</strong> lmn ... geh <strong class="highlight">ijk</strong> lmn ...'

// checks if variable is an integer (accepts also well formed strings)
__is_integer(0) // true
__is_integer(42) // true
__is_integer(4.2) // false
__is_integer(0.42) // false
__is_integer(42.) // true
__is_integer('42') // true
__is_integer('a42') // false
__is_integer('42a') // false
__is_integer(0x24) // true
__is_integer(8372468764378627868742367883268) // true (in comparison to is_int())
__is_integer('8372468764378627868742367883268') // true
__is_integer(' 1337') // false
__is_integer('1337 ') // false
__is_integer([]) // false
__is_integer(null) // false
__is_integer(false) // false
__is_integer(true) // false

// convert float to nice ratio
__float_to_ratio(1920/600) // 16:5
__float_to_ratio(1/3) // 1:3

// output arguments in a reader friendly way
__o($var1, $var2, $var3)
__o('<strong>foo</strong>') // html codes are not parsed: array(1) { [0]=> string(32) "<strong>foo</strong>" }

// same as __o but die afterwards

// flatten multidimensional array (keys)
__flatten_keys(['foo' => ['bar' => 'baz']]) // ['foo','bar']

// flatten multidimensional array (values)
__flatten_values(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => ['baz', 'foo']]) // ['bar','baz','foo']

// get nth element of concatenized array
__expl(' ', 'foo bar baz', 1) // bar

// redirect via php (following post/redirect/get-pattern)
__prg() // to current url without get arguments

// redirect via php/html
__redirect_to() // to current url without get arguments
__redirect_to('', 301) // with "Moved permanently"
__redirect_to('', 302) // with "Moved temporarily"
__redirect_to('', 7, 'html') // redirect in 7 seconds (via html)

// show system messages
// -- in your controller
system_message('bar', 'error')
// -- in your view
$system_messages = system_messages(); // must be before any output
echo '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="de"><body>';
foreach ($system_messages as $system_messages__value) {
    echo '<div class="system-message system-message--'.$system_messages__value->type.'">';
    echo $system_messages__value->content;
    echo '</div>';
echo '</body></html>';

// throw exceptions (with arrays as messages)
try {
catch(\Throwable $t) {
     __exception_message($t) // 'foo'
try {
    __exception(['foo' => 'bar']);
catch(\Throwable $t) {
    __exception_message($t) // ['foo' => 'bar']
try {
    throw new \Exception('bar');
catch(\Throwable $t) {
    __exception_message($t) // 'bar'
// you also catch these specific exceptions only
try {
catch(\ExtendedException $t) {
    __exception_message($t) // 'foo'
try {
    throw new \Exception('bar');
catch(\ExtendedException $t) {
    // does not trigger
catch(\Exception $t) {
    // triggers

// success/error return values
__success() // { success: true, message: '' }
__error('missing data') // { success: false, message: 'missing data' }

// simple hook system that supports actions/filters with priorities
$GLOBALS['t'] = 0;
__hook_fire('hook_name'); // $GLOBALS['t'] = 0
__hook_add('hook_name', function() { $GLOBALS['t']++; }); // $GLOBALS['t'] = 0
__hook_fire('hook_name'); // $GLOBALS['t'] = 1
__hook_fire('hook_name'); // $GLOBALS['t'] = 2
__hook_add('hook_name', function() { $GLOBALS['t'] *= 2; }); // $GLOBALS['t'] = 2
__hook_fire('hook_name'); // $GLOBALS['t'] = 6
__hook_fire('hook_name'); // $GLOBALS['t'] = 14
$foo = 1;
__hook_add('filter_name', function($a) { return $a+1; }, 20);
__hook_add('filter_name', function($a) { return $a*2; }, 10);
__hook_add('filter_name', function($a) { return $a-3; }, PHP_INT_MAX);
$foo = __hook_fire('filter_name', $foo); // $foo = 0
$foo = __hook_fire('filter_name', $foo); // $foo = -2

// get current os
__os() // ['windows','mac','linux']

// get current url (without trailing slash)
__url() // (with get parameters)
__urlWithoutArgs() // (without get parameters)
__baseurl() //

// compress image
__image_compress('input.jpg', 70)
__image_compress('input.jpg', 70, 'output.jpg')

// fix exif image orientation
__image_orientate('input.jpg', 70)
__image_orientate('input.jpg', 70, 'output.jpg')

// get file extension from filename
__file_extension('foo.jpg') // jpg

// utf8 conversions
__is_utf8('foo') // true; checks if a string is utf8 encoded
__to_utf8('foo') // tries to convert any string to utf8

// drop-in replacements for deprecated utf8_encode/utf8_decode

// read/write iptc tags (with full utf8 support)
__iptc_codes() // returns important codes in human readable format: ['2#116' => 'Copyright', ...]
__iptc_code('Copyright') // 2#116
__iptc_keyword('2#116') // Copyright

__iptc_read('input.jpg') // ['2#116' => '© Copyright 2021 by foobar', ...]
__iptc_read('input.jpg', '2#116') // '© Copyright 2021 by foobar
__iptc_read('input.jpg', 'Copyright') // '© Copyright 2021 by foobar

__iptc_write('input.jpg', ['2#116' => '© Copyright 2021 by foobar']) // this overwrites all existing data and only sets one field
__iptc_write('input.jpg', '2#116', '© Copyright 2021 by foobar') // this only sets the specific field and leaves the rest intact
__iptc_write('input.jpg', 'Copyright', '© Copyright 2021 by foobar') // also accepts human readable codes
__iptc_write('input.jpg', 'Copyright', null) // delete specific tag
__iptc_write('input.jpg', []) // reset all tags

// poor mans encryption (via openssl)
define('ENCRYPTION_KEY', '4736d52f85bdb63e46bf7d6d41bbd551af36e1bfb7c68164bf81e2400d291319')  // first define your encryption key (generated with hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true)))
__decrypt(__encrypt('foo')) // 'foo' (hard, with individual one-time salt)
__decrypt(__encrypt('bar','known_salt')) // 'bar' (soft, good for searching in dbs)

// very poor mans encryption (via file system)
define('ENCRYPTION_FOLDER', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/encryption') // Deny from all this if this is public(!)
__decrypt_poor(__encrypt_poor('foo')) // 'foo'
$token = __encrypt_poor('bar')
__decrypt_poor($token, true) // 'bar' (one time decryption supported)
__decrypt_poor($token) // null

// list all files in folder (['filename1','filename2',...])
__files_in_folder() // current folder
__files_in_folder('.') // current folder
__files_in_folder('foo') // subfolder
__files_in_folder('foo', true) // do it recursively
__files_in_folder('foo', true, ['.git', '.gitkeep']) // do it recursively and exclude some folders/files
__files_in_folder('foo', true, ['.git', '.gitkeep'], true) // get absolute instead of relative paths

// recursively remove folder and it's contents

// zip/unzip
__zip('', 'folder')
__zip('', 'file1.jpg')
__zip('', ['file1.jpg', 'subfolder/file2.jpg'])
__zip('', ['file1.jpg', 'subfolder/file2.jpg'], true) // strips paths
__unzip('', '.')

// check if link is external or internal
__is_external('') // false
__is_external('') // false
__is_external('') // false
__is_external('') // true
__is_external('tel:+4989215400142') // false
__is_external('') // false
__is_external('') // true
__is_external('') // true

$_GET = ['page_id' => '13', 'code' => '<h1>Hello World!</h1>'];
$_POST = ['foo' => 'bar', 42 => "\0"];

// fetch post/get variables if they exist
__get('foo') // null (because not set)
__get('page_id') // '13'
__post('foo') // bar

// filter get parameters from url
__filter_url_args('https://ai?foo=bar&bar=baz&baz=foo', ['foo','bar']) // https://ai?baz=foo

// clean up post/get from malicious content using filter_var_array
__clean_up_get() // $_GET = ['page_id' => '13', 'code' => 'Hello World!']
__clean_up_post() // $_POST = ['foo' => 'bar', 42 => '']
__clean_up() // same as __clean_up_get() and __clean_up_post()

// read .env file (poor mans version)
__read_env('.env') // ['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz']

// check for repetitive actions, e.g. to prevent mass spam mailing (based on hashed client ip address)
__is_repetitive_action(); // any action
__is_repetitive_action('name'); // specific action
__is_repetitive_action('name', 60); // allow 1 action per 60 minutes (this is the default if not specified)
__is_repetitive_action('name', 1/60); // allow 1 action per 1 second
__is_repetitive_action('name', 60, ['','']); // whitelist ip addresses

// check for spam words in string (blacklist blocker utilizing
__has_spamwords('This is cool stuff.') // false
__has_spamwords('I do spy software your website.') // true
__has_spamwords('Hongsheng Ltd') // false
__has_spamwords('Hongsheng Ltd', ['hongsheng']) // true (add custom blacklist keywords)
__has_spamwords('I do spy software your website.', null, ['spy software']) // false (add custom whitelist keywords)

// check if ip is blacklisted on multiple dnsbls (dns based blackhole lists)
__ip_is_on_spamlist('') // true
__ip_is_on_spamlist('') // false

// get referrer
__referer() // $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], if not available null

// do simple get requests (via curl or as a fallback with php file_get_contents [allow_url_fopen=1])
__fetch('') // { "method": "GET", ... }
__fetch('', 'curl') // { "method": "GET", ... }
__fetch('', 'php') // { "method": "GET", ... }

// do curl requests (get/post) and get status code, body and header
    '', // url
    ['foo' => 'bar'], // data
    'POST', // method
    ['Bar' => 'baz'], // headers
    false, // store and send cookies
    true, // send as json (or application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
    60, // timeout in seconds
    ['username' => 'password'], // basic authentication
    ['foo' => 'bar'], // cookies
    true, // follow redirects
    'username:password@' // use proxy (username, password and port are optional)
__curl('') // {"status": 200, "result": { "method": "GET", ... }, "headers": [ ... ], "url": "..."}
__curl('', ['foo' => 'bar'], 'POST') //  {"status": 200, "result": { "method": "POST", "data": {"foo": "bar"}, ... }, "headers": [ ... ], "url": "..."}
__curl('', ['foo' => 'bar'], 'POST', ['Bar' => 'baz']) //  {"status": 200, "result" => { "method": "POST", "headers" = { "Bar": "baz", ... }, ... }, "headers": [ ... ], "url": "..."}
__curl('') // json is automatically decoded (but only if the response is of type json)
__curl('', ['foo' => 'bar'], 'PUT') //  {"status": 200, "result": { "method": "PUT", "data": {"foo": "bar"}, ... }, "headers": [ ... ], "url": "..."}
__curl('', null, 'DELETE') //  {"status": 200, "result": { "method": "DELETE", "data": "", ... }, "headers": [ ... ], "url": "..."}
// __curl also supports both storing and sending cookies (without leaving a trace on the local filesystem)
// with that you can do cool stuff like scraping the wordpress backend
__curl('', ['log' => 'username', 'pwd', 'password'], 'POST', null, true, false)
__curl('', null, 'GET', null, true)
// you can also hijack the current browser session if logged in
__curl('', null, 'GET', null, false, false, 60, null, $_COOKIE)

// mime type
__get_mime_type('foo.png') // image/png
__mime_type_to_extension('application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet') // 'xlsx'
__extension_to_mime_types('xlsx') // ['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', 'application/']

// reverse proxy
__reverse_proxy('', [
    '*' => [
        'replacements' => [
            ['location.origin!==n.origin', '1===0&&location.origin!==n.origin'], /* simple replacements (like origin checks) */
            ['/(https:\/\/.+\.example\.net\/assets\/js\/another\/asset.js)/', __urlWithoutArgs().'?url=$1'], /* regex is also possible */
            ['</head>', '<style>.ads { display:none; }</style></head>'] /* dirty inject */
        'dom' => function($DOMDocument, $DOMXPath) {
        'css' => '.ads { display:none; }',
        'js' => 'alert("ok");'
    'example.js' => [/*...*/],
    '/regex-match-v.*\.js/' => [/*...*/]
// full example
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
if( !isset($_GET['url']) ) {
    echo '<!DOCTYPE html><head><title>proxy test</title></head><body>
        <iframe src="'.__urlWithoutArgs().'?url=" height="800" width="600"></iframe>
else {
    __reverse_proxy($_GET['url'], [
        '*' => [
            'replacements' => [
                ['/(\/static|portal\/)/', __urlWithoutArgs().'?url=$1'],
            'dom' => function($DOMDocument, $DOMXPath) {
                $el = $DOMDocument->createElement('marquee', '');
                $el->nodeValue = 'Hello world.';
            'css' => '.pure-button { box-shadow: 0px 0px 20px 20px #f800ff }',
            'js' => 'alert("proxied!");'
        '/l10n\/.+\.json/' => [
            'replacements' => [
                ['Die freie Enzyklop\u00e4die', 'Die coole Enzyklop\u00e4die']

// check basic auth
__has_basic_auth(''); // false
__has_basic_auth(''); // true
__check_basic_auth('', 'foo','baz'); // false
__check_basic_auth('', 'foo','bar'); // true

// output json response with status code for apis
    'success' => true,
    'message' => 'successfully created object',
    'public_message' => 'Object erfolgreich angelegt!',
    'data' => [
        'id' => 42,
        'foo' => 'bar'
    200 // status code

// get input on backend (from x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json, ...)
__input('unknown-field', 'fallback');

// extract all urls of (potentially nested) remote sitemap
__extract_urls_from_sitemap('') // ['','', ...]
__extract_urls_from_sitemap('') // supports basic auth
__extract_urls_from_sitemap('', 'foo:bar')
__extract_urls_from_sitemap('', null, true) // include lastmod parameter; [['url' => '', 'lastmod' => '2020-01-01 00:00:00'], ['url' => '', 'lastmod' => '2020-01-01 00:00:00'], ...]

// get meta tags from url
__extract_title_from_url('') // David Vielhuber > Full-Stack Developer aus München
__extract_meta_desc_from_url('') // 🌀 Vielhuber David ist ein Web-Geek mit einem Faible für schönes Design, einer Prise Perfektionismus und Augen für klare Konturen. 🌀

// extract youtube/vimeo video information from string
__video_info('') // ['id' => 'WAZlcK7FUic', 'provider' => 'youtube', 'thumbnail' => '...']
__video_info('') // ['id' => '527316428', 'provider' => 'vimeo', 'thumbnail' => '...']
__video_info('') // several different formats are accepted
__video_info('') // null (strong id detection is also included)

// char helpers for excel columns
__char_to_int('D') // 4
__int_to_char(4) // 'D'
__inc_char('D') // 'E'
__inc_char('Z') // 'AA'
__inc_char('A',2) // 'C'
__dec_char('U') // 'T'

// convert excel date timestamp to string and vice versa (be aware: excel does utc internally)
__timestamp_excel_to_str(36526) // '2000-01-01 00:00:00'
__timestamp_excel_to_str(36526.3440972222) // '2000-01-01 08:15:30'
__timestamp_str_to_excel('01.01.2000') // 36526
__timestamp_str_to_excel('01.01.2000 08:15:30') // 36526.3440972222

// str_replace
__str_replace_first('foo','bar','foofoo') // 'barfoo'
__str_replace_last('foo','bar','foofoo') // 'foobar'

// fun with line endings
__line_endings_convert($str, 'linux') // converts string to linux line endings (LF)
__line_endings_convert($str, 'mac') // converts string to mac line endings (CR)
__line_endings_convert($str, 'windows') // converts string to windows line endings (CRLF)
__line_endings_weak_equals($str1, $str2) // compares 2 strings ignoring its line endings

// inline text modifications using sed (also works on sed bsd)
__sed_replace(['foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'baz', 'gna' => 'gnarr'], 'file.txt')
__sed_prepend('foo', 'file.txt')
__sed_append('bar', 'file.txt')

// show diff of two strings
baz', 'foo
// 2c2
// < bar
// ---
// > barz

// csv fun
__array2csv([['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],['foo', 'bar', 'baz']], 'file.csv')
__array2csv([['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],['foo', 'bar', 'baz']], 'file.csv', ';', '"')
__csv2array('file.csv') // [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],['foo', 'bar', 'baz']]
__csv2array('file.csv', ';', '"') // [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'],['foo', 'bar', 'baz']]

// xml fun
$arr = [
        'tag' => 'tag1',
        'attrs' => ['attr1' => 'val1', 'attr2' => 'val2'],
        'content' => [
                'tag' => 'tag2',
                'attrs' => ['attr3' => 'val3', 'attr4' => 'val4'],
                'content' => 'äöüß'
                'tag' => 'tag3',
                'attrs' => ['attr5' => 'val5', 'attr5' => 'val5'],
                'content' => [
                        'tag' => 'tag4',
                        'attrs' => ['attr6' => 'val6', 'attr7' => 'val7'],
                        'content' => 'äöüß'
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <tag1 attr1="val1" attr2="val2">
        <tag2 attr3="val3" attr4="val4">äöüß</tag2>
        <tag3 attr5="val5">
            <tag4 attr6="val6" attr7="val7">äöüß</tag4>
__array2xml($arr); // $xml
__array2xml($arr, 'file.xml'); // directly save to file
__array2xml($arr, null, ['version' => '1.1']); // manually modify prolog attributes
__array2xml($arr, null, null, true); // strip empty tags
__xml2array('file.xml'); // $arr

// measure performance
for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { }
__log_end() // echos script execution time

for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) { }
$data = __log_end('task', false) // ['message' => '...', 'time' => '...'];

for($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
  for($y = 0; $y < 100; $y++) { }


__log_end() // this ends latest entry (lifo)

usage as class

if you don't like hotloaded functions, you also can use this library in a class-based way:

use vielhuber\stringhelper\__;
__::x(42); // true

js implementation

there is also a javascript implemenation hlp with similiar functions available.


copy .env.example to .env, fill in values, install dependencies with composer install and run ./vendor/bin/phpunit.


existence matrix

__x() __true() __false() !== null != null !== false != false === true == true !is_null() isset() !empty() if/else ?true:false (??true) === true (??true) == true (??true) === false (??true) == false count() > 0 != '' !== ''
null false false false false false true false false false false false false false false true true false false false false true
false false false true true false false false false false true true false false false false false true true true false true
true true true false true true true true true true true true true true true true true false false true true true
[] false false false true false true false false false true true false false false false false false false false true true
[''] false false false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
0 true false true true false true false false false true true false false false false false false false true false true
1 true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
-1 true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'0' true false true true true true false false false true true false false false false false false false true true true
'1' true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'-1' true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'' false false false true false true false false false true true false false false false false false false true false false
' ' false false false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'null' true false false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'false' true false true true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'true' true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'str' true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
[0,1] true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
[0] true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'a:0:{}' false false false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'b:1;' true true false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
'b:0;' false false true true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
new stdClass false false false true true true true false true true true true true true false true false false true true true
$_GET['undefined'] error error error error error error error error error error false false error error false true false false error error error
@$_GET['undefined'] false false false false false true false false false false false false false false true true false false false false true

loose comparison matrix

== null false true [] [''] 0 1 -1 '0' '1' '-1' '' ' ' 'null' 'false' 'true' 'str' [0,1] [0] 'a:0:{}' 'b:1;' 'b:0;' new stdClass $_GET['undefined'] @$_GET['undefined']
null true true false true false true false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false false false error true
false true true false true false true false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false error true
true false false true false true false true true false true true false true true true true true true true true true true true error false
[] true true false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false error true
[''] false false true false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false error false
0 true true false false false true false false true false false true true true true true true false false true true true error error true
1 false false true false false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false error error false
-1 false false true false false false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false error error false
'0' false true false false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false false error false
'1' false false true false false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false error false
'-1' false false true false false false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false error false
'' true true false false false true false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false false false error true
' ' false false true false false true false false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false false error false
'null' false false true false false true false false false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false error false
'false' false false true false false true false false false false false false false false true false false false false false false false false error false
'true' false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false true false false false false false false false error false
'str' false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false false false error false
[0,1] false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false false error false
[0] false false true false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false true false false false false error false
'a:0:{}' false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false true false false false error false
'b:1;' false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false false true false false error false
'b:0;' false false true false false true false false false false false false false false false false false false false false false true false error false
new stdClass false false true false false error error error false false false false false false false false false false false false false false true error false
$_GET['undefined'] error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error
@$_GET['undefined'] true true false true false true false false false false false true false false false false false false false false false false false error true


⛏️ Collection of string related functions in php. ⛏️







