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Fancy Functions

This is a very convenient collection of commonly used functions for arrays, colors, DateTime, math, NLP and strings.


Add this to composer.json:

"repositories": [
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": ""

"require": {
    "adeptoas/fancy": "^1.0.0"

Make sure to merge your require-blocks!


Abstract FancyArray

static hasEmptyValues(array $arr): bool

Check if an array has any empty values.

static flatten(array $array): array

Flatten an array from a tree-like structure. Does NOT retain keys!

static flattenAssoc(array $arr, string $glue = '_'): array

Flatten an array from a tree-like structure. As opposed to flatten this DOES retain keys. Nested keys are joined by {@param glue} in the flattened array.

static flattenValues(array $arr, string $glue = '_'): array

Flatten an array from a tree-like structure. This copies values from the origin array into a list of sequential flat values. Nested keys are joined by {@param glue} in the flattened array

static isSequential(array $arr): bool

Check whether a given array is sequential. Sequential arrays are specified by having numeric keys in ascending order.

static isAssociative(array $arr): bool

Check whether a given array is associative.

static arrayToObject(array $arr): stdClass

Convert an array to an object. This deep-copies everything from the array to the object.

static objectToArray(stdClass $obj): array

Convert an object to an array. This deep-copies everything from the object to the array.

static difference(...$arrays): array

Get the difference between a base array and many other arrays. The difference comes back in an array like so:

    'add'     => [ elements to add ],
    'remove'  => [ elements to remove ],
    'count'   => [ number of changes ]
static dbEncode(array $toEncode): array

Encodes longer arrays for storing in DB.

static dbDecode($toDecode): array

Decodes array values stored in the DB.

static findHighestCount(array $arr, $countSelf = false): int

Find the highest (recursive) count in an array.

static clone($source): array

Copy an array for use with SOAP servers.

static moveElement(array $arr, $old, $new): array

Move an element in an array.

static replaceElement(array $arr, $oldElement, $newElement): array

Replace an element in an array. Do not pass the indexes!

static replaceElements(array $arr, array $oldElements, array $newElements): array

Replace multiple elements in an array at once.

static appendElement(array $arr, $elements, int $position = -1): array

Append one or more elements to an array at $position.

static uniqueCallback(array $arr, callable $cb, bool $map = false): array

Remove duplicates from an array by asking the callback for a string-representation of the current element before comparison.

static hasAll(array $haystack, array $needles): bool

Check if all $needles are in the array.

static hasAny(array $haystack, array $needles): bool

Check if any elements from $needles is in the array $haystack.

static assertType(array $array, string $class)

Check if all elements of $array have the type $class. Throws Exception if this is not case, otherwise does nothing.

static diffAssocRecursive(array $first, array $second): array

Get all keys and elements that are in the first but not in the second array.

static colonAccess(array $arr, string $index, string $delimiter = ':')

Reduce n-dimensional access to 1-dimensional access.

static toCSV(array $arr, string $delimiter = ';'): string

Convert an array to a CSV string. First array are the headings, subsequent arrays the contents.

static toXML(array $arr, array $namespaces = []): string

Convert an array to an XML string. Provide namespaces as a key/value array and use the namespace prefix in the keys of the source array, e.g. "xsd:schema".

static flipSequential(array $arr, $default = 0): array

Flip key and value in an array with a default value.

Abstract FancyColor

static adjustBrightness(string $hex, int $steps): string

Adjust a colors' brightness.

static getLuminance(string $hex): int

Get the luminance of a color.

static hexToHSB(string $hex): array

Convert a hex color to HSB values.

static RGBtoHSB(int $r, int $g, int $b): array

Convert an RGB color to an HSB value.

static getOppositeLuminanceColorFor(string $hex): string

Get the opposite luminance color for $hex.

static getOppositeLuminanceKeywordFor(string $hex): string

Get the opposite luminance color keyword for $hex.

FancyDateTime extends DateTime

static fromTimestamp(int $ts): FancyDateTime

Create FancyDateTime from a timestamp.

static fromMySQL(string $mySQL): FancyDateTime

Create FancyDateTime from a MySQL string.

static todayAtMidnight(): FancyDateTime

Shorthand for getting the start of current day.

static now(): FancyDateTime

Create FancyDateTime with the current date and time.

static epoch(): FancyDateTime
static fromDateTime(DateTimeInterface $other): FancyDateTime

Copy the value of another DateTimeInterface

static createFromFormat($format, $time, $timezone = null): string

Create FancyDateTime from a specific format or a list of formats. If $format is an array all those formats will be tried out until a match is found.

static tryFormats(array $formats, string $time, $timezone = null): FancyDateTime

Try creating FancyDateTime from a string usung diffrent formats.

static timestampToDate(int $ts, $format = 'd.m.Y'): string

Convert a timestamp to a given date format.

isWeekend(): bool

Check if this date is on a weekend.

isWeekday(int $day): bool

Check if this date is a specific weekday. 0 = Sunday

roundToMidnight(): FancyDateTime

Round time to midnight.

startOfMinute(): FancyDateTime

Set time to the start of the minute.

endOfMinute(): FancyDateTime

Set time to the end of the minute.

startOfHour(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set time to the start of the hour.

endOfHour(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set time to one second before the hour ends.

startOfDay(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Normalize this date to morning midnight.

endOfDay(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Normalize this date to evening midnight.

startOfWeek(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set date to the start of the first day of the week.

endOfWeek(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set date to the end of the last day of the week.

startOfMonth(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set date to the start of the first day of the month.

endOfMonth(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set date to the end of the last day of the month.

startOfYear(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set date to the start of the first day of the year.

endOfYear(bool $cascade = false): FancyDateTime

Set date to the end of the last day of the year.

yesterday(): FancyDateTime

Set date to the day before.

tomorrow(): FancyDateTime

Set the date to tomorrow.

isDivisibleByMinutes(DateTime $end, $minutes): bool

Checks whether this date is divisible by a certain factor of minutes.

equalsDay(DateTime $dt)

Check if two FancyDateTimeobjects have the same day.

equalsSecond(DateTime $dt)

Check if $dt is equal to the FancyDateTime this method is called from. Accurate to the second.


Format this date for use MySQL.

static getFirstAndLastPossibleDate($timestamp, $interval, $offset = 0): array

Get the first and last possible dates for a given timeframe based in a timestamp.

static timeDiffToString(int $diff): string

Convert a time difference in seconds to a human-readable string.

static normalizeBirthdate($format, $birthdate, $returnType = 'string')

Takes a birthdate and normalizes it.

static getCurrentTimestamp(): int

Get the current timestamp in regard to our timezone settings and configurations.

static isValid(string $input): bool

Checks, if the input can be used to create a FancyDateTimeobject.

static interval(DateTimeInterface $startdate, DateTimeInterface $enddate): array

Get all dates between startdate and enddate in an array.

Abstract FancyFunctions

static classImplements($class, $interface): bool

Checks whether a class implements an interface or not.

static strToHex($string): string

Convert a string to a hex number.

static hexToStr($hex): string

Convert a hex number to a string.

static imageToPNGData($file): string

Convert a file to PNG data. Returns the file as a data URI: data:image/png;base64,

static imageBlobToPNGData($imageBlob): string

Convert image blob data (in PNG format) to PNG data.

static imageBlobToJPEGData($imageBlob): string

Convert image blob data (in JPEG format) to JPEG data.

static imageBlobToSVGData($imageBlob): string

Convert image blob data (in SVG format) to SVG data.

static makeClickable($str): string

Make all links in $str clickable.

static isCLI(): bool

Check if PHP is running in CLI.

static escapeCSVField($field, string $delimiter = ';'): string

Escape a single CSV value.

static anyEmpty(...$vars): bool

Check if any of the passed parameters are empty.

static allEmpty(...$vars): bool

Check if all of the empty parameters are empty.

static between($nr, $first, $last): bool

Check if a number is between two values. Between means: 5 is >= 3 and <= 9.

static curry(callable $fn, ...$args)

Curry a function from left. Currying means to bind some arguments to a function and return a new function with the passed arguments bound. i.e.: You have a function that takes two integers and adds them up. If you now want to auto-add "2" to all items in an array of numbers, you can use curry to pre-bind "2" to your function and then just pass it to array_map: php $addedTwo = array_map(curry('add2', 2), $arrayOfNumbers);

static curryRight(callable $fn, ...$args)

Curry a function from right. For documentation on how currying works and what it does, {@see FancyFunctions::curry}.

static stringToCSSClass($str, $prefix = ''): string

Create string suitable as a css class.

static issetByReference(&$varVal): bool

Check if a value is set by reference.

static isAJAXrequest(array $s = null): bool

Check if a request is an ajax request.

static assertType($object, string $class)

Check if the object is instance of a class. Throws an exception if this is not the case, otherwise does nothing.

Abstract: FancyMath

static permute(array $values, $length, $repetitive = false, $ordered = true, $inclusive = false, $bottom = 1): array

Permute values.

static binCoeff($n, $k): int

Calculates binomial coefficient.

static fact($n): int

Calculates factorials.

static powLimit($n, $exp): int

Calculates limited factorials as pseudo-power.


static is(string $input, string $match, int $errorMargin = 0): bool

Compares two words, including the possibility to accept a given margin of error. This is to avoid typos as specified by Levenshtein algorithm

static extrapolateSymbols(string $input): string

Generate a replacement string where special symbols from a lot of languages are replaced by standard ISO alphanumeric characters

static permuteAndExtrapolateSymbols(string $input): array

Generate a replacement set of strings where special symbols from a lot of languages COULD BE replaced by standard ISO alphanumeric characters.

Abstract: FancyString

toKebapCase(string $str): string

Convert a string to kebap-case.

toSnakeCase(string $str): string

Convert a string to snake_case.

toCamelCase(string $str): string

Convert a string to camelCase.

toLowerCase(string $str): string

Convert a string to lowercase.

toUpperCase(string $str): string

Convert a string to uppercase.

static ellipsisCenter($str, $maxLen, $char = ''): string

Add an ellipsis (…) to the center of the string if it is too long.

static ellipsisEnd($str, $maxLen, $char = ''): string

Add an ellipsis (…) to the end of the string if it is too long.

static randString($length = 12, $charset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'): string

Generate a random string based on a character set.

static removeWhitespace($var)

Remove whitespace from $var. This is useful for comparing values which can contain whitespaces. $var can be either string or array.

static slugify($text): string

Returns the text in a way that humans and computers can read it.


Fancy Functions for PHP 7.0+






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