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ocaml-xapi-plugin Build status

Library to simplify writing xapi plugins in OCaml

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Simple xapi plugin which waits a specified number of seconds, then returns the string "done":

let main session_id args =
  if List.mem_assoc "sleep" args then begin
    let time = int_of_string (List.assoc "sleep" args) in
    Unix.sleep time

let () =
  Xapi_plugin.dispatch [
    "main", main;

Compile with:

$ ocamlfind ocamlopt -package unix -package rpclib -package xapi-plugin -linkpkg -o test-ocaml-plugin

Copy the resulting binary to /etc/xapi.d/plugins on an XCP/XenServer host, and then run like so:

# xe host-call-plugin host-uuid=0775b809-2064-4b1c-9b20-c02cab711ac8 plugin=test-ocaml-plugin fn=main args:sleep=5

It's also possible to run the same code as an interpreted script with these lines added to the top:


#use "topfind"
#require "xapi-plugin"