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emacs copilot -- a minimalist copilot using gptscript

Justine Tunney has a nice little emacs copilot package (with ~100 lines elisp code). It uses llamafiles to run local LLMs to serve the code completion requests. However it is not easy to use with other LLMs, either local or remote.

GPTScript with its plugin architecture, enables good integration to local LLMs (ollama, llamafiles) and remote LLMs (mistral, anthropic, etc.).

So this repo was started as an attempt to adapt Justine's nice little package to use GPTScript to connect to local/remote LLMs, while staying true to its minimalist design. It uses GPTScript chat mode (chat state) to transfer the code completion context to LLMs, so that LLMs can generate new code based on previous code. When you delete("kill") code from emacs editor, it will also be deleted from code completion history.

During further integration with GPTScript, this package takes on new directions:

  • allow seleting a region of code/text thru emacs region-select as completion target, so we can pass a whole chunk of code (with multiple incomplete type and function signatures) to LLM, thus enable multi-point completion and code transformation

  • use documents and comments as generic prompting facility for code transformation and generation

  • when invoking copilot, it will first ask for workspace directory - the top directory of your project, allow copilot/LLM read-only access to files in workspace (read, list, find)

  • support two separate copilot persona:

    • coder: for clean code generation
    • expert: for code review, chat/discussion, code summarization and internet search
  1. Installation:

    • first install GPTScript as instructed (tested with v0.8.0-v0.9.3).
    • make sure jq installed
    • git clone https://yglcode/emacs-copilot to INSTALL_DIR
    • add $INSTALL_DIR/bin to your PATH; chmod a+x $INSTALL_DIR/bin/copilot4emacs
    • add following code to your ~/.emacs file:
      (setq load-path (cons 
          "...path to $INSTALL_DIR.../gptscript-copilot" 
      (require 'copilot)
    • existing key bindings support C, python, go, java; you can add key bindings for your language similar to following:
      (defun copilot-java-hook ()
         (define-key java-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x C-k") 'copilot-complete))
  2. Connect LLMs:

    This emacs copilot uses env var $LLMODEL to point to (or change) LLM to use. You need to set up LLM api keys (and its env vars, shown below) and $LLMODEL before starting emacs and run copilot.

    note: emacs copilot works best with LLMs from commercial vendors, many times responses from local/small LLMs cause misbehaviours.

    GPTScript support connecting to local and remote LLMs. Please consult the instructions.

    • remote LLMs:
      • for most LLMs vendors, you need their API keys (and credits for your test)
      • set up api keys env vars as instructed, such as
        • mistral:

          export GPTSCRIPT_PROVIDER_API_MISTRAL_AI_API_KEY=<your mistral api key>

      • set LLMODEL to point to your target LLMs, such as
        • OpenAI:
          • export LLMODEL="gpt-3.5-turbo-0125"
          • export LLMODEL="gpt-4-turbo-preview"
        • mistral:
          • export LLMODEL="mistral-small-latest from"
    • local LLMs:
      • ollama:
        • install ollama and pull a model such as llama3
        • run "ollama serve"
        • choose model: export LLMODEL="llama3:latest from http://localhost:11434/v1"
      • llamafile:
  3. Copilot as coder (code completion):

    select a code or comment block (as prompt request) and start completion process.

    • actions to start code completion

      • use C-c C-x C-k (or elisp function copilot-complete()) to start completion process and C-g to stop it.
      • use C-c C-x C-r (or elisp function copilot-reset()) to clear copilot code-completion history, if you need a coding memory reset for brand new tasks.
      • copilot (or LLMs) is language neutral, it uses file extension to identify the language to use.
    • how to select target text (code or documents or comments) block:

      • the target block can be a single line or many continuous lines of code or comment, by simply place your cursor at end of or below it, you designate it as the completion target (emacs copilot will search backwards until a empty line). this could be a comment requesting some code, a beginning (incomplete) part of code such as a function or a type definition:

        func bubble_sort(data []int) {
        //use above defined Node and Edge types, define a Graph type
      • you can also use emacs region selection to select a whole region of code and comments (can including many incomplete types and function signatures) to send to LLM as prompt. You can even select whole file content. Of course the last (few) lines of selected region shoule be incomplete code or comments requesting for specific code generation.

        This can enable multi-points completion scenario: you tell LLMs your "design blueprints" with a region/block of docs/comments, incomplete type prototypes and function signatures, and LLMs will understand your idea and complete all missing parts for you

        package graph
        type Node struct {
            Val string
        type Edge struct {
            Val int32
        //type Graph with above Node and Edge types
        func New(directed bool) *Graph
        func (g *Graph) AddEdge(node_v1,node_v2 string, edge_v int32) *Edge
        func (g *Graph) BreadthFirstSearch(src,dest *Node) (path []*Edge)
        func (g *Graph) DepthFirstSearch(src, dest *Node) (path []*Edge)
        //please complete the above code
    • use documents and comments as generic prompting facility for code transformation and generation.

      you can add documents or comment lines at end of a target range of code (types and functions) to prompt LLM for desired code changes and generation, then select this range including the last comment/prompt lines and start completion process. LLM will generate new code with transformations you requested.

      • add docs and comments

        type Graph struct {
          Nodes []*Node
          Edges []*Edge
        //add documents and comments to above types and their fields
      • add tags to types' fields for json serialization

        type Graph struct { 
        //add tags for above types for json serialization
      • add unit tests

        func bubble_sort(data []int) {
        func quick_sort(data []int) {
        //add table driven unit tests for above functions
      • generate from existing code or specification files

        //based on the open api spec in petstore.yaml, write a go server serving the api at port 9090
        //given types in point.go, write a function to calculate distance between two Point2D
  4. Copilot as expert (code review, chat, search):

    • actions to start expert conversation

      • use C-c C-x C-e (or elisp function copilot-expert()) to start expert conversation and C-g to stop it.
      • use C-c C-x C-r (or elisp function copilot-reset()) to clear copilot expert conversation history.
      • copilot expert will be more exploratory, have more tools to use (summarization, internet search) and provide more explanantion.
      • expert's response texts will be wrapped inside documentation/multi-line comments to avoid interference with code and IDE/compiler.
    • use documents and comments as generic prompting for copilot expert, add comments under target code block to ask expert to review code, find bug, or recommend improvement

      type ... {...}
      func ... {...}
      //review above type, tell me what is it for
      //review above type, can you find any bug
      //given above code, how to make it faster
    • You can also ask general CS questions

      //teach me about dijkstra algorithm
    • inquiry about workspace files

      //what is workspace directory
      //find all files in workspace and list them in a column
    • code summarization

      //find go files in this directory and summarize each of them in less than 25 words
      //summarize http.go in less than 20 words
      //find api.go and summarize it
    • search the internet

      //search the internet find the top 2 sample golang bubble sort code sample , give me both code and its web link
  5. Simple chat session:

    • open any text file buffer to back the chat session, eg. /tmp/chat123.txt
    • write your prompt/question as plain text in buffer: who is robin williams
    • use C-c C-x C-e to send the prompt
  6. Copilot as robin (for funny talk):

    use plain text or comments as prompt for robin.

    • use C-c C-x C-y to start talking to robin
    • use C-c C-x C-r to reset conversation
  7. Issues:

    • local/small LLMs perform poorly compared to large/commercial LLMs


emacs copilot using gptscript







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