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A bioinformatics pipeline for viral transcriptome detection and quantification considering splicing.


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VIRTUS2 : VIRal Transcript Usage Sensor v2.0.2

!!Note : We updated VIRTUS to version2. In this version, we removed the gene quantification step by Salmon and single virus mode, and added coverage on viral genomes to the result to focus on virus-wide exploration. If you want to use the single virus mode, visit

Virus transcript detection and quantification using normal human RNAseq. VIRTUS is the first tool to detect viral transcripts considering their splicing event rather than the viral genome copy number. VIRTUS can be applied to both bulk RNAseq and single-cell RNAseq. The virus reference covers 762 viruses including SARS-CoV-2 (cause of COVID-19). The workflow is implemented by Common Workflow Language and Rabix. You can specify each parameter individually or give yaml or json file which describes all the parameter information. In detail, check the CWL User Guide out.


Update from VIRTUS1

To focus on virus-wide exploration, we changed several functions from VIRTUS1.

  • removed the single virus mode
  • added coverage on the viral genome and quality information on the results.
  • removed the default filter for low hit viruses.
  • new visualization by




  • python3
  • cwltool pip install cwltool
  • docker (alternatively, you can use udocker, or singularity mode when you have no root privileges. See Tips section.)
  • STAR requires about 37Gb RAM.


  1. install cwltool
pip install cwltool

In detail, check out the cwltool website. (Tested version is cwltool==3.1.20210922203925 and 3.1.20221008225030)

  1. Setup docker

Setup docker. If you are using Mac, increase the memory limit above 40Gb(Documentation).

  1. Clone VIRTUS2.
git clone

You can add ./VIRTUS/bin to PATH in .zshrc or .bashrc etc. If you have used VIRTUS1, you need to remove the path to VIRTUS1 to avoid conflicts.

  1. Version confirmation

Tool --help will tell you the version. ex. VIRTUS.PE.cwl --help

VIRTUS wrapper

VIRTUS wrapper uses Python3 and several packages. To install python packages, you may need to execute the command below after installing python3.

pip install numpy pandas scipy statsmodels seaborn


  1. create indices
  2. run VIRTUS2


Create indices

just run the code below. A set of indices will be created in your current directory. You can specify a yaml file, options or just a url as the input.


createindex.cwl (execute only once)

Fetch reference data and create indexes for VIRTUS2. Located in VIRTUS2/workflow.

usage: ./createindex.cwl [-h] --url_virus URL_VIRUS \ 
                              --output_name_virus OUTPUT_NAME_VIRUS \
                              [--runThreadN RUNTHREADN] \
                              --dir_name_STAR_virus DIR_NAME_STAR_VIRUS \
                              --url_genomefasta_human URL_GENOMEFASTA_HUMAN \
                              --output_name_genomefasta_human OUTPUT_NAME_GENOMEFASTA_HUMAN \ 
                              --dir_name_STAR_human DIR_NAME_STAR_HUMAN \


positional arguments:
  job_order             Job input json file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --url_virus URL_VIRUS
  --output_name_virus OUTPUT_NAME_VIRUS
  --runThreadN RUNTHREADN
  --dir_name_STAR_virus DIR_NAME_STAR_VIRUS
  --url_genomefasta_human URL_GENOMEFASTA_HUMAN
  --output_name_genomefasta_human OUTPUT_NAME_GENOMEFASTA_HUMAN
  --dir_name_STAR_human DIR_NAME_STAR_HUMAN
./createindex.cwl createindex.job.yaml

virus fasta is from VirTect.



The main VIRTUS pipeline for paired-end RNA-seq. Located in VIRTUS2/workflow.

usage: ./VIRTUS.PE.cwl [-h] \
                        --fastq2 FASTQ2 \
                        --fastq1 FASTQ1 \
                        --genomeDir_human \
                        GENOMEDIR_HUMAN \
                        [--outFileNamePrefix_human OUTFILENAMEPREFIX_HUMAN] \
                        [--nthreads NTHREADS] \
                        --genomeDir_virus GENOMEDIR_VIRUS \
                        [--kz_threshold KZ_THRESHOLD] \
                        [--filename_output FILENAME_OUTPUT] [job_order]


positional arguments:
  job_order             Job input json file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fastq2 FASTQ2
  --fastq1 FASTQ1
  --genomeDir_human GENOMEDIR_HUMAN
  --outFileNamePrefix_human OUTFILENAMEPREFIX_HUMAN
  --nthreads NTHREADS
  --genomeDir_virus GENOMEDIR_VIRUS
  --kz_threshold KZ_THRESHOLD
                        default : 0.1
  --filename_output FILENAME_OUTPUT
                        default : VIRTUS.output.tsv

kz_threshold is the parameter for the filteration of low complexity sequences. refer to for the detail.


./VIRTUS.PE.cwl VIRTUS.PE.job.yaml


./VIRTUS.PE.cwl \
--fastq1 ../test/ERR3240275/ERR3240275_1.fastq.gz \
--fastq2 ../test/ERR3240275/ERR3240275_2.fastq.gz \
--genomeDir_human ../test/STAR_index_human \
--genomeDir_virus ../test/STAR_index_virus \
--outFileNamePrefix_human human \
--nthreads 40


The example of the output is like below.

virus startpos endpos numreads covbases coverage meandepth meanbaseq meanmapq rate_hit
NC_007605.1_Human_herpesvirus_4_complete_wild_type_genome 1 171823 3545.5 31323 18.2298 4.0882 38.8 194.0 0.0005228124196814582
NC_009334.1_Human_herpesvirus_4,_complete_genome 1 172764 278.5 8872 5.135330000000001 0.319227 38.9 2.95 4.1067059337550734e-05
NC_003977.1_Hepatitis_B_virus,_complete_genome 1 3215 19.0 187 5.81649 0.888336 40.1 255.0 2.8017024323643226e-06
NC_001716.2_Human_herpesvirus_7,_complete_genome 1 153080 2.0 317 0.207081 0.00228639 32.0 1.5 2.9491604551203395e-07
NC_001669.1_Simian_virus_40,_complete_genome 1 5243 2.0 234 4.46309 0.07171469999999999 37.3 255.0 2.9491604551203395e-07
NC_001348.1_Human_herpesvirus_3,_complete_genome 1 124884 1.0 79 0.0632587 0.00126517 38.6 255.0 1.4745802275601698e-07
NC_001819.1_Rauscher_murine_leukemia_virus,_complete_genome 1 8282 1.0 118 1.42478 0.024028 40.3 3.0 1.4745802275601698e-07
NC_006998.1_Vaccinia_virus,_complete_genome 1 194711 1.0 72 0.0369779 0.0007395580000000001 34.9 255.0 1.4745802275601698e-07
NC_001806.1_Human_herpesvirus_1,_complete_genome 1 152261 1.0 50 0.0328383 0.0006567669999999999 39.0 255.0 1.4745802275601698e-07

Most columns are correspinding to the output of samtools-coverage with following modifications.

  • numreads : mapped reads on each virus (in PE results, diveded by 2).
  • ratio hit : reads mapped on viral genome / read mapped on human genome

Unmapped viruses are removed from the output.

Tool overview



The main VIRTUS pipeline for single-end RNA-seq. Located in VIRTUS/workflow.

usage: ./VIRTUS.SE.cwl [-h] \
                        --genomeDir_human GENOMEDIR_HUMAN \
                        [--outFileNamePrefix_human OUTFILENAMEPREFIX_HUMAN] \
                        [--nthreads NTHREADS] \
                        --fastq FASTQ \
                        --genomeDir_virus GENOMEDIR_VIRUS \
                        [--kz_threshold KZ_THRESHOLD] [--filename_output FILENAME_OUTPUT] [job_order]


positional arguments:
  job_order             Job input json file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --genomeDir_human GENOMEDIR_HUMAN
  --outFileNamePrefix_human OUTFILENAMEPREFIX_HUMAN
  --nthreads NTHREADS
  --fastq FASTQ
  --genomeDir_virus GENOMEDIR_VIRUS
  --kz_threshold KZ_THRESHOLD
                        default : 0.1
  --filename_output FILENAME_OUTPUT
                        default : VIRTUS.output.tsv


./VIRTUS.SE.cwl VIRTUS.SE.job.yaml


./VIRTUS.SE.cwl \
--fastq ../test/SRR8315715_2.fastq.gz \
--genomeDir_human ../test/STAR_index_human \
--genomeDir_virus ../test/STAR_index_virus \
--outFileNamePrefix_human human \
--nthreads 40


Wrapper for multiple analysis

THe wrapper script is deposited in VIRTUS2/wrapper.

VIRTUS2 has a wrapper for multiple samples. The input is a comma-separated text file or CSV file. The first column is arbitral sample names, the second is SRR id, or fastq files (when you specify --fastq option). Note that --fastq requires the suffix removed file names. Refer to the documentation in more detail. The third column is the sequence layout (SE or PE), and the Fourth is groups. Let's create an example csv file (or download it).



Then, run this (edit DIR_INDEX_ROOT).

DIR_INDEX_ROOT=/absolute/path/to/dir/of/indeices/created/ input.csv \
    --genomeDir_human $DIR_INDEX_ROOT/STAR_index_human \
    --genomeDir_virus $DIR_INDEX_ROOT/STAR_index_virus \

You can get this heatmap and summary.csv which contains the coverage on viral genomes (_cov) the ratio of viral reads (hit viral reads/read mapped on the human genome; _rate), the stats by Mann-Whitney's U-test, and its false discovery rate.

img The value is the ratio of viral reads (hit viral reads/read mapped on the human genome).


  • experiment matrix should be separated by commas (csv format).
  • Only 2 groups can be tested.

SRR mode

name SRR Layout Group ...
Inf_1 SRR9856913 PE infected ...
Ctrl_1 SRR9856914 PE Mock ...

fastq mode

name fastq Layout Group ...
Inf_1 SRR9856913 PE infected ...
Ctrl_1 SRR9856914 PE Mock ...
  • If you want to use your own fastq, add ---fastq option. This wrapper supports only .fastq and .fastq.gz.

  • fastq file specifies path excluding .fastq.gz or _1.fastq.gz and _2.fastq.gz. For example, hoge/SRR1234567.fastq.gz is described as hoge/SRR1234567.

  • If suffix is not .fastq.gz or _1.fastq.gz and _2.fastq.gz, add -s or -s1 and -s2 options.

usage: [-h] \
                        [--VIRTUSDir VIRTUSDIR] \
                        --genomeDir_human GENOMEDIR_HUMAN \
                        --genomeDir_virus GENOMEDIR_VIRUS \
                        [--outFileNamePrefix_human OUTFILENAMEPREFIX_HUMAN] \
                        [--nthreads NTHREADS] \
                        [-s SUFFIX_SE] \
                        [-s1 SUFFIX_PE_1] \
                        [-s2 SUFFIX_PE_2] \
                        [--fastq] \
                        [--figsize FIGSIZE] \
                        [--th_cov TH_COV] [--th_rate TH_RATE] \
                        [--singularity] \

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --genomeDir_human GENOMEDIR_HUMAN
  --genomeDir_virus GENOMEDIR_VIRUS
  --outFileNamePrefix_human OUTFILENAMEPREFIX_HUMAN
  --nthreads NTHREADS
  -s1 SUFFIX_PE_1, --Suffix_PE_1 SUFFIX_PE_1
  -s2 SUFFIX_PE_2, --Suffix_PE_2 SUFFIX_PE_2
  --figsize FIGSIZE     (default:6,6)
  --th_cov TH_COV       threshold of max viral coverage to plot, test (default:10)
  --th_rate TH_RATE     threshold of max rate virus/human to plot, test (default:0.0001)
  --singularity         run with singularity (default:False)


./ input.csv \
    --VIRTUS ../VIRTUS \
    --genomeDir_human ../VIRTUS/index/STAR_index_human \
    --genomeDir_virus ../VIRTUS/index/STAR_index_virus \
    --figsize 3,3 


  • cwltool may occupy all the system disk by tmp directory. If you suspect the situation, check /tmp or avoid by cwltool's option. The example is below. You can also delete the dir by --rm-tmpdir.
cwltool --tmp-outdir-prefix=/home/yyasumizu/tmp_cwl/ \
--tmpdir-prefix=/home/yyasumizu/tmp_cwl/ \
~/yyoshiaki-git/VIRTUS/workflow/VIRTUS.PE.cwl \
--fastq1 /home/yyasumizu/NGS_public/PRJEB31829_Blimph_EB/donor1_day0_1.fastq.gz \
--fastq2 /home/yyasumizu/NGS_public/PRJEB31829_Blimph_EB/donor1_day0_2.fastq.gz \
--genomeDir_human /home/yyasumizu/yyoshiaki-git/VIRTUS/test/STAR_index_human \
--genomeDir_virus /home/yyasumizu/yyoshiaki-git/VIRTUS/test/STAR_index_virus \
--outFileNamePrefix_human /home/yyasumizu/EB_VIRTUS/donor1_day0/human --nthreads 20
  • when you specify .cwl files in the absolute path, error may occur. use the relative path.
  • note that you cannnot use \in --outFileNamePrefix_*
  • STAR will require memory at least 30GB. Check your resources.
  • Some options instead of docker are available. Specify cwltool option --user-space-docker-cmd=udocker, --singularity. Increase a limited number by ulimit -n 4096 (or more) may be required.
  • You can specify another host's reference URL such as the mouse in createindex steps, but note that virus references are designed for human viruses. We don't guarantee the result when you changed the reference species.

VIRTUS2 for single cell RNAseq

virus detection for 10x or Dropseq

10x and Dropseq use paired-end sequences. The second fastq file contains only transcript's sequences. We recommend users first to run VIRTUS.SE.cwl for the second reads as a virome-wide screening. For detected viruses, users can quantify in several ways; 1) cellrenger with a modified reference, 2) run STAR solo with a custom reference, 3) run alevin for the detected virus. createindex_singlevirus.cwl in VIRTUS1 can be used for building the index for Alevin. For example, the Dropseq's output from SRR8315715 can be screened like the command below.

./VIRTUS.SE.cwl \
--fastq ../test/SRR8315715_2.fastq.gz \
--genomeDir_human ../test/STAR_index_human \
--genomeDir_virus ../test/STAR_index_virus \
--outFileNamePrefix_human human \
--nthreads 40

virus detection for SmartSeq2

Just use VIRTUS.PE.cwl on each cell individually. When the number of reads is insufficient, VIRTUS may not detect viruses.


After you clone this repo, you can test VIRTUS2.

cd test

Tool versions

  • samtools: 1.15
  • bedtools: 2.29.2
  • complexity: v0.3.6
  • fastp: 0.20.0
  • STAR: 2.7.1a

cwl sources


Yoshiaki Yasumizu ( Please use issue first!


Yoshiaki Yasumizu, Atsushi Hara, Shimon Sakaguchi, Naganari Ohkura, VIRTUS: a pipeline for comprehensive virus analysis from conventional RNA-seq data, Bioinformatics, Volume 37, Issue 10, 15 May 2021, Pages 1465–1467,


  • Kozo Nishida : CI config and many other supports.
  • Ayano Onishi : Logo design.


This software is freely available for academic users. Usage for commercial purposes is not allowed. Please refer to the LICENCE page.

Creative Commons License


A bioinformatics pipeline for viral transcriptome detection and quantification considering splicing.







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