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The Supermarket

You can compile the project with sbt:

scala-effects> sbt
sbt> project supermarket
sbt> compile

Our aim is to code up a stream that will represent shoppers paying at two checkouts, one of which is for fast shoppers only. You can see the illustration in supermarket/supermarket.png for a rough idea of the input and output streams.

You can see and edit a diagram here.


Warm-up exercise

Take a look at the App in the threading project. Check that you can compile and run it.

sbt> project threading
sbt> compile

Note: that the supermarket project will fail to compile. Please only compile threading.

The app can run two different kinds of work, found in the Work object.

  • How long does the writeToTheDatabase work take to run?

  • How long does the calculateHash work take to run?

    You will need to edit the following line of code:


Session 2 - warm up exercise

Find out the number of available processors on your computer:

  • Enter the SBT console
sbt> project threading
sbt> console
scala> Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
val res0: Int = 16 // This is the number of available processors
  • How long does it take to run the app with this number of threads?

    // In App.scala
     override def runtime: unsafe.IORuntime = Setup.createBasicRuntime(Setup.bounded("global", 16))
  • What about twice this number?

  • What about half this number?

Session 3 - warm up exercise

The evalOn function allows us to execute an IO on a different thread pool (an ExecutionContext is another name for a thread pool).

  1. Take a look at the new Work.factorial function. Time it and see how long it takes:

    // In App.scala
      def run: IO[Unit] = Work.time(factorial)

    If it takes less than a second, increase the 2000000000L number within the function.

    What is printed as the thread name?

  2. Now execute it on the

    // In App.scala
      def run: IO[Unit] = Work.time(factorial.evalOn(

    What is printed as the thread name?

Session 4 - warm up exercise

  1. Take a look at writeToTheDatabase. It now queries postgres.

  2. Run docker with docker compose up -d. This should start a postgres container.

  3. Run the application with sbt. Check that you can connect to postgres. How long does the query take?

Session 5 - warm up exercise

The app runs a single writeToTheDatabase task. It has:

  • an unbounded blocking thread pool as part of IORuntime
  • a bounded compute pool
  • an ec threadpool with a single thread that is passed to hikari.
  1. Predict which threads will be blocked when running the app.

  2. Run the app. In the session, we will profile this with visualvm to check your results.

Session 6 - warm up exercise

The snooze task sleeps a thread for 100 seconds.

Consider a factorial task followed by a snooze task:

Work.factorial >> Work.snooze
  1. If many of these tasks are run in parallel, predict how many factorials will be computed in the first 30 seconds.
Work.doLotsOf(Work.time(Work.factorial) >> Work.snooze)
  1. Run the app. In the session, we will profile this with visualvm to check your results.

Session 7 - warm up exercise

This exercise explores the thread pool used by Hikari.

The hikari threadpool is configured with a single thread. There are only three connections allowed at once (the maximumPoolSize is 3). There is a connection timeout of two seconds.

  1. Consider:


    What errors do you expect to be printed to the console and when?

  2. Consider configuring the thread pool with two threads:

    val ecResource: Resource[IO, ExecutionContext] = ExecutionContexts.fixedThreadPool[IO](2)

    What do you expect to be printed to the console and when?

Session 8 - warm up exercise

The threading project now contains a HttpApp.

  1. Start the app with run.
  2. Query the app with ./ 1. How many factorial tasks do you expect to run?

Session 9 - warm up exercise

The HttpApp runs items of work.

  1. Start the app with sbt run.

  2. Query the app with ./ 5. How many work items do you expect to run concurrently?

  3. Consider the route:

    case GET -> Root / "work" =>
      work >> IO.println("Wrote to the db") >> Ok("Wrote to the db\n")

    Modify work to work.start. Query the app again with ./ 5. How many work items do you expect to run concurrently?

Session 10 - warm up exercise

The app now has two endpoints: sync-work and async-work.

  1. Start the app with sbt run.

You can call the endpoints with the shell script, e.g: ./ sync-work 4. 2. Consider the difference between the sync-work and async-work endpoints.

  • How do they behave on failure? The fourth request made will fail due to a connection timeout.
  • What status codes do they respond with?
  • In both cases, how do they schedule work?

Session 11 - warm up exercise

The app now has two endpoints under work.

  • The POST endpoint starts an async task.
  • The GET endpoint checks its status.
  1. Think about the code needed to properly implement these endpoints. Draw a rough diagram of the design in Excelidraw (or your preferred tool).

We'll begin today's session by mobbing on a design.

Session 12 - warm up exercise

The app has some stubbed code under the work endpoint.

 for {
   taskId <- Work.randomUUID
   _ <- Work.queueTask(taskId)
   _ <- Work.recordTask(taskId)
   result <- Ok(taskId.toString)
 } yield result

This queues a task (e.g. by sending it a kafka topic) and records it in some data store.

  1. What possible states can a task be in? You can consider "queued" and "running" to be states.
  2. What happens if queueTask succeeds, but recordTask fails?
  3. Can recordTask ever succeed if queueTask fails?

Session 13 - Warm up exercise

The messageQueue project consumes messages (from kafka, for example), processes them and commits the offset.

Take a look at the processMessages function.

  1. Can it ever commit an offset for a task before the task has been processed?
  2. Can it ever process a task more than once? Consider the case of application failure and restarts.

Session 14 - Warm up exercise

Consider processMessages. It processes each message sequentially.

  1. Could we use parEvalMap to process these messages?
  2. What would the consequences be of using parEvalMapUnordered?

Session 15 - Warm up exercise

In this session, we'll take a look at error handling. The code has been amended such that the message time is an Int.

  1. Should it be possible for the user to submit negative times? If so, would you expect an error?
  2. What possible errors can occur when querying the database? For each error, consider whether we should recover from it.

Session 16 - Warm up exercise

We'll explore error handling with the egg project.

  1. Run the FryEggApp:

    sbt> project egg
    sbt:egg> run

    You should see an exception being thrown indicating "The yolk broke during frying".

  2. Read through the FryCook.fry function to get a gist of what it does.

  3. Take a look at the cookWithPower function.

    • What is the difference between throwing an exception and returning a value?
    • Is this a pure function? If not, how could we make it pure?

Session 17 - warm up exercise

  1. Take a look at the cats API docs for ApplicativeError. In particular, look at the handleError and recover functions.
  2. The crack and cook functions capture errors in an IO: either function may fail. Consider how you can use the functions on ApplicativeError to perform the following tasks:
  • If the yolk is broken during cooking, return a scrambled egg instead
  • If the egg is rotten, crack another egg
  • If there are any errors, print "Sorry! Something wen't wrong."

Session 18 - warm up exercise

In this session, we'll take a look at error handling and scopes.

For reference, here is our current implementation of fry:

def fry(power: Ref[IO, Boolean], eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[CookedEgg] = {
  crack(eggBox).flatMap { egg =>
	  .recover { case YolkIsBroken => CookedEgg.Scrambled }
  }.handleErrorWith(_ => fry(power, eggBox))
  1. Consider the following implementation of fry, paying attention to the position of the recover function. Is the implementation correct?:
def fry(power: Ref[IO, Boolean], eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[CookedEgg] = {
  crack(eggBox).flatMap { egg =>
  }.recover { case YolkIsBroken => CookedEgg.Scrambled }
  .handleErrorWith(_ => fry(power, eggBox))
  1. What about the following implementation, paying attention to handleErrorWith?
def fry(power: Ref[IO, Boolean], eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[CookedEgg] = {
  crack(eggBox).flatMap { egg =>
	  .recover { case YolkIsBroken => CookedEgg.Scrambled }
	  .handleErrorWith(_ => fry(power, eggBox))
  1. What about the following implementation?
def fry(power: Ref[IO, Boolean], eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[CookedEgg] = {
  crack(eggBox).flatMap { egg =>
  .handleErrorWith(_ => fry(power, eggBox))
  .recover { case YolkIsBroken => CookedEgg.Scrambled }

Session 19 - warm up exercise

In this session, we'll experiment with the order in which we handle errors.

For reference, here is our current implementation of fry:

def fry(power: Ref[IO, Boolean], eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[CookedEgg] = {
  crack(eggBox).flatMap { egg =>
    cook(power)(egg) // Previous position of `recover` handler
  .recover { case YolkIsBroken => CookedEgg.Scrambled } // Current position
  .handleErrorWith(_ => fry(power, eggBox))

We saw that moving the recover handler did not change the behaviour.

  1. What about the following implementation? Are YolkIsBroken exceptions handled in the same way?
def fry(power: Ref[IO, Boolean], eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[CookedEgg] = {
  crack(eggBox).flatMap { egg =>
  .handleErrorWith(_ => fry(power, eggBox))
  .recover { case YolkIsBroken => CookedEgg.Scrambled }
  1. What about the following implementation, paying attention to the position of handleErrorWith? Are RottenEgg exceptions still handled in the same way?
def fry(power: Ref[IO, Boolean], eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[CookedEgg] = {
  crack(eggBox).flatMap { egg =>
	  .recover { case YolkIsBroken => CookedEgg.Scrambled }
	  .handleErrorWith(_ => fry(power, eggBox))

Session 22 - Warm up exercise

Take a look at the numbers project:

> project numbers
> compile
> test
  • Run the code with sbt run
  • Test the code with sbt test
  • You'll see some tests in NumbersTest that are failing. How can you use the handleError functions to implement the correct behaviour?

Session 23 - Warm up exercise

Take a look at the numbers.scala file.

  1. In the last session, we changed the signature of process from:

    def process(message: Message): Stream[IO, Unit]


    def process(message: Message): IO[Unit]

    We did this by "compiling" the stream into an IO using stream.compile.drain.

    How is the resulting IO different from the stream? - Will it ever time out, where the stream wouldn't? - Will it hold more data in memory than the stream?

  2. The signature for run is as follows:

    val run: Stream[IO, Unit]
    • What is the meaning of Unit in this signature?
    • Would this function signature be better as val run: IO[Unit]?

Session 25 - Warm up exercise

Take a look at the egg project:

> project egg
> compile

Run the code with sbt run.

  • What happens when the egg taken from the egg box is rotten?
  • Try and write a function with the following signature:
  def crackAndRetry(eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[RawEgg.FreshEgg] = ???

This function should call crack, but crack another egg if the egg is rotten.

Session 26 - Warm up exercise

In the previous session, we attempted to retry the following action:

def crack(eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[RawEgg.FreshEgg] = {
  eggBox.take.flatMap {
    case re @ RawEgg.RottenEgg => IO.raiseError(RottenEggError)
    case egg: RawEgg.FreshEgg => IO.pure(egg)

We did so as follows:

def crackAndRetry(eggBox: Queue[IO, RawEgg]): IO[RawEgg.FreshEgg] = {
  val policy = RetryPolicies.constantDelay[IO](2.seconds)

  def onFailure(failedValue: RawEgg, details: RetryDetails): IO[Unit] = {
    IO(println(s"Retrying on $failedValue: $details"))

  def isSuccessful(value: RawEgg): IO[Boolean] =
    value match {
      case RawEgg.FreshEgg(yolkIsFragile, isSmall) => IO.pure(true)
      case RawEgg.RottenEgg => IO.pure(false)

  val action: IO[RawEgg.FreshEgg] = crack(eggBox)
  • Run the app. Does the current solution retry on rotten eggs?
  • Will the action ever result in an IO[RawEgg.RottenEgg]?
  • Will the isSuccessful function ever result in an IO(false)?

Session 27 - Warm up exercise

In the past few sessions, we've examined error handling with IO. This time, we'll take a look at error handling with fs2.Stream.

The FrySeveralEggsApp in egg.scala is meant to repeatedly cracks and cooks eggs.

  • Run the app. Why does it raise an exception?
  • Can we recover from the error using Stream.handleErrorWith? If not, why?
  .handleErrorWith(err => ...)
  • What other functions on Stream enable us to handle this error?

Session 28 - Warm up exercise

This session will kick off the topic of resources.

Take a look at the reader project. This reads a file, cats.txt, prints the first line, then sleeps.

  1. Check that you can compile and run the app.
  2. The following command gets a list of open file descriptors and searches it for cats.txt:
    ps | grep App | cut -d' ' -f 1 | head -n 1 | xargs lsof -p | grep cats.txt
    Run the command while running the app. What does it tell you about

Session 29 - Warm up exercise

Take a look at the reader.scala file:

Which of these expressions constructs an IO that reads five lines from the cats.txt file?

// Option 1
range.traverse(_ => sourceResource.flatMap(s => printLine(s).toResource)).use_

// Option 2
range.traverse(_ => sourceResource.use(printLine)).void

// Option 3
sourceResource.use(s => range.traverse(_ => printLine(s))).void

// Option 4
sourceResource.flatMap(s => range.traverse(_ => printLine(s).toResource)).use_

For each expression, figure out how many times the source file is opened and closed.

Session 30: Warm up exercise

The following code in reader.scala reads five lines from the file:

val range: List[Int] = (0 until 5).toList
sourceResource.use(s => range.traverse(_ => printLine(s))).void

We can define a sourceStream as follows:

val sourceStream: Stream[IO, Source] = Stream.resource(sourceResource)
  1. How many elements can this stream contain?

  2. Combine this stream with the printLine function to print lines from the file such that the following code prints five lines:

    val printLineStream: Stream[IO, Unit] = ???

Session 31: Warm up exercise

Take a look at the ref project. The ref.scala file contains its main app.

The app defines a counter cats-effect Ref that should contain the number of cats printed.

  1. Run the app to print out a list of four cat names.
  2. Update the counter each time a cat is printed by using the updateCount pipe.

Session 32: Warm up exercise

Run the app. You should see at least 8 cat names printed:

sbt:ref> run
[info] running (fork) ref.CatNamesApp
[info] Mao
[info] Mao
[info] We're incrementing 0
[info] We're incrementing 0
[info] Maru
[info] Maru
[info] We're incrementing 1
[info] We're incrementing 2
[info] Popcorn
[info] Popcorn
[info] We're incrementing 3
[info] We're incrementing 3
[info] Mao
[info] Mao
[info] We're incrementing 4
[info] We're incrementing 4
[info] Maru
[info] Maru
[info] We're incrementing 5
[info] We're incrementing 5
[info] There are 6 cats.

Why did the counter increment 6 times?

Session 34: Warm up exercise

Take a look at the streamref.CatNamesApp in the ref package. This uses a counter to keep track of the number of times a cat name is printed.

  1. Do you need to use a ref to keep track of the count? Take a look at the functions in fs2 and see if you can do so using stream utilities instead.

  2. What happens if an error is raised in the stream? Use printCatOrError to raise an error when "Popcorn" is encountered.

Session 35: Warm up exercise

Take a look at the streamref.CatNamesApp in the ref package. This uses a ref to keep track of the State of a stream.

  1. Read through the code. How does requestCancellation cancel the stream?
  2. Run the app. Has the stream been cancelled?

Session 36: Warm up exercise

We'll look at some patterns for working with shared state in concurrent systems. Take a look at the stateRef in the streamref.CatNamesApp.

  1. What are the differences, in terms of concurrency challenges, between using a Ref or a database to store shared state?
  2. The update function is used in two places. Can you generalize the usage of it?


A few exercises on Cats Effect 3, IO and streams







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