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As the zellij code-base changed, a lot of places where a call to unwrap() previously made sense can now potentially cause errors which we'd like to handle. While we don't consider unwrap to be a bad thing in general, it hides the underlying error and leaves the user only with a stack trace to go on. Worse than this, it will crash the application without giving us a chance to potentially recover. This is particularly bad when the user is using long-running sessions to perform tasks.

Hence, we would like to eliminate unwrap() statements from the code where possible, and apply better error handling instead. This way, functions higher up in the call stack can react to errors from underlying functions and either try to recover, or give some meaningful error messages if recovery isn't possible.

Since the zellij codebase is pretty big and growing rapidly, this endeavor will continue to be pursued over time, as zellij develops. The idea is that modules or single files are converted bit by bit, preferably in small PRs that each target a specific module or file. If you are looking to contribute to zellij, this may be an ideal start for you! This way you get to know the codebase and get an idea which modules are used at which other places in the code.

If you have an interest in this, don't hesitate to get in touch with us and refer to the tracking issue to see what has already been done.

Error handling facilities

You get access to all the relevant functions and traits mentioned in the remainder of this document by including/adding this in the code you're working on:

use zellij_utils::errors::prelude::*;

Displaying panic messages

Panics are generally handled via the Panic error type and the handle_panic panic handler function. The fancy formatting is performed by the miette crate.

Propagating errors

We use the anyhow crate to propagate errors up the call stack. At the moment, zellij doesn't have custom error types, so we wrap whatever errors the underlying libraries give us, if any. anyhow serves the purpose of providing context about where (i.e. under which circumstances) an error happened.

A critical requirement for propagating errors is that all functions involved must return the Result type. This allows convenient error handling with the ? operator.

At some point you will likely stop propagating errors and decide what to do with the error. Generally you can:

  1. Try to recover from the error, or
  2. Report the error to the user and either
    1. Terminate program execution (See fatal), or
    2. Continue program execution (See non_fatal)

Handling errors

Ideally, when the program encounters an error it will try to recover as good as it can. This can mean falling back to some sane default if a specific value (e.g. an environment variable) cannot be found. Note that this isn't always applicable. If in doubt, don't hesitate to ask.

Recovery usually isn't an option if an operation has changed the internal state (i.e. the value or content of specific variables) of objects in the code. In this case, if an error is encountered, it is best to declare the program state corrupted and terminate the whole application. This can be done by unwraping on the Result type. Always try to propagate the error as good as you can and attach meaningful context before unwraping. This gives the user an idea what went wrong and can also help developers in quickly identifying which parts of the code to debug if necessary.

When you encounter such a fatal error and cannot propagate it further up (e.g. because the current function cannot be changed to return a Result, or because it is the "root" function of a program thread), use the fatal function to panic the application. It will attach some small context to the error and finally unwrap it. Using this function over the regular unwrap has the added benefit that other developers seeing this in the code know that someone has previously spent some thought about error handling at this location.

If you encounter a non-fatal error, use the non_fatal function to handle it. Instead of panicing the application, the error is written to the application log and execution continues. Please use this sparingly, as an error usually calls for actions to be taken rather than ignoring it.

Examples of applied error handling

You can have a look at the commit that introduced error handling to the zellij_server::screen module right here (look at the changes in zellij-server/src/ We'll use this to demonstrate a few things in the following text. You can find countless other examples in the tracking issue for error handling

Converting a function to return a Result type


  • Add use zellij_utils::errors::prelude::*; to the file
  • Make the function return Result<T>, with an appropriate T (Often ())
  • Append .context() to any Result you get with a sensible error description (see below)
  • Generate ad-hoc errors with anyhow!(<SOME MESSAGE>)

Here's an example of the Screen::render function as it looked before:

    pub fn render(&mut self) {
        // ...
        let serialized_output = output.serialize();

It performs a few actions (not shown here for brevity) and then sends an IPC message to the server. As you can see it calls unwrap() on the result from sending a message to the server. This means: If sending the message to the server fails, execution is terminated and the program crashes. Let's assume that crashing the application in this case is a reasonable course of action.

In total (as of writing this), the render() function is called 80 times from various places in the code of the Screen struct. Hence, if sending the message fails, we only see that the application crashed trying to send an IPC message to the server. We won't know which of the 80 different code paths lead to the execution of this function.

So what can we do? Instead of unwraping on the Result type here, we can pass it up to the calling functions. Each of the callers can then decide for themselves what to do: Continue regardless, propagate the error further up or terminate execution.

Here's what the function looked like after the change linked above:

    pub fn render(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        let err_context = || "failed to render screen".to_string();
        // ...

        let serialized_output = output.serialize();

We leverage the Context trait from anyhow to attach a context message to the error and make the function return a Result type instead. As you can see, the Result here contains a (), which is the empty type. It's primary purpose here is allowing us to propagate errors to callers of this function.

Hence, for example the resize_to_screen function changed from this:

    pub fn resize_to_screen(&mut self, new_screen_size: Size) {
        // ...

to this:

    pub fn resize_to_screen(&mut self, new_screen_size: Size) -> Result<()> {
        // ...
            .with_context(|| format!("failed to resize to screen size: {new_screen_size:#?}"))

Note how it returns a Result type now, too. This way we can pass the error up to callers of resize_to_screen and keep going like this until we decide it's time to do something about the error.

In general, any function calling unwrap or expect is a good candidate to be rewritten to return a Result type instead.

Attaching context

Anyhows Context trait gives us two methods to attach context to an error: context and with_context. You should use context if the message contains only a static text and with_context if you need additional formatting:

    fn move_clients_between_tabs(
        &mut self,
        source_tab_index: usize,
        destination_tab_index: usize,
        clients_to_move: Option<Vec<ClientId>>,
    ) -> Result<()> {
        // ...
        if let Some(client_mode_info_in_source_tab) = drained_clients {
            let destination_tab = self.get_indexed_tab_mut(destination_tab_index)
                .context("failed to get destination tab by index")
                .with_context(|| format!("failed to move clients from tab {source_tab_index} to tab {destination_tab_index}"))?;
            // ...

Feel free to move context string/closure to a variable to avoid copy-pasting:

    pub fn render(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        let err_context = "failed to render screen";
        // ...

        for tab_index in tabs_to_close {
            // ...
        // ...
    // ...
    pub fn close_tab(&mut self, client_id: ClientId) -> Result<()> {
        let err_context = || format!("failed to close tab for client {client_id:?}");

        let active_tab_index = *self

When there is only a single Result to be returned from your function, use context as shown above for resize_to_screen.

Choosing helpful context messages


  • Don't repeat what the error message in the Result says
  • Describe what you were doing, ideally include the current functions name

When attaching context to an error, usually you want to express what you were doing when the error occurred, i.e. in what context the error occurred. In the render method, we could have done something like this instead:

    pub fn render(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        // ...

        for tab_index in tabs_to_close {
            // ...
                .context("Failed to close tab at index: {tab_index}")?;
        // ...
            .context("Failed to send message to server")

Why do we add the message "failed to render screen" instead? Because that is what we were trying to do when we received the error from the underlying functions (close_tab_at_index and send_to_server in this case). Functions from libraries usually already return an error that describes what went wrong (Example: When we try to open a file that doesn't exist, the std library will give us a NotFound error), so we don't have to repeat that.

In case of doubt, look at the name of the function you're currently working in and write a context message somehow mentioning this.

Terminating execution


  • Terminate execution on errors by adding .fatal() to it
  • First try to pass the error as far up as you can or deem reasonable

We want to propagate errors as far up as we can. This way, every function along the way can at least attach a context message giving us an idea what chain of events lead to the error. Where do we terminate execution in Screen? If you study the code in, you'll notice all the components of zellij interact with the Screen instance by means of IPC messages. These messages are handled in the screen_thread_main function. Here's an excerpt:

    ScreenInstruction::Render => {
    ScreenInstruction::NewPane(pid, client_or_tab_index) => {
        // ...

    ScreenInstruction::OpenInPlaceEditor(pid, client_id) => {
        // ...


The code goes on like this for quite a while, so there are many places where an error may occur. In this case, since all the functions are called from this central location, we forego attaching a context message to every error. Instead, we propagate the errors to the caller of this function, which happens to be the function init_session in zellij-server/src/ We see that screen_thread_main is spawned to run in a separate thread. Hence, we cannot propagate the error further up and terminate execution at this point:

    // ...

Remember the call to fatal will log the error and afterwards panic the application (i.e. crash zellij). Since we made sure to attach context messages to the errors on their way up, we will see these messages in the resulting output!

Error handling for Option types


  • Attach a .context with a message saying why a None here is an error
  • Attach a regular context message like you would for a Result type, too!

Beyond what's described in "Choosing helpful context messages" above, Option types benefit from extra handling. That is because a Option containing a None where a value is expected doesn't carry an error message: It doesn't tell us why the None is bad (i.e. equivalent to an Error) in this case.

In situations where a call to unwrap() or similar on a Option type is to be converted for error handling, it is a good idea to attach an additional short context. An example from the zellij codebase is shown below:

    let destination_tab = self.get_indexed_tab_mut(destination_tab_index)
        .context("failed to get destination tab by index")
        .with_context(|| format!("failed to move clients from tab {source_tab_index} to tab {destination_tab_index}"))?;

Here the call to self.get_indexed_tab_mut(destination_tab_index) will return a Option. The surrounding code, however, doesn't know what to do with a None value, so it is considered an error.

Here you see that we attach two contexts:

        .context("failed to get destination tab by index")

Because the None type itself doesn't tell us what the "error" means, we attach a description manually. The second context:

        .with_context(|| format!("failed to move clients from tab {source_tab_index} to tab {destination_tab_index}"))?;

then describes what the surrounding function was trying to achieve (See descriptions above).

Logging errors


  • When there's a Result type around, use .non_fatal() on that instead of log::error!
  • When there's a Err type around, use Err::<(), _>(err).non_fatal()
  • Also attach context before logging!
  • For further examples, refer to PR #1881

You may encounter situations where you have an error and decide it's safe to ignore. Depending on the circumstances, this is a perfectly fine thing to do. However, oftentimes it proves to be useful to at least log the error, so in case things do go wrong we at least see the logged error message. Also, the logged message may hint towards an underlying problem which may require further action.

An obvious thing to do is something like the following:

log::error!("failed to find tab with index {tab_index}");

While an ad-hoc log message is better than silently ignoring the error, we can usually do better than that. That is because in large parts of the codebase we have a Result available in one form or another.

If the Result has been treated as suggested above and context messages have been attached to it, it already contains a lot of valuable information. This is lost when instead we log a custom error. Hence, the better solution is to log the Result type including all the context information.

This is easily achieved like so:

    .context("failed to create plugin asset directory")

Here, we try to create a directory, and if we fail to do this we simply log the error (with non_fatal()) and continue. It's important to note that the non_fatal() function always returns (): It cannot be used on any Result type whose Ok value is different from (). This is on purpose: If your Result carries a type, it is probably required for further calculations/actions. Hence, you mustn't ignore it.

Also note that, even though we log the error and continue, we still attach context information to it. Just like with fatal errors, the context information allows us to tell what we tried to do before we got the error and logged it.

This is a simple example, and oftentimes the Result you're trying to handle doesn't carry a (). Your code may look more like this:

if let Ok(active_tab) = self.get_active_tab(client_id) {
    let active_tab_pos = active_tab.position;
    let new_tab_pos = (active_tab_pos + 1) % self.tabs.len();
    return self.switch_active_tab(new_tab_pos, client_id);
} else {
    log::error!("Active tab not found for client_id: {:?}", client_id);

When we get an Ok, we do something with it. When we get an Err, we log a message. Here you'll notice that the usage of an if let statement hides the error from us: In the else branch, we have no means to access the error we got from get_active_tab() above. In such a situation, it is helpful to rewrite the if let to a match statement instead:

match self.get_active_tab(client_id) {
    Ok(active_tab) => {
        let active_tab_pos = active_tab.position;
        let new_tab_pos = (active_tab_pos + 1) % self.tabs.len();
        return self.switch_active_tab(new_tab_pos, client_id);
    Err(err) => Err::<(), _>(err).with_context(err_context).non_fatal(),

The interesting part here is what happens after the Err(err). Let's break it down:

  1. Err(err) =>: We're making the Err value that was inside the Result accessible in the variable err
  2. Err::<(), _>(err): We're wrapping the err back into a Result with the Err() function
  3. .with_context(err_context): We're attaching error context (the actual context isn't shown here)
  4. .non_fatal(): We're logging the error with non_fatal

Notice that in step 2 we must qualify the final Result type, which is the job of the ::<(), _> attached to Err. This is necessary because at this point Rust cannot determine on its own what the Ok value of the Result we create may be. This isn't relevant for our case, because we know the Result will never be an Ok variant, but Rust still requires this.

If you're getting errors about "type annotations needed" or "cannot infer type for type parameter T" in one of your calls to Err, this is most likely fixed by adding ::<(), _>.

Adding Concrete Errors, Handling Specific Errors


  • Add a new variant to zellij_utils::errors::ZellijError
  • Use anyhow::Error::downcast_ref::<ZellijError>() to recover underlying errors

Sometimes you'll find yourself in a situation where you want to react to very specific errors. For example, the "command panes" feature in zellij has a special handling for "command not found" errors. If all the anyhow::Errors are the same, how can we distinguish between underlying error types?

This is possible because while anyhow can unify a vast amount of errors into the anyhow::Error type, it also gives us the possibility to recover underlying error types. To do this, however, we must first know what error type to expect.

External libraries, such as other crates or even std will likely define their own error types. These error types have distinct error variants that one can distinguish and react upon. But what happens, for example, if we create the error we want to react to ourselves?

For this purpose, there is the ZellijError, which is contained in zellij_utils::errors. It is built with the thiserror crate and hence easily extensible. If you need a specific error type to act upon, just define a new variant in ZellijError. It is automatically available in any source file that has the use zellij_utils::errors::prelude::*; statement in it.

Once you have created your error instance, as soon as you wrap a context around it, it is turned into an anyhow::Error. This makes it compatible with all the other functions in the code that return anyhow::Result.

Recovering the error can look, for example, like this:

match pty
    .spawn_terminal(terminal_action, client_or_tab_index)
    .with_context(err_context)  // <-- Note how we attach a context, but can
                                //     still recover the error below!
    Ok(_) => {
        // ... Whatever
    Err(err) => match err.downcast_ref::<ZellijError>() {
        Some(ZellijError::CommandNotFound { terminal_id, .. }) => {
            // Do something now that this error occured.
            // We can even access the values stored inside it, "terminal_id" in
            // this case
        // You can check for other error variants here
        _ => {
            // Some other error, which we haven't checked for, occured here.
            // Now we can, for example, log it!
            Err::<(), _>(err).non_fatal(),