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Dependencies are managed with gvt.

To install gvt:

$ go get -u

gvt vendors all dependencies into the repo.

If you change the dependencies, you should update them as needed with gvt fetch, gvt update, gvt delete, etc.

Refer to the gvt documentation or gvt help for further instructions.

Building on Debian

sudo apt-get install libxi-dev
sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev
sudo apt-get install libxrandr-dev
sudo apt-get install libxcursor-dev
sudo apt-get install libxinerama-dev


Macros + Reflection Statically typed scheme

Define types

  • i32 (int 32)
  • u8 (uint 8)
  • []byte (byte array, all byte arrays are fixed length)

Define operators

  • i32_add
  • i32_sub
  • i32_mult
  • i32_div


  • (i32_add 3, 5)

A function

  • has tuple of inputs, tuple of outputs
  • i32_add has type (i32, i32) (i32); takes in two i32 and returns one i32
  • a function has a list of statements

A struct

  • a tuple of types
  • (i32, i32) is a tuple of two i32

(def_struct Tag, tag []byte uuid [16] byte )

A union

  • means "has to choose A or B"
  • enumerates possibilities
  • a choice of types

A function has an array of "statements" or "blocks" (an array of statements) or a control flow (if/then, for)

(def_func, NAME, (u32 a, u32 b), (u32), (u32_add a, b) )

Type types of operators

  • functions on (can modify object)
  • functions of (cannot modify object)
  • functions on and functions of, should be in different colors

The type of an object is a type

  • the type of an object is a struct, defining the type

(def_func_on ...) (def_func_of ...)

def_func_of cannot call functions def_func_on

  • can only read program, cannot modify

(def_var_m i32 x)

  • defines new entity x

(def_var_imutable i32 x)

  • defines new variable, which cannot be changed after creation

An "assert" is something that must be true

An "affordance" is something that CAN be done to an object

  • all affordances, must be enumerable
  • a user must be able to select each possible action, from a list

A "restriction" is something that CANNOT be done to an object

  • restrictions must be checked and the affordance list filtered
  • Some types of restrictions, can be applied to a program as an operation, to remove an affordance
  • an example, is that structs/functions are defined, then the affordance for modifying them is removed (allowing compilation or simplification to a static binary)

A "context" is current state

  • list of functions
  • list of structs
  • list of defined things
  • the context contains the current module, the stack, the current line and function
  • current function the program is on
  • current statement the program is on
  • list of variables in the current scope
  • list of functions in the current module
  • list of variables defined in a module


  • each type has a list of functions and operators on it
  • reflection on an object is a func_of the object meta_type
  • modifying or extending an object is a func_on the object meta_type

(is_def x)

  • returns if thing is defined

(is_type x, type)

  • determines of object is of type x

(type_of x)

  • returns type

A "choice" is a place where A or B (where program can choose A or B)

  • unions are for objects (structs)
  • choices are for code
  • a choice has a list of preconditions (things that must be true for choice to be made) and a list of statements (which can only be chosen if the preconditions are met)
  • a choice may have a signature (if it returns an object)
  • a choice could be modeled as a special type of function, that returns something
  • the choice operator, is a special function, that takes in the current context (state of program)

(def_func, NAME, (uint a, uint b), (uint), (choice, (true, (u32_add a, b)), (true, (u32_add b,a))) ) )


  • struct { text_tag []byte , uuid [16]byte}
  • all variables, functions, modules have 128 bit UIDS
  • a UUID has a text "text_tag", or keyboard/display name
  • The UUID is used to look up the object in a table


  • all code occurs in modules
  • a module has a name
  • a module contains functions and function definitions
  • a module contains structs and struct definitions

(as x y) (as x z)

  • another way of writing choice operator

  • see XL programming language

  • when conditions occurs, x can be choice Y or Z

  • as operator, defines choices, that are not bound to a context or object

  • the as operator, defines the conditions, when an affordance is available

  • The program itself is an object (a struct)

  • The program begins with a default object (the null object)

  • The program starts with a series of actions that can be applied to it (affordances)

  • The program is built up, by a series of operators applied to it (affordances)

Programs accept and emit only length prefixed messages

  • there is a function for checking if there is an incoming length prefixed message
  • there is a function for emitting a length prefixed message
  • there is a function for receiving the length prefixed message from the queue
  • there is a function for halting the program, until a length prefixed message is available

A program can spawn, isolated sub-programs that it can only communicate to over length prefixed messages

An "agent" is a program that can apply affordances

  • the agent program reads the curent affordances on objects and applies them
  • agents are often restricted to a subset of objects and a subset of affordances

A "behavior" is a set of criteria or goals or states, that the agent attempts to maintain


  • the fields and functions on a struct can be enumerated
  • the signature and body of a function can be enumerated
  • the list of structs, variables and objects in a given module can be enumerated
  • the list of modules, imported by a given module can be enumerated
  • the list of local scope variables, in a given function/context/stack frame can be enumerated
  • the types of each variable, can be enumerated

Reflection on dependecy graphs

Define a program object

  • then apply its operators on it, to construct the program

!!! Crash logs

  • overlay all crashes on the source code
  • find and trace crash logs

Interactions between classes/functions

  • graph all interactions


atomic types (int32, uin32, []byte) operatiosn on atomic types (uint32.add a b) structs functions modules type signatures

Atomic types

  • ints
  • byte arrays
  • "Type" objects


A function is a 1> name (text) 2> input tuple (name, type) pair list 3> output tuple (list of types/signatures returned) 4> an array of lines/statements

A struct is a 1> name 2> list of (name, type) pairs 3> later list of functions on the struct but ignore this for now

A module is 0> The name of the module (string) 1> A list of modules imported by the current module 2> A list of structs defined in the current module 3> A list of function defined in the current module 4> A list of variables at the global scope of the module



  • modules
  • structs
  • functions

Should all have unique ids, to be used as references

  • unique IDs can be 64 bit (effectively pointers to def)

A function is

struct Function { name []byte input []struct{[]byte name, type Type)} //name/type pair array output []struct{[]byte name, type Type} //optional name lines []Expressions }

A struct is

struct Struct { name []bytes fields []struct{[]byte name, type Type)} //name/type pair aray }

A module is

struct Module { name []bytes module_imports []*Modules module_functions []*function module_structs []*structs }

Each of these is written as S notation

(def_func Name (in...) (out...) (expression_array...) )

System Level Enumeration

System Level Enumerations

  • give me a list of nodes I controll

  • give me list of programs running on a node

  • give me a list of channels (communication channels) between nodes

  • deploy a process on a node

  • shutdown process on node

  • get CPU/ ram usage, etc

Language Level Enumeration

In a given line of source code

  • enumerate the variables (types, name) in the current scope

  • enumerate the variables (types, name) passed into the current function

  • enumerate the variables, modules, functions that can be called from the current line/scope

  • enumerate the variables in the local scope

  • enumerate the variables passed into a function

  • enumerate the variables at global, current module level

  • enumerate the current modules that are imported in the current module

  • enumerate the defined functions in the current module

  • enumerate the defined global variables in the current module

(var x uint32) adds a new variable to the local scope

A function that enumerates the list of atomic/base types A function that enumerates the list of defined types


  • A function that enumerates the list of atomic/base types

  • A function that enumerates the list of defined types

  • enumerate the fields of a type (struct)

  • enumerate the functions OF a type (functions that do not modify its state, function of an instance)

  • enumerate the functtions ON a type (functoins that change its state, functions ON a type instance)

  • enumerate state (name, type) pairs for struct type and the functions on the tpe

  • enumerate the dependencies on an object -- example: What external functions, objects, modules are used by a particular function -- what external functions, objects, modules are used by a line in a particular function


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  • Go 94.7%
  • Shell 5.3%