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Troubleshooting a running environment

AV edited this page Dec 14, 2017 · 1 revision

These are scenarios seen during active development with breaking code changes. While every effort has been made to deal with errors in an informative manner in a deployment, these hints will be helpful for supporting the system in the case of a failure.

  • github hook fails to hit lambda

    • serverless lambda uninstalled and reinstalled? check endpoint address is correct in github hook config.
  • event does not appear on pending sqs queue

    • check hook lambda cloudwatch logs
    • check github hook secret matches lambda env config
    • check .githubTaskManager.json exists in repo and is valid json
  • agent not receiving events

    • check cloudwatch pending queue logs
    • check cloudwatch agent logs to see if another agent picked up the events
    • check agent event group matches (although agent logs should show the event skip)
  • github pull request checks do not appear as pending

    • check cloudwatch logs to confirm event passed through hook lambda and queue to an agent
    • check that .githubTaskManager.json is well formed and has the expected task executor and context
  • github pull requests not updated from 'pending' to 'success' or 'error'

    • check for unhandled errors in cloudwatch agent logs
    • check pending dead letter queue in aws
    • if queue agents are not active, purge the queues from aws console
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