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Rework code for add!(::ConstraintHandler, ::Dirichlet) (#672)
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This patch cleans up the code for adding `Dirichlet` constraints to the
`ConstraintHandler` a bit after the DofHandler merge. In particular, it
deprecates the method
add!(::ConstraintHandler, ::FieldHandler, ::Dirichlet)
in favor of just
add!(::ConstraintHandler, ::Dirichlet)
which was added in #427. There is no need to be able to specify the
constrained set by both the set passed to `Dirichlet` and by the set
given to the `FieldHandler`. Looking at the tests modified in this
patch, it seems this was never the intention anyway. This patch also
removes the copy of the set in the `Dirichlet` constructor in favor of
explicit partitioning of the set over the `FieldHandler`s.
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fredrikekre committed Apr 4, 2023
1 parent 856dc28 commit 180e24d
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Showing 4 changed files with 59 additions and 79 deletions.
122 changes: 51 additions & 71 deletions src/Dofs/ConstraintHandler.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct Dirichlet # <: Constraint
function Dirichlet(field_name::Symbol, faces::Set, f::Function, components=nothing)
return Dirichlet(f, copy(faces), field_name, __to_components(components), Int[], Int[])
return Dirichlet(f, faces, field_name, __to_components(components), Int[], Int[])

# components=nothing is default and means that all components should be constrained
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,7 +272,8 @@ function add_prescribed_dof!(ch::ConstraintHandler, constrained_dof::Int, inhomo
return ch

function _add!(ch::ConstraintHandler, dbc::Dirichlet, bcfaces::Set{Index}, interpolation::Interpolation, field_dim::Int, offset::Int, bcvalue::BCValues, cellset::Set{Int}=Set{Int}(1:getncells(ch.dh.grid))) where {Index<:BoundaryIndex}
# Dirichlet on (face|edge|vertex)set
function _add!(ch::ConstraintHandler, dbc::Dirichlet, bcfaces::Set{Index}, interpolation::Interpolation, field_dim::Int, offset::Int, bcvalue::BCValues, _) where {Index<:BoundaryIndex}
local_face_dofs, local_face_dofs_offset =
_local_face_dofs_for_bc(interpolation, field_dim, dbc.components, offset, boundarydof_indices(eltype(bcfaces)))
copy!(dbc.local_face_dofs, local_face_dofs)
Expand All @@ -282,10 +283,6 @@ function _add!(ch::ConstraintHandler, dbc::Dirichlet, bcfaces::Set{Index}, inter
constrained_dofs = Int[]
cc = CellCache(ch.dh, UpdateFlags(; nodes=false, coords=false, dofs=true))
for (cellidx, faceidx) in bcfaces
if cellidx cellset
delete!(dbc.faces, Index(cellidx, faceidx))
continue # skip faces that are not part of the cellset
reinit!(cc, cellidx)
r = local_face_dofs_offset[faceidx]:(local_face_dofs_offset[faceidx+1]-1)
append!(constrained_dofs, cc.dofs[local_face_dofs[r]]) # TODO: for-loop over r and simply push! to ch.prescribed_dofs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,6 +315,7 @@ function _local_face_dofs_for_bc(interpolation, field_dim, components, offset, b
return local_face_dofs, local_face_dofs_offset

# Dirichlet on nodeset
function _add!(ch::ConstraintHandler, dbc::Dirichlet, bcnodes::Set{Int}, interpolation::Interpolation, field_dim::Int, offset::Int, bcvalue::BCValues, cellset::Set{Int}=Set{Int}(1:getncells(ch.dh.grid)))
if interpolation !== default_interpolation(typeof(ch.dh.grid.cells[first(cellset)]))
@warn("adding constraint to nodeset is not recommended for sub/super-parametric approximations.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,11 +444,11 @@ function _update!(inhomogeneities::Vector{Float64}, f::Function, boundary_entiti

# for nodes
function _update!(inhomogeneities::Vector{Float64}, f::Function, nodes::Set{Int}, field::Symbol, nodeidxs::Vector{Int}, globaldofs::Vector{Int},
function _update!(inhomogeneities::Vector{Float64}, f::Function, ::Set{Int}, field::Symbol, nodeidxs::Vector{Int}, globaldofs::Vector{Int},
components::Vector{Int}, dh::AbstractDofHandler, facevalues::BCValues,
dofmapping::Dict{Int,Int}, dofcoefficients::Vector{Union{Nothing,DofCoefficients{T}}}, time::Real) where T
counter = 1
for (idx, nodenumber) in enumerate(nodeidxs)
for nodenumber in nodeidxs
x = dh.grid.nodes[nodenumber].x
bc_value = f(x, time)
@assert length(bc_value) == length(components)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -818,81 +816,63 @@ end
Add a `Dirichlet` boundary condition to the `ConstraintHandler`.
function add!(ch::ConstraintHandler, dbc::Dirichlet)
# Duplicate the Dirichlet constraint for every FieldHandler
dbc_added = false
for fh in ch.dh.fieldhandlers
if !isnothing(_find_field(fh, dbc.field_name)) && _in_cellset(ch.dh.grid, fh.cellset, dbc.faces; all=false)
# Dofs in `dbc` not in `fh` will be removed, hence `dbc.faces` must be copied.
# Recreating the `dbc` will create a copy of `dbc.faces`.
# In this case, add! will warn, unless `warn_not_in_cellset=false`
dbc_ = Dirichlet(dbc.field_name, dbc.faces, dbc.f,
isempty(dbc.components) ? nothing : dbc.components)
# Check for empty already done when user created `dbc`
add!(ch, fh, dbc_, warn_not_in_cellset=false)
dbc_added = true
# Skip if the constrained field does not live on this sub domain
dbc.field_name in fh.field_names || continue
# Compute the intersection between dbc.set and the cellset of this
# FieldHandler and skip if the set is empty
filtered_set = filter_dbc_set(ch.dh.grid, fh.cellset, dbc.faces)
isempty(filtered_set) && continue
# Fetch information about the field on this FieldHandler
field_idx = find_field(fh, dbc.field_name)
interpolation = getfieldinterpolation(fh, field_idx)
field_dim = getfielddim(fh, field_idx)
# Set up components to prescribe (empty input means prescribe all components)
components = isempty(dbc.components) ? collect(Int, 1:field_dim) : dbc.components
if !all(c -> 0 < c <= field_dim, components)
error("components $(components) not within range of field :$(dbc.field_name) ($(field_dim) dimension(s))")
# Create BCValues for coordinate evalutation at dof-locations
EntityType = eltype(dbc.faces) # (Face|Edge|Vertex)Index
if EntityType <: Integer
# BCValues are just dummy for nodesets so set to FaceIndex
EntityType = FaceIndex
CT = getcelltype(ch.dh.grid, first(fh.cellset)) # Same celltype enforced in FieldHandler constructor
bcvalues = BCValues(interpolation, default_interpolation(CT), EntityType)
# Recreate the Dirichlet(...) struct with the filtered set and call internal add!
filtered_dbc = Dirichlet(dbc.field_name, filtered_set, dbc.f, components)
ch, filtered_dbc, filtered_dbc.faces, interpolation, field_dim,
field_offset(fh, dbc.field_name), bcvalues, fh.cellset,
dbc_added = true
dbc_added || error("No overlap between dbc::Dirichlet and fields in the ConstraintHandler's DofHandler")
return ch

function add!(ch::ConstraintHandler, fh::FieldHandler, dbc::Dirichlet; warn_not_in_cellset=true)
if warn_not_in_cellset && !(_in_cellset(ch.dh.grid, fh.cellset, dbc.faces; all=true))
@warn("You are trying to add a constraint a face/edge/node that is not in the cellset of the fieldhandler. This location will be skipped")

celltype = getcelltype(ch.dh.grid, first(fh.cellset)) #Assume same celltype of all cells in fh.cellset

# Extract stuff for the field
field_idx = find_field(fh, dbc.field_name)
interpolation = getfieldinterpolation(fh, field_idx)
field_dim = getfielddim(fh, field_idx)

if !all(c -> 0 < c <= field_dim, dbc.components)
error("components $(dbc.components) not within range of field :$(dbc.field_name) ($(field_dim) dimension(s))")

# Empty components means constrain them all
isempty(dbc.components) && append!(dbc.components, 1:field_dim)

if eltype(dbc.faces)==Int #Special case when dbc.faces is a nodeset
bcvalue = BCValues(interpolation, default_interpolation(celltype), FaceIndex) #Not used by node bcs, but still have to pass it as an argument
bcvalue = BCValues(interpolation, default_interpolation(celltype), eltype(dbc.faces))

Ferrite._add!(ch, dbc, dbc.faces, interpolation, field_dim, field_offset(fh, dbc.field_name), bcvalue, fh.cellset)
return ch

# If all==true, return true only if all items in faceset/nodeset are in the cellset
# If all==false, return true if some items in faceset/nodeset are in the cellset
function _in_cellset(::AbstractGrid, cellset::Set{Int}, faceset::Set{<:BoundaryIndex}; all=true)
for (cellid,faceid) in faceset
if cellid in cellset
all || return true
all && return false
# Return the intersection of the FieldHandler set and the Dirichlet BC set
function filter_dbc_set(::AbstractGrid, fhset::AbstractSet{Int}, dbcset::AbstractSet{<:BoundaryIndex})
ret = empty(dbcset)::typeof(dbcset)
for x in dbcset
cellid, _ = x
cellid in fhset && push!(ret, x)
return all # if not returned by now and all==false, then no `cellid`s where in cellset
return ret

function _in_cellset(grid::AbstractGrid, cellset::Set{Int}, nodeset::Set{Int}; all=true)
nodes = Set{Int}()
for cellid in cellset
for nodeid in grid.cells[cellid].nodes
nodeid nodes || push!(nodes, nodeid)
function filter_dbc_set(grid::AbstractGrid, fhset::AbstractSet{Int}, dbcset::AbstractSet{Int})
ret = empty(dbcset)
nodes_in_fhset = Set{Int}()
for cc in CellIterator(grid, fhset, UpdateFlags(; nodes=true, coords=false))
union!(nodes_in_fhset, cc.nodes)

for nodeid in nodeset
if nodeid nodes
all || return true
all && return false
for nodeid in dbcset
nodeid in nodes_in_fhset && push!(ret, nodeid)
return all # if not returned by now and all==false, then no `cellid`s where in cellset
return ret

struct PeriodicFacePair
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/deprecations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ import Base: push!
@deprecate faces(ip::Interpolation) facedof_indices(ip) false
@deprecate edges(ip::Interpolation) edgedof_indices(ip) false
@deprecate nfields(dh::AbstractDofHandler) length(getfieldnames(dh)) false

@deprecate add!(ch::ConstraintHandler, fh::FieldHandler, dbc::Dirichlet) add!(ch, dbc)
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions test/test_constraints.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,9 +111,8 @@ end

ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[1], Dirichlet(:u, getnodeset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->1.0, 1))
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[2], Dirichlet(:u, getnodeset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->1.0, 1))
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[1], Dirichlet(:c, getnodeset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->2.0, 1))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getnodeset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->1.0, 1))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:c, getnodeset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->2.0, 1))

Expand All @@ -136,9 +135,8 @@ end

ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[1], Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->1.0, 1))
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[2], Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->1.0, 1))
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[2], Dirichlet(:c, getfaceset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->2.0, 1))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfaceset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->1.0, 1))
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:c, getfaceset(mesh, "bottom"), (x,t)->2.0, 1))

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/test_mixeddofhandler.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -307,8 +307,8 @@ function test_2_element_heat_eq()
∂Ω2 = getfaceset(grid, "right")
dbc1 = Dirichlet(:u, ∂Ω1, (x, t) -> 0)
dbc2 = Dirichlet(:u, ∂Ω2, (x, t) -> 0)
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[1], dbc1);
add!(ch, dh.fieldhandlers[2], dbc2);
add!(ch, dbc1);
add!(ch, dbc2);

function doassemble(cellset, cellvalues, assembler, dh)
Expand Down

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