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Roles explained

Jon P Smith edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 7 revisions

An AuthP's Role represent a set of features on your application that a user (human or machine) can access. Roles are normally named after the user's job, say "Sales Person", "Sales Manager", and so on. These Roles manage what pages/WebAPIs a logged in user can access.

ASP.NET Roles - good, but some implementation limitations

The idea of using Roles started in ASP.NET MVC and is in ASP.NET Core. In ASP.NET Roles are hard-coded into your application via the [Authorize(Roles = "Sales Person,Sales Manager")]. The downsides of the ASP.NET Roles approach are:

  • If you want to change what a Role can access you need to edit your application and redeploy it.
  • In larger applications the authorize attributes get pretty long (e.g. [Authorize(Roles = “Staff, SalesManager , DevManage, Admin, SuperAdmin”)]) and hard to manage.

AuthP's Roles - improving the implementation of the Roles concept

The AuthP's library keeps the Roles concept for users, but provides a lower-level concept called Permissions that manage what pages/WebAPIs can be accessed. The mapping from a user to Permissions is held in a database so that you can use AuthP's admin features:

  • Change what Permissions (i.e. what pages/WebAPI can be accessed) are in a AuthP's Role.
  • Change want AuthP's Roles a user has.

The end result is you have a cleaner implementation of the Roles concept, and a more manageable pages/WebAPI scheme.

Different types of Roles for multi-tenant applications

If you are using AuthP's multi-tenant features, then there are different Role types. Here is a list of the types and what they do:


  • app-users means users not linked to a tenant
  • tenant-users means users linked to a tenant.
  • Assignable means the Role can be added to user type
  • Visible means the admin user can see it but it not suitable for app-users
Role Type app-users tenant-users Description
Normal Assignable Assignable Normal Roles used by anyone
HiddenFromTenant Assignable NOT visible Role contains advanced permissions and aren't seen / assignable to tenant users
TenantAutoAdd Visible Assigned always Role can be linked to Tenants, and every user in the tenant will automatically gain that Role
TenantAdminAdd Visible Assignable Role can be linked to Tenants, and can be added to a tenant user by an admin user

A Role's RoleType is manually set, but if the permissions in a Role contain any advanced permissions the RoleType will be forced to HiddenFromTenant.

The Roles with the RoleType of TenantAutoAdd and TenantAdminAdd are referred to a tenant roles, because they are only used in multi-tenant application. These tenant roles are linked to AuthP's Tenant class via a many-to-many relationship.

Why would I use these different Roles?

The different types of Roles allows you to use two features in an multi-tenant application:

  • Because the Roles containing advanced permissions (that is permissions that control features that only your admin staff should be allowed to use) are hidden from tenant users, you can allow a tenant admin to manage what their tenant users are allowed to access.
  • The Roles with a RoleType ofTenantAutoAdd and TenantAdminAdd can allow you to have extra Roles added to a tenant. This means you can offer different versions of your application, e.g. Free, Pro, Enterprise, with different prices for each.

NOTE: See articles Part 2 and 3 in the "Building ASP.NET Core and EF Core multi-tenant apps" series, which explains the extra tenant user extra features such as inviting a user to join their tenant, and setting up a new tenant using versioning.

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