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Using Permissions

Jon P Smith edited this page Aug 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Within your application the permission claim is available for the current user via the ClaimsPrincipal, which is in the HTTP context under the property User - See this section for a diagram. This claim can be used in three ways to control access to features in your application.

1. Using HasPermission attribute

The [HasPermission] attribute works with best with:

Here is a example taken from Example2’s WeatherForecastController, which is Web API controller – see the first line.

public IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> Get()
    //… other code left out

2. Using HasPermission extension method

The other approach is to use the HasPermission extension method, which returns a true if the current user has the specific permission you are looking for. This is more versatile, but you have to write more code. This works best on:

  • Within Razor pages to control whether a feature should be displayed - see this example.
  • Inside Razor Page methods or Controller actions - see this Razor Page example
  • In Blazor front-end code, e.g., @context.User.HasPermission(Example.SalesRead) will return true if the current user has that permission.

Here is an example taken from AuthP’s Example1 Razor Pages application.

public class SalesReadModel : PageModel
    public IActionResult OnGet()
        if (!User.HasPermission(Example1Permissions.SalesRead))
            return Challenge();

        return Page();

3. Using the IUsersPermissionsService service

If you are using a front-end library such as React, Angular, Vue and so on, then your front-end needs to know what Permissions the current user has so that the front-end can display the links, buttons etc. that the current user has access to. If you need this you need to set up a WebAPI that will return the current user's permissions.

The IUsersPermissionsService service has a method called PermissionsFromUser which returns a list of the Permission names for the current user (or null if no one is logged in or the user is not registered as an AuthUser). The code below comes from Example2's AuthenticateController.

/// <summary>
/// This returns the permission names for the current user (or null if not available)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="service"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public ActionResult<List<string>> GetUsersPermissions([FromServices] IUsersPermissionsService service)
    return service.PermissionsFromUser(User);

NOTE: You only need to read this one login if using Cookie Authentication, and after login and refresh of a JWT Token. Thats because the user's permissions are recalculated at these points.

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