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Stepland edited this page Mar 28, 2019 · 5 revisions



Sorry guys you are going to have to compile it yourself. Needs gcc 8+ and SFML 2.5.1


Just grab the latest binary here and run FEIS.exe

Mac ?

Technically the code is cross-platform but I have not yet tested compiling nor running F.E.I.S on Mac



When you open F.E.I.S you will be prompted with the empty screen :

The grey empty F.E.I.S screen

Start by creating a new .memon file with File > New

File > New

Your OS's new file dialog should pop up and ask for a new file, I recommend following a stepmania-like song structure

Songs Folder/
├─ Other Song/
└─ Song/
   ├─ song.memon
   ├─ song.ogg
   └─ song.png

(I recommend using the .memon extension but it's not mandatory)

Once this is done you should end up with something looking like this :

Empty memon file

Let's first enter the file metadata by going to File > Properties, the Properties window pops up :

Empty Properties

Fill in the info, the music and image fields will light up in either green or red depending on whether F.E.I.S managed to open the associated files or not


F.E.I.S most notably does not support .mp3 , use .ogg .wav or .flac

.jpg and .png should be fine

Filled in Properties

Once this is done you can save you file with either the menu item or the usual Ctrl+S

Making a chart

Even though the playfield get displayed, our .memon file is still empty for now, so let's create a chart ! I like having the Chart List opened to see what's happening

Chart > Chart List

You can then go Chart > New Chart to get this :

New Chart dialog box

Select a Difficulty name and a Level then press the button


The difficulty name can be any string FEIS can handle, it just has to be unique among the charts stored in the same .memon file

The level is just some integer value, can even be negative who cares really

Leave the resolution at 240 unless you now what you are doing

The newly created chart is now selected as you can see in the Playback Status bar at the bottom, the chart Difficulty Name and Level are displayed instead of No chart selected :

Newly created chart

You can now add notes ! Just click on the squares ...

New Note

Here I've opened the Linear View (View > Linear View) to get a better sense of what I'm doing

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