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palimpsest — Fast serializable C++ dictionaries

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palimpsest implements a Dictionary type for C++ meant for fast value updates and serialization. It is called palimpsest because dictionaries are designed for frequent rewritings (values change fast) on the same support (keys change slow).


Let's fill a dictionary and print it to the standard output:

#include <iostream>

#include <palimpsest/Dictionary.h>

using palimpsest::Dictionary;

int main() {
  Dictionary world;
  world("name") = "example";
  world("temperature") = 28.0;

  auto& bodies = world("bodies");
  bodies("plane")("orientation") = Eigen::Quaterniond{0.9239, 0.3827, 0., 0.};
  bodies("plane")("position") = Eigen::Vector3d{0.0, 0.0, 100.0};
  bodies("truck")("orientation") = Eigen::Quaterniond::Identity();
  bodies("truck")("position") = Eigen::Vector3d{42.0, 0.0, 0.0};

  std::cout << world << std::endl;
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

This code outputs:

{"bodies": {"truck": {"position": [42, 0.5, 0], "orientation": [1, 0, 0, 0]},
"plane": {"position": [0.1, 0, 100], "orientation": [0.9239, 0.3827, 0, 0]}},
"temperature": 28, "name": "example"}

We can serialize the dictionary to file:


And deserialize it likewise:

Dictionary world_bis;"world.mpack");
std::cout << world_bis << std::endl;

Dictionaries can also be serialized to bytes for transmission over TCP, memory-mapped files, telegraph lines, etc.

Link with Python dictionaries

palimpsest will feel familiar if you are used to Python dictionaries, as its API is a subset of Python's dict:

Python dict In palimpsest?
clear ✔️
copy ✖️
fromkeys ✖️
get ✔️
items ✖️
keys ✔️
pop ✖️
popitem ✖️
setdefault ✖️
update ✔️
values ✔️

Implementing one of the functions marked with a ✖️ is a great way to contribute to this project.

Code in the examples/ directory shows how to save and load dictionaries to and from C++ and Python.

Features and non-features

All design decisions have their pros and cons. Take a look at the features and non-features below to decide if it is also a fit for your use case.

The two main assumptions in palimpsest dictionaries are that:

  • Keys are strings.
  • Values hold either a sub-dictionary or a type that can be unambiguously serialized.


  • Prioritizes speed over user-friendliness
  • Returns references to any stored value or sub-dictionaries
  • Built for fast inter-process communication with Python
  • Built-in support for Eigen
  • Serialize to and deserialize from MessagePack
  • Print dictionaries to standard output as JSON
  • Extensible to custom types, as long as they deserialize unambiguously


  • Prioritizes speed over user-friendliness
  • Array values are mostly limited to Eigen tensors (matrix, quaternion, vector)
  • Copy constructors are disabled
  • Custom types need to deserialize unambiguously
  • Shallow and deep copies are not implemented (PRs welcome)

Check out the existing alternatives if any of these choices is a no-go for you.



Add the following to your WORKSPACE file:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "palimpsest",
    sha256 = "f3f7c004197ce808f44a3698928d48a317f9b6f11b29397d0b8c0c6f2a7d0c1c",
    strip_prefix = "palimpsest-1.1.0",
    url = "",

load("@palimpsest//tools/workspace:default.bzl", add_palimpsest_repositories = "add_default_repositories")

# This adds dependencies such as @fmt and @mpack for building palimpsest targets

You can then use the @palimpsest dependency in your C++ targets.


Make sure Eigen, fmt and spdlog are installed system-wise, for instance on Debian-based distributions:

sudo apt install libeigen3-dev libfmt-dev libspdlog-dev

Then follow the standard CMake procedure:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j4
make install

Note that by default MPack will be built and installed from the third_party folder. Set -DBUILD_MPACK=OFF if you already have MPack 1.1 or later installed on your system.


Serialization to bytes

Dictionaries can be serialized (palimpsest::Dictionary::serialize) to vectors of bytes:

Dictionary world;
std::vector<char> buffer;
size_t size = world.serialize(buffer);

The function resizes the buffer automatically if needed, and returns the number of bytes of the serialized message.

Deserialization from bytes

Dictionaries can be updated (palimpsest::Dictionary::update) from byte vectors:

Dictionary foo;
foo("bar") = 1;
foo("foo") = 2;

Dictionary bar;
bar("bar") = 3;
std::vector<char> buffer;
size_t size = bar.serialize(buffer);

foo.update(, size);  // OK, now foo("bar") == 3

Keys in the update stream that are not already in the dictionary are ignored:

bar("new") = 4;
size_t size = bar.serialize(buffer);
foo.update(, size);  // no effect

Updates therefore behave complementarily to extensions: updating {"a": 12} with {"a": 42, "b": 1} results in {"a": 42} rather than {"a": 12, "b": 1}.

Adding custom types

Adding a new custom type boils down to the following steps:

  • Add implicit type conversions to Dictionary.h
  • Add a read function specialization to mpack/read.h
  • Add a write function specialization to mpack/Writer.h
  • Add a write function specialization to mpack/write.h
  • Add a write function specialization to json/write.h

Take a look at the existing types in these files and in unit tests for inspiration.

Q and A

Why isn't palimpsest also distributed as a header-only library?

The main blocker is that we set a custom flush function mpack_std_vector_writer_flush to our internal MPack writers. The MPack Write API requires a function pointer for that, and we define that function in Writer.cpp. Open a PR if you have ideas to go around that!


  • mc_rtc::Configuration - similar API to palimpsest, based on RapidJSON (see below).
  • mc_rtc::DataStore - can hold more general value types, like lambda functions, but does not serialize.
  • mjlib::telemetry - if your use case is more specifically telemetry in robotics or embedded systems.
  • JSON for Modern C++ - most user-friendly library of this list, serializes to MessagePack and other binary formats, but not designed for speed.
  • Protocol Buffers - good fit if you have a fixed schema (keys don't change at all) that you want to serialize to and from.
  • RapidJSON - low memory footprint, can serialize to MessagePack using other related projects, but has linear lookup complexity as it stores dictionaries as lists of key-value pairs.
  • simdjson - uses SIMD instructions and microparallel algorithms to parse JSON (reportedly 4x faster than RapidJSON and 25x faster than JSON for Modern C++).