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Register ArcGIS for Server with the Geoportal

mhogeweg edited this page Dec 26, 2012 · 2 revisions

Optionally, you can register ArcGIS for Server and its associated services with your geoportal. This enables users to discover the services hosted on that server through the geoportal search interface. The server can be your own or one that is publicly available.

Note: ArcGIS for Server is nor required to set up or manage Geoportal Server. Esri Geoportal Server supports a wide range of geospatial services, including Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC), services (WMS, WCS, WFS, etc.); GeoRSS; ArcGIS services; Open Archive Initiative (OAI) services; THREDDS Data Servers; and even web-accessible folders.

Log in to your geoportal. Click the Administration tab and click Add. Make sure Register resource on the network is selected and click Proceed.

Select Protocol Type: ArcGIS.

For the REST URL, type

For the SOAP URL, type

For the title, type Services from ArcGIS Online. Click test to verify the connection. A green banner with Connection successfully verified should appear.

Scroll down, keeping all other defaults, and click Save. A green banner with Resource data saved successfully should appear.

Click Manage at the top of the Administration tab. Services from ArcGIS Online should be listed. Notice that the fifth icon, Synchronize Content, has been dimmed.

Click the box to the left of the record. Above the records list, in the For selected records, choose Set as Approved and click Execute Action. The page should reload and a green banner should display the message 1 record(s) was updated.

The fifth icon, Synchronize Content, should now be in color. Click it. A dialog box entitled The page at localhost:8080 says... opens. Click OK. A green banner that indicates one resource has been qualified for synchronization should appear. Wait a few moments while the geoportal synchronizes services from the registered server.

Click the last icon, Show documents acquired from this repository. the returned documents are metadata records created for services hosted on the registered server and are now discoverable through your geoportal.

How to Set Up an Esri Geoportal Server on Linux | Perform Preinstallation Computer Setup | Set Up Systemwide Environment Variables | Install PostgreSQL 9.1.2 | Install Apache Tomcat 6 | Install Esri Geoportal Server | Configure geoportal User and Schema in the PostgreSQL Database | Deploy the Geoportal Web Application | Configure the gpt.xml File | Install the JDBC .jar Files | Log In to the Geoportal | Register ArcGIS for Server with the Geoportal
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